:waving Hello all my brothers and sisters in Jesus~
I love calling you that... I love having my family in the Lord... how we need one another.
Looking into that scripture you brought up dear Jojo~ I found some solid encouragement, that I would like to share here.
I put the whole verses that go into one complete paragraph together so we can see all the context:
You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
This is a conclusion to Peter's letter all about living like a last days Christian... if you read the entire chapter you clearly see that. :nod We are instructed about several things... at the last here about living as holy and godly children of the Lord, living in anticipation of the end of this earth and the new created one to come. Remaining patient and not resenting the long delay of the Lord's coming, because it is salvation for others. :D
What is it that you and I Christian, know beforehand, before Peter reminds us of it? That people will make fun of us for clinging to our faith, and make carrying the name Christian~ sound foolish. For waiting for Him, for His Day~ for trusting that He will save us, and give us a new planet and universe to live in with our Lord forever. :nod
We are not to be led away with the error of the wicked (who refuse to trust Him and His promise). What can make us fall from our steadfastness? Lack of patient expectation, We must take care to keep abiding in Jesus.
We prevent a fall from your own steadfastness by a continual growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus.
Grace is not only the way God draws us to Him in the beginning. It is also the way we grow and stay in our steadfastness. :yes We can never grow apart from the grace and knowledge of our Lord, and we never grow out of God’s grace either. We must also grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ. This means knowing more about Jesus,
but more importantly, knowing Jesus in our personal relationship with Him. :shades
Can I add... Jojo~ that You have Jesus in you in a unique way to how He is represented in me. We are each a tiny light of His ways and love and goodness and grace etcetera... :D Yet without seeing you face to face, without knowing you in person... I will never be able to truly know you. We know Christ in this manner because his personage is inside of us... he is not absent from us or distant at all like we are from one another, yes?

How close could you be to your children without daily contact?
We need contact with one another to truly fellowship. As you know, that is the way we are made as human beings. In order to touch your life, to be accountible to you and you to me for what and who we truly are, we must meet, face to face, regularly. That is the relationship of Jesus Christ in the Body of believers. We NEED each other. My sisters in Christ remind me of who I am in Him when I most need it. My time spent in church is a great place to gage my actions and attitudes out in the world. My sisters minister to me as much with their smiles and laughter and tears as with their words.:heart
Be certain dear sister to smile and laugh and cry with the blessed congregational fellowship of the saints. Especially in these last days. :nod bonnie