Hi to all , and many believers feel that Jesus words are more important than either Peter or Paul's , even when they have written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit .
Let's look at what John 20:19 is telling us .
#1 , what is the CONTEXT , in verse 19 ???? Historically , timewise , the earthly ministry of Jesus !!!
#2 , He is talking to His disciples in verse 19 , after His reserrection !!!
#3 , A nd than proves to them that it is He in verse 20 !!!
#4 , But , here is a Commission before the so-called Great Commssion of Matt 28:19 !!!!
#5 , Then in verse 22 , He breaths on them and saith unto them , Receive ye { the } Holy Spirit !!!!
#6 , Please notice that the word { the } in these brackets is supplied , and is NOT in the Greek Text !!!! Look it up !!!!!
#7 , It is very important and has MUCH significance , and it means that the disciple Recieved the POWER of the Holy Spirit !!!
#8 , Notice that this is BEFORE the Day of Pentecost !!!!!
#9 , Now look at what the POWER is all about ????
#10 , In verse 23 , " Whosoever Sins ye Remit , they are remitted unto them ; and whose soever Sins ye retain , they are Retained !!!!
#11 , Can man remit sins ???
#12 , How did the disciples remit Sins ????
#13 , Remit Sins to Jews Only ???
#14 , If to Gentiles , where is that Context ???
#15 , I do not see where there are Assemblies , that quote this verse and then say that they can Remit sins .
What say YOU ?????
Let's look at what John 20:19 is telling us .
#1 , what is the CONTEXT , in verse 19 ???? Historically , timewise , the earthly ministry of Jesus !!!
#2 , He is talking to His disciples in verse 19 , after His reserrection !!!
#3 , A nd than proves to them that it is He in verse 20 !!!
#4 , But , here is a Commission before the so-called Great Commssion of Matt 28:19 !!!!
#5 , Then in verse 22 , He breaths on them and saith unto them , Receive ye { the } Holy Spirit !!!!
#6 , Please notice that the word { the } in these brackets is supplied , and is NOT in the Greek Text !!!! Look it up !!!!!
#7 , It is very important and has MUCH significance , and it means that the disciple Recieved the POWER of the Holy Spirit !!!
#8 , Notice that this is BEFORE the Day of Pentecost !!!!!
#9 , Now look at what the POWER is all about ????
#10 , In verse 23 , " Whosoever Sins ye Remit , they are remitted unto them ; and whose soever Sins ye retain , they are Retained !!!!
#11 , Can man remit sins ???
#12 , How did the disciples remit Sins ????
#13 , Remit Sins to Jews Only ???
#14 , If to Gentiles , where is that Context ???
#15 , I do not see where there are Assemblies , that quote this verse and then say that they can Remit sins .
What say YOU ?????