- Nov 4, 2004
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Heidi said:Jeff,
Where do you think Muslim children will go when they die? Where do you think children who were raised as Hindi, Jewish, or pagan children will go when they die? Where does the bible say that any of them will go to heaven? :o
I think that God will have mercy on whome he chooses to have mercy upon. It is not my call where they go simply because I know that God is a just and merciful God. Really Heidi, will anything you say change this fact? I didn't think so, so why must you insist that they will burn forever in eternal punishment? What is so hard with answering that simple question?
Heidi said:Lak of compassiion? Do you know how I ache for my children who denounce Christ?
Your children? Please clarify, are you talking about your biological children? Are they grown up? And btw, you never answered my first question. Have you ever lost a living child to the grave?
Heidi said:Do you know how I ache for muslim children, Buddhists' children, atheist children??? Can you possibly imagine? No, you cannot.
Yes Heidi, I can imagine but instead of saying that they are in hell, I find more biblical support that says that it's all in God's good hands.
I did not say that you were cold and callous. I said you lacked compassion. Not once Heidi have you given me your condolences on the loss of my child but instead, you insist that there is the possiblility that my child is probably burning in hell. My God Heidi (and I do not say that slanderously) can you not look outside yourself for one minute? Heidi, if I told you the whole story of the loss of my child, how I left that morning because my wife was going to get an abortion on that very day, and I wouldn't have anything to do with it, so on my way out at 5:30 am I kissed my daughter whom I loved more than anything or anything because I was raised in foster homes and orphanages and later juvenile's and ranches... and all I ever wanted was to be married and have a child...somebody that I could trust... and in a sick way, my salvation from all the pain was gone with the birth of my child... so I get over to my Dad's house around 8 or so and I'm told to go to the hospital... and there I find my baby, dead...Heidi said:But I will not disagree with Jesus just because you accuse me of being cold and callous which couldn't be further from the truth!
so I go home later, to find an imprint on the couch... my wife had suffocated my daughter. and you know what? I couldnt deal with it... she was still pregnant with my other child.. a child that was conceived christmas eve... and she was saved through the death of my other child... I was lost, confused and I didn't know what to do. Hell had just entered my life. My pain turned to hate... and that's enough for now.
you see, you have no idea... none. You lack compassion because you are so focused on being right, that you won't give and you blind yourself to your own justifications. Heidi, I could sift your words like flour and show you and the rest of the people on this forum how much of a pharasis you are, but you would disagree and be blinded by the rage I'd invoke, so it's not worth it. and heidi, I don't hate or despise you and I dont pity you either. You are who you are.
If you listened, you would know what I believe... I don't know why I'm writing this...He says there is only one way to God. But you obviously don't believe him!
Yeah, your right... and I loved my first born more than anything, more than myself and more than God. Heidi, my daughter was my salvation, but she was sent to me from God to show me that salvation. And do you know what? I am still being saved thanks to God. amen.Heidi said:He also said that anyone who loves his father, mother, or children more than him is not worthy of him.
No Heidi, I think that Jesus is rightous and every enemy will be put under his foot stool. I just find it hard to conceive that Jesus would call a child his enemy...You probably therefore think Jesus is cold and callous also or you wouldn't call me cold and callous for beliving him.
Heidi said:Therefore your judgementalism is is not coming from the Spirit or you would love Christ above children
Is this why my child died heidi? because I loved my child more than Christ at the time? Is this why she is in hell burning... because I, me, uno loved her more than anything or anyone? No, I refuse to believe that and I reject your reasoning. In the same breath, I am filled with sorrow that through the words being written, you will find compassion. I'm not asking for you to change your mind, I'm simply asking you to show compassion and descernment when you post to me because you have no idea, nor could you for some of the people on this forum and what they, we have went through. suddenly, I am reminded by the words of Christ... Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. After all, when Saul, before he was Paul persecuted the Christians and he really thought he was doing God's will. In the same light, that guy that was throwing rocks at David was also speaking God's word and David allowed it too.
Good by heidi. I think I've said enough. May peace indwell within you.
for the rest, sorry if I've distrubed you. the story is over for me.