So we now agree that Mandela did fight a war..
aLoneVoice: Gary - to almost every 'rule' there can be found an exception.
Gary: A fairly large exception. 48.0 million people! So at least now you see that your general rule about war and the reasons for war and the consequences were not correct.
aLoneVoice: To be quite honest, the OP of this thread was discussing a specific passage in regards to "buying a sword". I believe I have outlined and presented a clear explanation of that passage to show that Jesus was not suggesting that the disciples were to literally go out and "buy a sword".
Gary: To be as honest, I agree! Hence very little need to discuss that OP. I was responding to your own assumptions about the reasons for war.
aLoneVoice: In regards to Mandela - one can look back and be glad that everything has worked out - again, does the "ends justify the means"? Does Mandela's actions or the actions on the ANC comply with the Mount Sermon and the example of Christ?
Gary: In many ways, yes. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ is very applicable to Mandela. And as I have already shown you, the ANC guided 40 million people to ‘turn the other cheek’ for 30 years!
aLoneVoice: On a side note, that does not have any bearing on our discussion, just my curiosity - is Mandela or does Mandela profess to be a Christian?
Gary: I have already mentioned that he is a practicing Methodist. He lives his Christianity rather than preaching his Christianity.
aLoneVoice: Please do not misunderstand what I mean by saying 'gaining power'. I am not talking in an imperialistic sense in regards to Mandela - but can you argue that the 'fight' did not balance the inbalance of power?
Gary: Of course it did. That was a by-product of the freedom struggle. It was even called a ‘freedom struggle’. But let’s be honest again…. that is not the kind of ‘power’ you were suggesting when you claimed wars were about. You claimed ‘.... Wars are not fought for reconcillation, but for (1) supressions, (2) oppression, and (3) to enlarge terroritoies - physical land or (4) influenence. No matter what we wrap war up in, no matter that fancy package, the object of war is to (5) increase one's influence and power - not (6) reconcillation.’ I think I have conclusively shown that the war the ANC fought was about ending oppression and injustice and that the way the ANC conducted that very extended war was always aimed at reconciliation of all people in South Africa.
aLoneVoice: Lastly - I would suggest that my comments were in regards to armed conflict between national states - ie: "war".
Gary: That may be what you are trying to suggest now. But I do suggest that the war between the ruling regime, the elected South African government and it nationally conscripted Defence Force and the ANC and its constituted armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, was a very real war. Are you suggesting that the American war of Independence was not a war? Your new definition of what defines a war is so narrow that we would have to classify many conflicts which have occurred in history between two or more armies as not being war!!
aLoneVoice: What I believe to be a shame in the history of the ANC and South Africa is the lack of pressure (in the beginning) by other nations on the government of South Africa to end apartheid peacefully.
Gary: Could not agree more. Too many countries with economic self-interest or greed! I have often wondered… what would have happened if we had vast reserves of oil? Another Iraq? Thank God not. So what is the world doing right now about Zimbabwe? Again, no oil so no real response.
