I appreciate the way in which you post - without the arrogance that some display. But it saddens me to see the judgmental responses of some who claim that salvation can only come if it is based on an academic assent of Jesus being God. You speak of having faith in Jesus and I believe that your sincerity is such that the person of Christ will be revealed to you as you ask and and seek for the truth.
I also see the word of God as living. That is, not confined to the pages of a book. This 'word' dwells within me - and many others of course - and it is brought about, solely, by God grace. Man cannot earn the grace of God because he bestows it on those he wills.
You speak of, and have quoted scripture referring to, following Christ's example.
I have two questions regarding this:
Firstly, how would you go about doing that?
Secondly, why do you think you should?
I appreciate the way in which you post - without the arrogance that some display. But it saddens me to see the judgmental responses of some who claim that salvation can only come if it is based on an academic assent of Jesus being God. You speak of having faith in Jesus and I believe that your sincerity is such that the person of Christ will be revealed to you as you ask and and seek for the truth.
I also see the word of God as living. That is, not confined to the pages of a book. This 'word' dwells within me - and many others of course - and it is brought about, solely, by God grace. Man cannot earn the grace of God because he bestows it on those he wills.
You speak of, and have quoted scripture referring to, following Christ's example.
I have two questions regarding this:
Firstly, how would you go about doing that?
Secondly, why do you think you should?