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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."



How are you actually born again?
What literally happens. ?

I thought i would share this faith fundamental with you because its very possible you can be in Church for 50 yrs and no one there can explain it to you.

So lets look at what it means to be : BORN it happens.. and what it does for you.
Now, the NT tells you.... that if you as a man have sexual relations with any woman, you both....become : "ONE Flesh".
This is a consummation.
Its a Joining of Flesh to Flesh that creates a "one", in God's SPIRITUAL and LITERAL perspective.
So, if you are getting married, and you are a male virgin and your to be wife is a virgin, or if neither of your are... then, at some point you are going to join to each other's body, and become ONE Flesh, in God's perspective. This is the act of sexual intimacy.
Its the consummation of the Marriage VOW.
The idea of a "honeymoon", is similar to the Traditional Jewish custom of going directly to a private place following the marriage ceremony, and committing sexual intimacy = "consummation of joining flesh to flesh", which is the fulfilling of one very important part of the marriage vow.
>Very important<, as this should be WHEN you become "ONE" with your mate.
Some, became "one" with each other prior to the wedding ceremony.

Now, God says that a man shall leave his parents and """CLEAVE (KJV) to His wife.."""
To "cleave" is to become "ONE".... and this is sexual intimacy.
Now, what is the reason that God gave Sex to humans to perform?
God gave sex , first and foremost, to "replenish the Species".
Reader....The main purpose of sex, is not physical satisfaction//gratification, but its to keep the species from becoming extinct.
This is why the sex drive is so incredibly strong.

So, when a man and a woman join their bodies within sexual intimacy, they are become "one flesh".
That is how God sees it..
And from this Sexual Joining, if all goes as it should, a birth will be produced....eventually.
So....What you have is 2 that have become one, according to God, and from this union you should eventually see a end result= and that result is a birth.

Now lets apply all that, to the spiritual realm, so that we can easily understand what it means to be : "born again".

its like this,....
A person hears the Gospel under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and "faith comes by hearing", and they believes on Jesus.
God instantly sees this faith in your heart and accepts it to Justify you by faith, and God instantly gives you "the gift of Righteousness"...and you are instantly "made Righteous".
That is the blood atonement being applied to your SPIRIT, which is the real you, as your body is just the house.
And what happens then, as God has now made you righteous so that He can now do what comes next.. which is join you to Himself, Spiritually.
See, God had to make you as righteous as He is, with the blood of JESUS, before He could join you to Himself, spiritually.
See that?
God can't join you to Himself is you are still a SINNER, unforgiven, unredeemed.
You have to be "made righteous", and become "the righteousness of God in Christ", before God can join your Spirit to Himself, Spiritually.
See that?
= God then joins you to Himself, spiritually, and you eternally become "ONE with GOD in Christ".
Now see that "One" ???? = that is The ETERNAL Spiritual UNION. = God has spiritually joined you to Himself,... as you are now the "bride".. The Bride of Christ.
This means you are now "IN CHRIST"....and CHRIST is God.
That is the Spiritual realm... exact same thing as you find in the natural realm when a man and a woman become "ONE Flesh".
IN both cases its a UNION of "ONENESS"...."one" in the natural realm, and "one" in the Spiritual realm.

Within the Spiritual Realm, as God is A Spirit, ... You JOIN His Spirit, and become "One with God IN Christ"...
= Spiritually.
See that ???
Isn't that beyond beautiful and wonderful?
It is in fact, amazing GRACE.

This JOINING ...this Spiritual union that God creates between you and Himsef happens to you instantly, as soon as God justifies you according to the FAITH in Christ He SEES in your heart. And what happens next,.. also instantly... is the Spiritual FRUIT result of God joining you to His Spirit = a New Birth happens...inside YOU.
You are born again.. into the Spirit of God by the Holy Spirit of a "NEW CREATION"..."in Christ"

Saint....This is God's Spirit that has joined you to Himself, and this creates IN you, a Spiritual Birth,..and that Saint.... is to be = born again.
God's Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit causes you to be birthed Spiritually, as "a new creation in Christ". (Born again)(made Righteous).
That is how you are born again, and that is why you are born again, and that is why you REMAIN born again, always.

You the born again (not just water baptized) but the BORN AGAIN, have become Spiritually joined to Eternal God's SPIRIT, and the spiritual fruit that is created is birthed as your born again Spirit.... as your "new creation" "in Christ".

Jesus said....>"you MUST be born again".

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Jesus said two things are required to be born again.

---> What are they?

---> What do Christians call this?
Jesus said two things are required to be born again.

---> What are they?

---> What do Christians call this?

Jesus is God, and God said this......

"""""""""the work of God, (for you to do to be saved) is to believe on Jesus whom God sent".

Jesus said this....>"you MUST be born again".

Jesus said this..>"if you do not believe in me, you will die in your sins".

John said that if you die a Christ rejector, you will hit the Grt White Throne Judgment, and your name will not be found in the Lamb's book of life, and you will be sent to the lake of fire .

God said this.......> John 3:36

Paul said in Romans 10.......All that believe (call on the name of Jesus) shall be saved.

To as many as believe on Jesus, .. God gives to them, the power to become the Sons of God.

The preaching of The Cross is the power of God unto Salvation

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to God's mercy He saved us """""""
Jesus is God, and God said this......

"""""""""the work of God, (for you to do to be saved) is to believe on Jesus whom God sent".

Jesus said this....>"you MUST be born again".

Jesus said this..>"if you do not believe in me, you will die in your sins".

God said this.......> John 3:36

All that believe (call on the name of Jesus) shall be saved.

To as many as believe on Jesus, .. God gives to them, the power to become the Sons of God.

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to God's mercy he saved us """""""
Yes, He said those things, but when He said you must be born again, He was very specific about two things which are required to be born again.

---> What are those two things?

---> What do Christians call this?

You pose the question in your OP but then do not even address the answer Jesus gave. I'm trying to get you to post His answer.
Yes, He said those things, but when He said you must be born again, He was very specific about two things which are required to be born again.

---> What are those two things?

---> What do Christians call this?

Repent from Unbelief and Believe on the Lord for the gift of Salvation.

Salvation is the finished work of Christ on the Cross, and it was completed 2000 yrs ago.
Jesus said just before dying on the Cross...."it is finished/accomplished"

2000 yrs later, this same blood and death of God on the Cross is being offered as "if I be lifted up, i will draw all men to me"...which is "the preaching of the Cross" that defines "the gift of Salvation".

All who hear this Gospel, and "faith comes by hearing" that is the work of the Holy Spirit, turn from their unbelief, (repent), and receive Christ as Savior.
This FAITH is accepted by God as "faith is counted AS righteousness" which is the doctrine of "Justification BY faith, without works" that Paul teaches.
Paul defines this as "my Gospel".
Repent from Unbelief and Believe on the Lord for the gift of Salvation.

Salvation is the finished work of Christ on the Cross, and it was completed 2000 yrs ago.
Jesus said just before dying on the Cross...."it is finished/accomplished"

2000 yrs later, this same blood and death of God on the Cross is being offered as "if I be lifted up, i will draw all men to me"...which is "the preaching of the Cross.

All who hear this Gospel, and "faith comes by hearing" that is the work of the Holy Spirit, turn from their unbelief, (repent), and receive Christ as Savior.
You are dodging. You pose the question in your OP but then do not even address the answer Jesus gave. I'm trying to get you to post His answer. This isn't rocket surgery.

Once again, Jesus said two things are required for a man to be born again.

---> What are those two things?

---> What do Christians call this?
You are dodging. You pose the question in your OP but then do not even address the answer Jesus gave. I'm trying to get you to post His answer. This isn't rocket surgery.
You're not capable of understanding rocket science, so, there is no need for me to post any of that to you.
no worries.

And you say im ""Dodging""?
I just explained Salvation to you in 2 detailed posts, as the new covenant as define by Paul's doctrine.

What you want is to post your definition of it, as "what 2".
So, go ahead.....Post your theology., and i'll take it from there.
You're not capable of understanding rocket science, so, there is no need for me to post any of that to you.
no worries.

And you say im ""Dodging""?
I just explained Salvation to you in 2 detailed posts, as the new covenant as define by Paul's doctrine.

What you want is to post your definition of it, as "what 2".
So, go ahead.....Post your theology., and i'll take it from there.
I am not sure why you are so hostile. Your OP asks how a man is born again. You then post an answer which does not even quote Jesus' own answer to the question. All I am doing is asking you to tell us what Jesus said is required for a man to be born again. He is quite explicit. And then St. John leaves no doubt when he describes the setting and what Jesus and the Apostles do immediately after Jesus answers the question. So again...

---> What are those two things?

---> What do Christians call this?
I am not sure why you are so hostile. Your OP asks how a man is born again.

You misread my "Op".
Go and notice there is no "??" question mark after the word "how" in the title.
And why?
Because im explaining it, not seeking to learn it.
So, i posted the question in the Thread, to then explain it, which is available.

And as i told you, when you are ready to post your "2" theological ideas, then go right ahead.
I'll take it from there.
You misread my "Op".
Go and notice there is no "??" question mark after the word "how" in the title
And why?
Because im explaining it, not seeking to learn it.
So, i posted the question in the Thread, to then explain it, which is available.

And as i told you, when you are ready to post your "2" theological ideas, then go right ahead.
I'll take it from there.
You might want to re-read your OP...

---> "How are you actually born again?" - You, opening your OP

Once again, how does Jesus answer that question to Nicodemus? He is quite specific.

How can you claim to be explaining it when you do not even provide Jesus' answer?
You might want to re-read your OP...

---> "How are you actually born again?" - You, opening your OP

Read the TITLE<

Listen, im here when you are ready to stop playing games.
But, im going to go right now and download some Ennio Morricone soundtracks and have a bite to eat.
I'll be back in a little while to see if you are ready to play the adult.
I feel that you are not quite ready, but, who knows, maybe you will surprise me.
Take your time.
I'll be back......

Read the TITLE<

Listen, im here when you are ready to stop playing games.
But, im going to go right now and download some Ennio Morricone soundtracks and have a bite to eat.
I'll be back in a little while to see if you are ready to play the adult.
I feel that you are not quite ready, but, who knows, maybe you will surprise me.
Take your time.
I'll be back......

You really are quite hostile. I am not sure why, but maybe Morricone's music (try his soundtrack to The Mission) will give you some peace, calm you down and you can come back and answer my questions posed to you. The ball is in your court...

How are you actually born again?
What literally happens. ?

I thought i would share this faith fundamental with you because its very possible you can be in Church for 50 yrs and no one there can explain it to you.

So lets look at what it means to be : BORN it happens.. and what it does for you.
Now, the NT tells you.... that if you as a man have sexual relations with any woman, you both....become : "ONE Flesh".
This is a consummation.
Its a Joining of Flesh to Flesh that creates a "one", in God's SPIRITUAL and LITERAL perspective.
So, if you are getting married, and you are a male virgin and your to be wife is a virgin, or if neither of your are... then, at some point you are going to join to each other's body, and become ONE Flesh, in God's perspective. This is the act of sexual intimacy.
Its the consummation of the Marriage VOW.
The idea of a "honeymoon", is similar to the Traditional Jewish custom of going directly to a private place following the marriage ceremony, and committing sexual intimacy = "consummation of joining flesh to flesh", which is the fulfilling of one very important part of the marriage vow.
>Very important<, as this should be WHEN you become "ONE" with your mate.
Some, became "one" with each other prior to the wedding ceremony.

Now, God says that a man shall leave his parents and """CLEAVE (KJV) to His wife.."""
To "cleave" is to become "ONE".... and this is sexual intimacy.
Now, what is the reason that God gave Sex to humans to perform?
God gave sex , first and foremost, to "replenish the Species".
Reader....The main purpose of sex, is not physical satisfaction//gratification, but its to keep the species from becoming extinct.
This is why the sex drive is so incredibly strong.

So, when a man and a woman join their bodies within sexual intimacy, they are become "one flesh".
That is how God sees it..
And from this Sexual Joining, if all goes as it should, a birth will be produced....eventually.
So....What you have is 2 that have become one, according to God, and from this union you should eventually see a end result= and that result is a birth.

Now lets apply all that, to the spiritual realm, so that we can easily understand what it means to be : "born again".

its like this,....
A person hears the Gospel under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and "faith comes by hearing", and they believes on Jesus.
God instantly sees this faith in your heart and accepts it to Justify you by faith, and God instantly gives you "the gift of Righteousness"...and you are instantly "made Righteous".
That is the blood atonement being applied to your SPIRIT, which is the real you, as your body is just the house.
And what happens then, as God has now made you righteous so that He can now do what comes next.. which is join you to Himself, Spiritually.
See, God had to make you as righteous as He is, with the blood of JESUS, before He could join you to Himself, spiritually.
See that?
God can't join you to Himself is you are still a SINNER, unforgiven, unredeemed.
You have to be "made righteous", and become "the righteousness of God in Christ", before God can join your Spirit to Himself, Spiritually.
See that?
= God then joins you to Himself, spiritually, and you eternally become "ONE with GOD in Christ".
Now see that "One" ???? = that is The ETERNAL Spiritual UNION. = God has spiritually joined you to Himself,... as you are now the "bride".. The Bride of Christ.
This means you are now "IN CHRIST"....and CHRIST is God.
That is the Spiritual realm... exact same thing as you find in the natural realm when a man and a woman become "ONE Flesh".
IN both cases its a UNION of "ONENESS"...."one" in the natural realm, and "one" in the Spiritual realm.

Within the Spiritual Realm, as God is A Spirit, ... You JOIN His Spirit, and become "One with God IN Christ"...
= Spiritually.
See that ???
Isn't that beyond beautiful and wonderful?
It is in fact, amazing GRACE.

This JOINING ...this Spiritual union that God creates between you and Himsef happens to you instantly, as soon as God justifies you according to the FAITH in Christ He SEES in your heart. And what happens next,.. also instantly... is the Spiritual FRUIT result of God joining you to His Spirit = a New Birth happens...inside YOU.
You are born again.. into the Spirit of God by the Holy Spirit of a "NEW CREATION"..."in Christ"

Saint....This is God's Spirit that has joined you to Himself, and this creates IN you, a Spiritual Birth,..and that Saint.... is to be = born again.
God's Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit causes you to be birthed Spiritually, as "a new creation in Christ". (Born again)(made Righteous).
That is how you are born again, and that is why you are born again, and that is why you REMAIN born again, always.

You the born again (not just water baptized) but the BORN AGAIN, have become Spiritually joined to Eternal God's SPIRIT, and the spiritual fruit that is created is birthed as your born again Spirit.... as your "new creation" "in Christ".

Jesus said....>"you MUST be born again".

When you were born again, what happened to the first you?
You really are quite hostile. I am not sure why, but maybe Morricone's music (try his soundtrack to The Mission) will give you some peace, calm you down and you can come back and answer my questions posed to you. The ball is in your court...

Im never hostile, but im always energetic and direct.
Try not to misinterpret.
Now, you are Catholic, so, it should be interesting to read what you will post as your idea of what is required, regarding salvation.
If you are not able to post, then feel free to read my Thread.
See you there.
When you were born again, what happened to the first you?

Good question, thx for asking.

Paul explains it, this way...

"""""and IF Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness""""

Notice that the requirement for being born again is...>"and IF Christ be in you".
See that part? Thats not water baptism or Sacraments, is it.....
But rather.... that is the literal joining of the born again Spirit into God's Spirit as "In Christ" and "Christ in you the hope of glory". (Glory is heaven).
What is the result..
Its this..>""the SPIRIT, (that is born again),= is LIFE because OF Righteousness.

Being "made righteous" by the blood of Jesus produces eternal life, as the "born again" "new creation", "in Christ.

This simply means that because God has redeemed the person from all their sin, then the person becomes, Spiritually, exactly like ADAM was, before He sinned.
Being born again Is a eternal restoration BACK to the original Spiritual condition of : "One with God" Spiritually that Adam had before he sinned.

The body, has not changed. And the "soul realm" which is the mind, will, and emotions, has not changed.
Its the SPIRIT, that is the real person, (the body is the house), that has been given a NEW BIRTH, by the Spirit of God, into the Spirit of God.
"Born again".

How are you actually born again?
What literally happens. ?

I thought i would share this faith fundamental with you because its very possible you can be in Church for 50 yrs and no one there can explain it to you.

So lets look at what it means to be : BORN it happens.. and what it does for you.
Now, the NT tells you.... that if you as a man have sexual relations with any woman, you both....become : "ONE Flesh".
This is a consummation.
Its a Joining of Flesh to Flesh that creates a "one", in God's SPIRITUAL and LITERAL perspective.
So, if you are getting married, and you are a male virgin and your to be wife is a virgin, or if neither of your are... then, at some point you are going to join to each other's body, and become ONE Flesh, in God's perspective. This is the act of sexual intimacy.
Its the consummation of the Marriage VOW.
The idea of a "honeymoon", is similar to the Traditional Jewish custom of going directly to a private place following the marriage ceremony, and committing sexual intimacy = "consummation of joining flesh to flesh", which is the fulfilling of one very important part of the marriage vow.
>Very important<, as this should be WHEN you become "ONE" with your mate.
Some, became "one" with each other prior to the wedding ceremony.

Now, God says that a man shall leave his parents and """CLEAVE (KJV) to His wife.."""
To "cleave" is to become "ONE".... and this is sexual intimacy.
Now, what is the reason that God gave Sex to humans to perform?
God gave sex , first and foremost, to "replenish the Species".
Reader....The main purpose of sex, is not physical satisfaction//gratification, but its to keep the species from becoming extinct.
This is why the sex drive is so incredibly strong.

So, when a man and a woman join their bodies within sexual intimacy, they are become "one flesh".
That is how God sees it..
And from this Sexual Joining, if all goes as it should, a birth will be produced....eventually.
So....What you have is 2 that have become one, according to God, and from this union you should eventually see a end result= and that result is a birth.

Now lets apply all that, to the spiritual realm, so that we can easily understand what it means to be : "born again".

its like this,....
A person hears the Gospel under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and "faith comes by hearing", and they believes on Jesus.
God instantly sees this faith in your heart and accepts it to Justify you by faith, and God instantly gives you "the gift of Righteousness"...and you are instantly "made Righteous".
That is the blood atonement being applied to your SPIRIT, which is the real you, as your body is just the house.
And what happens then, as God has now made you righteous so that He can now do what comes next.. which is join you to Himself, Spiritually.
See, God had to make you as righteous as He is, with the blood of JESUS, before He could join you to Himself, spiritually.
See that?
God can't join you to Himself is you are still a SINNER, unforgiven, unredeemed.
You have to be "made righteous", and become "the righteousness of God in Christ", before God can join your Spirit to Himself, Spiritually.
See that?
= God then joins you to Himself, spiritually, and you eternally become "ONE with GOD in Christ".
Now see that "One" ???? = that is The ETERNAL Spiritual UNION. = God has spiritually joined you to Himself,... as you are now the "bride".. The Bride of Christ.
This means you are now "IN CHRIST"....and CHRIST is God.
That is the Spiritual realm... exact same thing as you find in the natural realm when a man and a woman become "ONE Flesh".
IN both cases its a UNION of "ONENESS"...."one" in the natural realm, and "one" in the Spiritual realm.

Within the Spiritual Realm, as God is A Spirit, ... You JOIN His Spirit, and become "One with God IN Christ"...
= Spiritually.
See that ???
Isn't that beyond beautiful and wonderful?
It is in fact, amazing GRACE.

This JOINING ...this Spiritual union that God creates between you and Himsef happens to you instantly, as soon as God justifies you according to the FAITH in Christ He SEES in your heart. And what happens next,.. also instantly... is the Spiritual FRUIT result of God joining you to His Spirit = a New Birth happens...inside YOU.
You are born again.. into the Spirit of God by the Holy Spirit of a "NEW CREATION"..."in Christ"

Saint....This is God's Spirit that has joined you to Himself, and this creates IN you, a Spiritual Birth,..and that Saint.... is to be = born again.
God's Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit causes you to be birthed Spiritually, as "a new creation in Christ". (Born again)(made Righteous).
That is how you are born again, and that is why you are born again, and that is why you REMAIN born again, always.

You the born again (not just water baptized) but the BORN AGAIN, have become Spiritually joined to Eternal God's SPIRIT, and the spiritual fruit that is created is birthed as your born again Spirit.... as your "new creation" "in Christ".

Jesus said....>"you MUST be born again".


Paul says it this way --

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17
So sad, such an important topic gets quickly derailed by a "I'm not hostile"/"You are hostile" squabble.

That's why he came to the Thread, of course.
He has no honest purpose to be here.., and soon he'll be back on the "Catholic" Thread talking about Mary.
no worries.

So, If you want to post a view or ask a question or make a comment, regarding the Thread's topic, then feel free.
Sharing views and gaining more and more and more and more and more spiritual insight is what its all about.
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But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17


And that joining is GOD's work, and cant be undone by our behavior.
God provides the new birth., and that lasts for as long as God lives.
Eternal life is not a temporary situation.

Following our salvation.......We then provide the discipleship, that is our lifestyle, but its not our salvation.

Salvation is all of God, as found as Christ on the Cross.
Discipleship is all of us, day by day, leaning how to walk the walk, with God's help.
Im never hostile, but im always energetic and direct.
Try not to misinterpret.
Now, you are Catholic, so, it should be interesting to read what you will post as your idea of what is required, regarding salvation.
If you are not able to post, then feel free to read my Thread.
See you there.
Welcome back. Hopefully Morricone calmed you down and you won't be so hostile and will actually answer my questions (which directly answers the question you pose in your OP)...

Once again, Jesus said two things are required for a man to be born again. (He answers the "How?" question directly.)

---> What are those two things?

---> What do Christians call this?