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- #21
I also urge caution here and echo the sentiments of vic and Destiny . You have given a lengthy number of posts with all kinds of claims and interpretations of the Bible. Just reading your last post had a few alarm bells ringing. FIrst of all, when the Bible speaks of sings in the sky, it is not referring to shapes in fluffy clouds, but refers to heavenly bodies, ie moon sun and stars. All of us can see things in clouds and give an interpretation as to what they are instructing us to do.
Same goes for listening to music. God does not use music regularly for communication. If God wants you to do something it will be a clear message and thought. In rare occasions you might even hear a voice.
When you do get a message you test it. God does not lead people on merry goose chases for hours on end, IF God wants you to be somewhere you will be shown and told. Even your so called "signs" were not really signs were they. Gravel road can apply to just about every town city and village on the planet and is very vague. IF God wants you to be somewhere you will be shown and told.
I am sorry to say that just about everything you say just does not stand up to scripture nor does it sound right or seem genuine. I know how God operates, from personal experience and having spoken and heard many genuine servants of God who are involved with fulfilling prophecy. Your stories do not add up and do not sound right. It sounds more like a god of confusion and upheaval. I have lots of red flags and alarms ringing when i read your posts.
MAny people are deceived by Satan. most recent casualty in this spiritual warfare is Todd Bently and I wonder if you have also gone the same way and actully been deceived by Satan. Satan and demons can do a brilliant job at mimicking and pretending to be God and many people have been fooled by it.
Please take some time out to reflect properly on God and seek his voice and presence. Do not rely on the radio to take all your instructions from God as this is seldom right and leaves the door wide open for Satan to exploit.
Same goes for listening to music. God does not use music regularly for communication. If God wants you to do something it will be a clear message and thought. In rare occasions you might even hear a voice.
When you do get a message you test it. God does not lead people on merry goose chases for hours on end, IF God wants you to be somewhere you will be shown and told. Even your so called "signs" were not really signs were they. Gravel road can apply to just about every town city and village on the planet and is very vague. IF God wants you to be somewhere you will be shown and told.
I am sorry to say that just about everything you say just does not stand up to scripture nor does it sound right or seem genuine. I know how God operates, from personal experience and having spoken and heard many genuine servants of God who are involved with fulfilling prophecy. Your stories do not add up and do not sound right. It sounds more like a god of confusion and upheaval. I have lots of red flags and alarms ringing when i read your posts.
MAny people are deceived by Satan. most recent casualty in this spiritual warfare is Todd Bently and I wonder if you have also gone the same way and actully been deceived by Satan. Satan and demons can do a brilliant job at mimicking and pretending to be God and many people have been fooled by it.
Please take some time out to reflect properly on God and seek his voice and presence. Do not rely on the radio to take all your instructions from God as this is seldom right and leaves the door wide open for Satan to exploit.