Hi B,
Please read my post no. 174 because it'll explain why I like to make sure the other member (previously YOU) understands that what they are saying IS reformed theology. We have reconciled in private but I do believe it's important to also say this on an open board.
If a person is stating calvinist doctrine and then saying they are not clavinist,,,then there is a problem and that person should come to understand exactly what their theological belief is. If they do not know...they should find out. I believe I stated this to you back when. This is certainly not meant as an insult,,,I think it's just a good idea to know what one believes to be true.
I don't have a problem with theological conversations...I think they're most important and interesting.
If a person is questioning a statement,,,it means they are beyond curiosity and actually understand the reformed faith but do not agree with it.
The reason this is important to some can vary...I can only tell you why it is important to ME....because it turns persons away from God...it makes people feel that they cannot go to God but must wait and see if God chooses them...some cannot be sure of their salvation and reformed theology has no reply for them...I once hard John Piper answer a rather distraught person's question and it was very disturbing to hear his answer to her. It was NOT the answer Christ would have given or Paul or any of the other N.T. writer's. It was totally missing in hope or fact.
You can tell me something you believe is not reformed....but if that is what the reformed faith teaches,,,who should I believe? I know different churches teach differently somewhat...but I always reply to the statement of the other member...I can't know what their church is teaching...but we all know what Luther and Calvin taught.
Two different plains is putting it mildly.
How about two different Gods?
As for myself,,,I enjoy speaking to persons that remain calm and can discuss topics...the moment they become upset I pull away.
A topic should be discussed maturely and calmly,,,,we're not here to shout at each other.
Again, we each know what the other believes...the desire to understand should be to understand how verses could be understood so differently...this is why I post scripture as much as possible.
It's not impossible.
The N.T. is a whole book..it's a whole idea.
It's an entire teaching and thought put together by some that knew Christ and some that knew who they knew.
Some scripture is twisted.
What does THE WHOLE WORLD mean to you?
What does BELIEVE AND YOU WILL BE SAVED mean to you?
or does it simply say BELIEVE..........AND YOU WILL BE SAVED.
like, for instance: (believe is a verb in this case)
This clearly means that IF YOU GO TO THE FRIDGE,,,you WILL GET SOME FOOD. The fridge is not coming to you.
(caps for convenience)
It's not that we don't understand each other...it's that we don't agree. If you make a reformed statement and then get called on it...just simply say you'd rather not discuss your beliefs. And continue with the conversation.
But I can tell you right now...It WILL come up because the divide is too great between the two theologies.
Love in Christ