I'm at my wit's end. My "life" and this regime/system at present and this past number of years (and decades and life) is just like hell on earth and I just can not find how to get any answer/help from 'God' or Jesus/Yeshua. I can't list all the numerous longongoing constant daily mean cruel hell things, and when I have people aren't be able to see that they are far worse than they think. This last number of weeks on top of everything else there has been constant clouds and rain and some thunder/lightning and it is so cold and dark and damp. Please is there anything anyone can pray or tell me that can help? I don't want just trite things like oh have faith, God loves you, etc, not "go to the mental health services", as they don't help much/long. Note I am suffering these things all alone without any support/help/love/encouragement from friends/family/christians, I am not able to get out much and I see no positive human face contact 24/7 most weeks of the last years/decades, and what churches/groups I did try a few years ago I did not find very good fellowship etc. (My name is Sean B in NZ if anyone can pray, though I guess God knows who 'Mosheli' is. Maybe if he doesn't answer my prayers he may answer other better christians/messianics?)