No problem. Can you please direct me to the post where you answer my questions? It's not in this thread so perhaps it's elsewhere?
Thank you!
Walpole :
Reconsider your 2 questions, as they are theologically flawed, and i believe its because you are just confused.
Let me explain....
There is one verse in the entire bible, where Jesus says...."you must be born again". and then Jesus says, "born of water, and of THE Spirit"
However, He does not explain how to be born again.
Later, Paul explains how, as "my Gospel".
Most Catholics are confused about this, and you are not the exception.
Let me say that again.....Jesus does not explain HOW to be born again, in the only verse in the BIBLE where the term "born again" is found.
All Jesus says is that you must be born of water and of THE Spirit, that is a 2nd birth, independent of being born of your mother, which is the 1st Birth.
Listen..., Christ just heard that Nicodemus understand the 1st birth....>"of MOTHER", you didnt notice that He does not correct that with...>"water baptism" theology ........ Instead, He contrasts the earthly 1st birth with the SPIRITUAL Birth, that is Birth #2. "you must be BORN AGAIN".
See that one? Thats #2.
So, you are asking a question that does not offer an answer by Jesus, and you dont realize it.
And you keep posting your same confusion.
And regarding your 2nd Question.....i have answered it, but, i didnt answer it according to "cult of Mary" Theology, so, that is why you are not able to understand it or believe it.
(See "wikipedia" or "catholic History, Ephesus 5ad, "Church Fathers history", if you dont understand the term "cult of Mary")
And one more thing.
There is a book, its the Douay Rheims book, and its a situation that manuscript evidence scholars define as "corrupted".
It came from the Latin Vulgate created by Jerome,, and He terribly mistranslated some key doctrine.
For example, he mistranslated "repentance" as "penance" and because of this horrible error, 2 things happened.
1.) Catholics are performing penance , and its based on a mistranslation created by Jerome.
2.) Martin Luther, was initially inspired to realize the "cult of mary" was in grievous theological and spiritual error, based on Him realizing Jerome's mistranslation of the word "repentance" into "penance".
Soon after He found more and more and more theological corruption created by Jerome, and God led him out of the "cult of mary", and here we are today, Protestants, free from it.
3.) The worst "cult of Mary" theological error that is found in the corrupt Douay Rheims, is this one....."born again of water".
See that?
Let me show you again......>John 3.....Douay Rheims...>"born AGAIN of water".
Notice the word "again" that creates the heresy that the water causes the Spiritual Birth?
Do you see it?
That word "again", is not found in any Greek Text, or in any real bible.
Its a "cult of mary" insertion, that is devised to create the false theology of "baptismal regeneration".
You are familiar with that one.
This is one more error found in the "Latin" that Martin Luther despised, as he hated the this lie, discredits the blood of Jesus, by replacing the Holy Blood Atonement with "water baptism".
And that is this.....Galatians 1:8