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Can Women Be Pastors & Preachers ?


1. There is not one Scripture in the Bible that forbids women from preaching, but on the contrary, there are many verses that encourage both men and women to preach the Gospel.

2. The Bible teaches that God is not a respecter of persons, and He will use any and all who will yield to Him, regardless of race, age, or sex.

Galatians 3:28 - "...neither male nor female...for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Acts 10:34 - "...God is no respecter of persons...."

Moses said in Numbers 11:29, "Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them!"

The crying need of the hour is for more laborers. It is a trick of the enemy to try to down rate thousands of our faithful laborers just because they were born females.

3. The Great Commission, Mark 16:15, "Preach the Gospel," is to ALL believers, and to all the church of Jesus Christ. The command to "preach the Gospel" is to both male and female.

4. It is an undeniable fact that God has called and anointed thousands of women to preach the Gospel. The Full Gospel organizations have hundreds of licensed and ordained women who are preaching, teaching, evangelizing, pastoring, and doing mission work with the signs following their ministry. God is using them for the salvation of the lost, deliverance from sin, gifts of the Spirit, and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says, "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." And may we be reminded of the Scripture in Acts 5:39, "If it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

When someone says, "God does not call women to preach," it is like saying that God does not baptize with the Holy Spirit today. We know better, because we have witnessed and experienced it with our own ears and eyes.

I would be afraid to condemn women preachers, lest I would be found to be fighting against God, and to be committing the vile sin of attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

5. Women preachers are a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy and another sign of Christ's soon return to earth (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17-18).

6. The Bible declares that women will prophesy: 1 Cor. 11:5, "For every woman that prayeth or prophesieth...."

Both the Hebrew (Nebrah), and Greek (Proph) used for prophetess means (female preacher). (See Young's Concordance, Pg. 780.)

The word "Prophet" means a public expounder.

The word "Prophesy" means to speak forth, or flow forth. The Bible says in 1 Cor. 14:3, "But he that prophesieth speaketh unto MEN to edification, and exhortation and comfort."

The dictionary says, prophesy is "to speak under divine preach."

Therefore we learn from the original translation, from the Bible interpretation, and from the dictionary, that to prophesy means more than to tell the future, but it is to speak publicly about the past, present, or future. It is to preach under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
women pastors
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The Old and New Testament prophets and prophetesses were preachers of God's Word.

Even if the words prophet and preacher could be separated, how could anyone prophesy to bring exhortation, comfort and edification to the church, if she were forbidden to speak in church and was to keep silent?

Would God inspire and anoint someone to do something that was wrong and sinful???

* (There is a difference between a prophet, and the gift of prophecy.)

7. God called and used women preachers in the Old Testament.

a. DEBORAH - Judges 4:4-5. Deborah was a Judge for both civil and criminal cases. The children of Israel came to her for judgment. She was the chief ruler of Israel for 40 years, giving orders to the Generals and all the army. She did the work of an evangelist, prophetess, Judge, and a preacher. God gave her authority over the mighty (Judges 5:13).

b. MIRIAM - Exodus 15:20; Numbers 12:1; Micah 6:4. She was a Prophetess and a Song Leader in Israel.

c. HULDAH - 2 Kings 22:14. Five men went to Sister Huldah and communed with her. She spoke to a congregation of men concerning the book of the Law. A female preached to a man's congregation, and her message was taken to the nation and produced a revival.

d. MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ'S MOTHER - Isaiah 8:3. She was a prophetess.

8. God called and used women preachers in the New Testament.

a. The first message of the Resurrection of Christ was spoken by women to a group of men.

b. Anna - Luke 2:36-38. She must have prophesied in church, because she did not depart from the temple.

c. Phillip had 4 daughters who prophesied. Acts 21:9.

d. Priscilla assisted Paul in his revival meeting and even taught Apollos in the way of the Lord more perfectly.

e. Phebe - Romans 16:1-2. Paul commended Phebe to the Church at Rome and requested that they assist her in her business. She was one of Paul's assistants in the work of the Lord and delivered the Book of Romans to the people from the hand of Paul.

9. There is no sound reason why a woman or man should not preach the Gospel. There is a desperate need in the church for more workers. Laborers are few, and God will use any and all who will go for Him. Some say God will not use a woman to preach, because "The woman was deceived," but remember Romans 5:12: "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world." It seems to indicate that Adam was just as guilty as Eve in the fall of man. If anyone should be kept from preaching because of sin, it would be Adam. But God does not forbid anyone from preaching, because of Adam's or Eve's sin.

10. 1 Cor. 14: 34-35 does not say anything about women preachers. If Paul intended this verse as a general rule to bar all women from speaking in church, then they cannot teach Sunday School, testify, pray, prophesy, sing, or even get saved, and this would contradict the rest of the Bible (Acts 2:4; Acts 2:16-18).

Paul was rather dealing with a particular problem in the church. Women were not educated as were the men in that day; therefore the women would talk back and forth to their husbands in church and ask questions concerning the sermon. Paul said, "If they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." If they want to talk things over let them wait until they get home. This rule is still good for the church today, where people are talking and causing confusion in the church service. They should not speak in church. (Not in the back of the church either before or after services.)

If a woman cannot speak in church, then she cannot speak in prayer meeting, young people's service, etc., for who can deny that Sunday School and Prayer meeting, and Youth work are parts of church? Christ's Church is not a building, but rather it is found where two or three are gathered together in His name, whether at a street meeting, in a tent, a home, church, classroom or anywhere else.

11. 1 Timothy 2:12 is not a blanket rule for all women of all churches. If it were, then the women could not speak at all, for the same verse that tells them not to teach also tells them to be silent.

If all women had to keep silent in church, then that would be promoting disobedience to God, for they could not prophesy, pray, testify, sing, exhort, do personal work, or even get saved.

Whenever an interpretation to a verse contradicts the rest of the teaching of the Bible, we know this interpretation is incorrect, for the Holy Spirit will never contradict His own Word.

This is the chief verse that is used to oppose women preaching and yet it says nothing about preaching, nor does it say anything about a public worship or church service. But, on the contrary, this verse is giving instructions to wives as to how they were to conduct themselves in regard to their husband. Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:35, "And if they will LEARN anything, let them ask their husbands at home." Now he states in 1 Tim. 2:12 that the woman should learn in silence, and should not usurp authority over the man. Paul is dealing with more of a home problem than a church problem.

This verse still applies to us today. It is wrong for a woman to usurp authority over her husband (in church, home, or any place else) as was the case in Paul's day. She should not try to teach him or speak words that would cause discord and confusion, but should rather be silent and in subjection to her husband.

It is also to be understood that if anyone, whether man or woman, is usurping authority over the God-given leadership of the church, she or he is to be silent, and not to teach, or act in such a way that would create discord in the assembly.

12. Some have used Titus 1:6-7, "If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children...", but there is a difference between a preacher and a bishop. For I was an Evangelist and now am a Pastor, but I am not a Bishop (Overseer), and most Pastors are not.

If God called a single man with no children to be a Bishop, as Paul was, surely this verse is not opposed to it, nor would this scripture oppose a woman Bishop if she was called of God for the work, as was Deborah.

What this verse does teach is that a person who is to be a Bishop must not have two living companions, either husbands or wives.

The Bible often speaks of "man" when it refers to both men and and women inclusively. The word "mankind" also includes both men and women. For an example of this word usage see 1 Cor. 13:1 - "Though I speak with the tongues of MEN and angels...." This word "MEN" includes women as well, for we do not have one language for men and another for women.

13. To condemn women preachers and women church workers is a serious offense, because God has stamped His approval on them by His Spirit over and over again, and who is man to fight against the Spirit of God?

To condemn women preachers and women church workers is in a sense to claim they are doing wrong and committing sin...and all those who support them and listen to them are having a part in that sin.

For anyone to do this, he must condemn approximately 99% of all the Spirit-filled believers and the vast majority of all of Christianity.

"Of a truth, I perceive that God is no respecter of persons..." (Acts 10:34).
women pastors
i disagee, why because i used to think like lewis, as women pastors are typically a pentacostal tradition.

men are to lead not women.

why is that men are called account to the lord for thier family?
if the man is head of that woman and that christ the head of the man.

what of joyce meyer's husband? not that i will listen to her ever again.

can you say cha ching.

if she is preaching in church and he is there who is in the lead. theres more to being a pastor then preaching one must also steer the church in the right direction and so on.
men are to lead not women.

What does that have to do with anything. I work in an elementary school. The teachers teach, but they are not the leaders of the school. The principal is the leader, but he doesn't teach. The two jobs are unrelated. In a church, the teacher is a servant, not a leader. The modern concept of the paster as CEO of the church and the one who is supposed to do everything - teaching, evangelism, councelling and more - is totally foreign to the Bible. According to I Cor 14, everybody in the congregation is supposed to have something to offer, not just one man. That would include women.
What does that have to do with anything. I work in an elementary school. The teachers teach, but they are not the leaders of the school. The principal is the leader, but he doesn't teach. The two jobs are unrelated. In a church, the teacher is a servant, not a leader. The modern concept of the paster as CEO of the church and the one who is supposed to do everything - teaching, evangelism, councelling and more - is totally foreign to the Bible. According to I Cor 14, everybody in the congregation is supposed to have something to offer, not just one man. That would include women.

comparing secular work isnt the same as spiritual. would then you aslo say that women can perform the same role in marriage and be the head of the house hold.?

women do things in the church no one here is denying that. and i'm not agianst the use of gifts of the h.s. being used by women. but the prophet is under the pastor and so on.

their is a hierarchy to the office.

the office of pastors is what lewis means not prophets or sunday school teachers.

preachers =pastors.

the bible says clearly that bishop is to be the man and not the wife.

the qualification listed say that He must be a husband of one wife.
thats in titus.
their is a hierarchy to the office.

the office of pastors is what lewis means not prophets or sunday school teachers.

I know what he meant. What I'm saying is that that isn't biblical. There is no "office of pastors" in the Bible, only a ministry, one of many that are give to every true Christian for the purpose of serving the body. The hierarchy is a human invention. According to Paul, all the ministries are equally important. In fact, he says that to make up for some ministries being less visible and less desirable from a human point of view, those ministries are to recieve more honor. The idea of taking the most visible man in the group and everybody bowing down to him is not what the Bible teaches. Like I said, they're our servants, not our masters.

preachers =pastors.

Not according to the Bible. A preacher was a person who preached. What a pastor did is not as obvious from the word itself. the word translated as "pastor" means "shepherd". He was the one who took care of the flock - what today would be called a councellor.

Everybody had a ministry. If everybody had something to offer the body, then one man didn't have to do everything. That system didn't come until much later.

the bible says clearly that bishop is to be the man and not the wife.

the qualification listed say that He must be a husband of one wife.
thats in titus.

Yes, it's interesting you should mention that. You see, the bishop was the leader of the congregation. The teacher wasn't and neither was the pastor. The three are unrelated ministries. One is a leader while the other two are servants. We've gotten all the ministries mixed up and have one man in each congregation doing everything while 90% or more of the congregation is passive observers. No wonder we don't seem to be accomplishing anything.

As an interesting side note, whenever you see the word "preach" in the New Testament, it's talking about belivers spreading the gospel to unbelievers. When you see the word "teach", it's talking about believers teaching each other. So, why do Christians go to church every Sunday to hear someone preach to them?
i will verify that but i dont considered it a salvanic issue but i find it odd if that was the case then why did paul say that women is to usurp authority over men?

is a woman as a pastor in authority over men? i would say so.

and surely paul would understand that and what the greek (koine)meant.
God uses who ever He wants, and He does in the form of men and women. I have women ministers in my church, you can see some of them when you click on my signature. Now I have seen some women preach and you knew that they were called by God to preach the Gospel. Now it is clear that in the OT there were women who lead men, and ordained to do so by God. And you had some women in the NT that had some leadership positions, like Pricilla, who's name was mentioned first before her husbands name. Also women were the first one to see the rise of Jesus, and were the first ones to tell that Gospel. Now how about that. Why didn't God pick a man to do that, but guess what God chose women to be the first ones to see the rise of Christ and they were the first ones to talk to Him after He rose.
at that time women could testify and there testimonies werent considered valid. i think that God did that to show how unjust women were treated.

paging nick, we need nick he has posted some good stuff on that here before.
Yes that is something, God chose women to see Christ first, after His rise, and God chose women first, to tell the good news, the Gospel the rise of Christ which everything a Christian believes is hung on. Now for such an important event, on a mammoth scale such as the rise of Yeshua, you would think that God would have chose men. But He did not, and that says a lot. Even though the preaching of the Gospel first started in Joel, women were the first ones to see it manifest.

men are to lead not women.

why is that men are called account to the lord for thier family?
if the man is head of that woman and that christ the head of the man.

At least you are honest about your prejudices. :yes
At least you are honest about your prejudices. :yes

not predujice, its about what the lord designed and said to be.

unless you think that without a doctor men should carry child.
and a woman can take shots with a man and being equally trained and in weight in mma
tatiana ali who could easily take me out would beg to differ as her training partners are men and they hold back and never use full speed. she couldnt stop them.

my gym has a female mma fighter she is good but she cant wrestle with men. she has hurt her ribs permantely and must watch the weight difference on the grappling side as that injury will be agrreviated.

that being said that only applies to spiritual matters not secular save a few things in my opinion.

reality not politicaly correctness should be the way. women are better at what they are designed to do then men and vice versa.
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i love it when people assume that i am chauvinistic
no if women want equality, then i will let them have it. wrestle me and i will use my full weight with technique to tap you, tap me good for you.

but girl dont cry if you get bruised in the process or when i tap you by sheer weight difference.
The Bible does not forbid women to preach. It does, however, make distinctions on what roles a man and a women pastor play in a church, and in a marraige. It is also true that God chooses who He wants. I believe that the Bible speaks clearly that women are not to preach to men in a church setting, but have the responsibility of younger women and children. Men are called to be the leaders.

Titus 2
1 Peter 3:1-7
1 Timothy 2

I know many people find this very challenging in this very liberal world, but I know many godly women in my church that have examined the Bible closely on this issue and have no problems with it at all, and see their place in God's Plan. :)
i love it when people assume that i am chauvinistic
no if women want equality, then i will let them have it. wrestle me and i will use my full weight with technique to tap you, tap me good for you.

but girl dont cry if you get bruised in the process or when i tap you by sheer weight difference.
So why do you need violence and physical strength to be a leader? You are not a wolf that isn't how disputes of the sort a pastor would encounter are settled these days.

How do you know of your gods designs if not through your religious texts?
Surely by making this claim without any evidence your denying yourself of what those indivduals could contribute If they are able should they not be allowed to do so by there merit and not entitled by there birth?
Thank you Lewis for starting this very controversial subject that of course will never be solved as so many have differing opinions .

I have to say that my Senior Pastor is a woman and she also has other pastoral staff who are male and female . I see it like this that they all work together and compliment each other . My Pastor has a grown family so can devote her time to God and the leading of our church and by no means is her husband a wimp or what ever people want to call him . Pastor knows her role in the home and he and she work together as a team with them both having mutual respect for each other and their roles .

In no way can I see that interfering with her calling and the fact that she has been voted into the assembly by the church . I also believe she was called for such a time as this as our church is a very multi- cultural church and she having been there before her appointment knows all the difficulties and problems arising from 45 different nationalities worshipping under one roof .

It has been five year now since her appointment and the move of God is stronger and stronger with many new peoples getting saved and Pastor's annointing and God's awesome power falling on the congregation , that I will never be able to ever condemn a woman pastor . ( and to tell the truth I did have doubts at the beginning of her ministry )

We are in the last days and the Bible says His Spirit will be poured out on all people and we are reaping that prophesy .

Acts 2:17
" 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
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Can't believe this verse has been danced around:

<SUP>11</SUP>A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. <SUP class=versenum id=en-NIV-29713>12</SUP>I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. <SUP class=versenum id=en-NIV-29714>13</SUP>For Adam was formed first, then Eve. <SUP class=versenum id=en-NIV-29715>14</SUP>And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. <SUP class=versenum id=en-NIV-29716>15</SUP>But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

Could it really be so simple?

This doesn't discourage women from being sharers of the gospels and address their men where they could be in error. This means women cannot be in a position of authority over a man. They cannot be a church leader. Period.