- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
- 4
so what's the point? i mean to be from the curse of adam. doesnt that mean that we are saved and well sinless.
Original sin is a state of separation between man and God. Baptism changes that status because God comes to us in a particular way, making us children of God. We have been given an inheritance. We are saved, at that moment. However, we can choose to later reject that inheritance, to disown it. That is why the Christian life is a walk, not a one-time decision. So while baptism marks the beginning of that walk, we can certainly later decide to move off that path and go in a different direction.
i hope that you see the totaly pointless of baptising that infant , when surely you realise that your statement say that he has been made sinless(free from the curse that the cross does for all that believe).
We are made free at that time. A simple check of our own experiences indicate that we do not REMAIN free from sin. We all continue to sin. Subsequent sin can again makes us slaves to sin. The cross provides redemption for man, but only becomes effective when men utilize the graces won at the cross. We don't move to autopilot, we don't become robots, and our decisions still effect our eternal destiny.
so the cross isnt enough for salvation?if the child is positional right before god becuause of actions by you, then wouldnt that mean that if he or she dies the next day its in heaven.
The infant goes to heaven the next day specifically because the Value of the Cross is applied to the infant as a result of Baptism. That infant died in Christ and has risen again (Romans 6:2-3)
and also what if the another child who lives one month dies?
are they not also in heaven?
Sure. That is why we baptize infants. God has promised that a person who is baptized is born from above. The child cannot reject God at that point, so there would be no negative action that would prevent God from honoring that promise He makes to those who are baptized.
both were to young to know what sin is. surely you agree where there is the law there is sin. if no law then no sin.
a baby doesnt know what sin is? so why would you bother trying to save a person who is innocent of sin?
A baby is not innocent of original sin.