- Sep 10, 2021
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- #21
Share on forums like this the truth of what is being displayed for all to see . Censorship of all meta platforms and search engines and twitter(X) are ramping up as we speak . We will only get the news and views the controllers want us to get . We are the frog in the proverbial pot of water on the stove .
Giant idol erected in the USA . Texas .
Yeah. There was a certain tone to those ceremonies that the masses will just do as they are programed to do, so frog in proverbial pot is about right.
And there were these overtones about letting things like Satanism proliferate. This statue thing is part of the same idea I think. Continue to promote polytheism (which promotes the worship of demonic spirits). The article stated, "The website says that the statue 'is about creating a spiritual epicenter where hearts find solace, minds find peace, and souls find a path to transcendence.'” A spiritual epicenter... They want the spiritual epicenter of Texas (if not the United States) to promote polytheism and Idol worship now.
Many take the position that Christians need to use political power to keep such things at bay. But it's not working. My personal opinion is that we are going to need to rely less and less on fleshly means and start depending more on the power of God to show Christ as greater than the false gods again. That's the way things were done in the early church era, and it's the way it's going to have to be done again. Cast out demons, lay hands on the sick and heal them, and perform miracles signs and wonders to prove "gods" like this are the imposters.