Paul was a servant to God Almighty in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, and through the Holy Spirit, many became born of God through Paul's submission. Note that Paul speaks of being in Christ and the Corinthians being begotten through the Gospel of Christ. No where does Paul take the prideful position of having the power to dictate policy or actions to anyone apart from being IN CHRIST through the Gospel.
Plain and simple English, but do not fear; while you still have breath, you can be born again so that you too can experience the truth of the spiritual realm. Just ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sin, and to come and guide you through this life, once and for all. In Jesus name, God bless you with his truth and understanding. Amen.
Plain and simple English, but do not fear; while you still have breath, you can be born again so that you too can experience the truth of the spiritual realm. Just ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sin, and to come and guide you through this life, once and for all. In Jesus name, God bless you with his truth and understanding. Amen.