And from a Godly POV it IS lying ...
I disagree, truly I do. I don't think that the bible tells us one way or the other that we cannot tell fairy tales and make-believe stories to our children. I don't think one needs to check one's godliness (in the sense that one is actually lying) at the door if one wants to have the Santa tradition as part of their season, anymore than I think one needs to check one's godliness at the door to slip a dollar under the pillow from the tooth fairy.
Naturally, all these things fall under the command that whatever we do, we must be convinced in our own mind and if we believe something is sinful we need to not do it, irregardless of whether it actually is...therefore, if anyone feels that Santa = lying, they shouldn't participate in the Santa tradition.
So, my discussion on this thread isn't to say, hey, go for it, but to discuss the actual case on whether or not parents who give gifts from Santa are sinning. I don't believe for a moment that they are.
Nor do I believe that the vast majority of children suffer any ill-effects from the Santa tradition...if it were really a problem, I'd have seen a lot of it in my years of being around young kids...and I haven't. Now, ill-effects from divorce, from addictions, from neglect, from spoiling, yes, all that and more. But, when it comes to kids feeling betrayed or lied to because they find out Santa isn't real...again, 12 years of pre-school experience, hundreds of kids who have been in my life, not to mention my own nieces, nephews and kids, and I just don't see it happening. However, I have, in those 12 years, also come across some (a very few) very sensitive children who are indeed bothered by things, and their parents need to be careful with that.
We did a poll, I think last year on this subject. I don't know if it can be found or not. Seems to me that most who were raised in homes with the Santa tradition just didn't have a problem with it, most who were not, were. But, that was a year ago and it's a bit foggy now.
1 Corinthians 10:23 states: "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify."
I look at this and I think, is there anything about the Santa tradition at our house that was profitable or edified, and in all honesty I can answer a resounding "YES" to that. Our Santa traditions have brought joy and happiness and very good memories and there is profit in that.
Again, these are matter of conscience, and I don't encourage anyone to blow off feelings within them that there is something inherently wrong with Santa, again whatever is not done from faith is sin. (Rom 14:23)
But, I do caution for us not to place yokes on people that simply are not in the Bible and to make people feel that they cannot be godly and enjoy common American Christmas traditions.
Mike, I agree with the idea it being
"almost like two separate events happening simultaneously."
That is certainly how it is in our house...and yes, even though both kids know about Santa, they still look forward to what Santa is going to bring.
Lamplady, I do agree that some parents might not handle telling the kids about Santa well, and maybe that's a problem. In my experience though, most kids have it figured out long before the parents say anything.