ThreeInOne said:
I'd rather have you tell me I've got some nerve rather than say "why didn't you tell me?" someday.
Robert, I wouldn't have bothered posting to you but God wanted me to reach out to you. For some reason you won't let go. Maybe it's your pride.
Now, you say all you need is salvation to gain entrance into heaven...aren't you concerened about your rewards at all? Yes, if you are saved, you are going to heaven but you simply can't grow in Christ at a church that teaches one big fat lie after another. You say you only adhere to the scriptural parts of the mass. Which is what? I can't think of anything that church does that is scriptural, other than believing in the Trinity and that he was born of a virgin. They are all about tradition and man-made ideas with the bible having little to no authority there. She is the whore that Revelation speaks of.
I also agree with what you said about what church we go to has nothing to do with our entrance into heaven. I also don't believe that just one certain denomination will get you there, either. God is not of denominationalizm. He judges personally each individual's heart.
Do you realize you are supporting a church that Satan is the god of? You're supporting it spiritually and probably monetarily. That's why I say you are in bondage. Satan's guilting you into staying there. He probably tells you that's where your roots are and that you'll look real stupid if you leave now. I'm sure he convinces you that you don't want to be at one of those bible-believing churches because its members are nothing but hypocrites. News flash: people will always let you down but Jesus Christ won't!
Just think about it, Robert. Or at least try to go to a bible believing church along with your catholic church and see where you grow. What a great witness you'll be the day those chains come off!
All you're concerned about is gaining entrance and nothing else. No care for growing, learning or doing God's Will.
You're in my prayers, Robert.
You stated that you can not think of any scriptural parts to the Mass? Well that is because you have a non functioning brain and are incapable of logical and analytical thinking. The scriptural parts to the Mass are:
(1)The Apostles and Nicene Creeds(Except for the part "We acknowledge
Baptism for the forgiveness of sins").
(2)The Gloria Prayer
(3)Sign Of The Cross(Luther retained the practice of making the Sign Of The
Cross in the Lutheran Church. Luther was Born Again and if he thought
the Sign Of The Cross was not scriptural then he would not have retained
it in the Lutheran Church.).
(4)The Penitential Rite(The I Confess To Almighty God Prayer)(Except for
the statement "and I ask blessed Mary ever virgin and all the angels and
(5)Readings from the Bible
(6)The Lord's Prayer
(7)Prayers to Christ
(8)The Eucharistic Prayer(Except for the mention of the intercession of the
Virgin Mary and the Saints) that contains the words of Christ from the
Last Supper.
And Satan is not the god of the RCC because the Apostles and Nicene Creeds state "We believe in one God, Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth". If I have dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass then I am not in bondage to Satan. I am not being guilted by Satan into remaining in the RCC. The reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC is that I am more comfortable with the liturgical worship of the RCC then the non liturgical worship services of Fundamentalist Protestant Churches. Another reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC is so that I can attend church on Saturday Vigil instead of on Sunday morning in order to do other things on Sunday like laying around until going out to lunch and shopping. And I do not consider indidividuals at mots Fundamentalist Protestant Churches to be hypocrites. And who says that if someone does not grow in Christ that they will not gain entrance into Heaven? And yes I am only concerned about gaining entrance into Heaven because that was the whole reason why Christ had to be crucified on the Cross so that mankind could go to Heaven after they pass away. :painting: