Back the viewpoint of christianity. Regardless if you stand it up to the scientific method. Christianity would be shot down, it is only natural. I can't accept christian doctrine because it relys on faith.
Even atheism relies on faith. John Leslie, who is an agnostic, used a great analogy to describe the creation of the world in his book Universes, which is a book on anthropic principles. He said, imagine you are about to be executed, you stand in front of the firing range, hear the guns go off, and realize that you are still standing. Now you probably wouldn't just walk away and simply think, wow that was close. You'd probably wonder what happened. There would really be two possible options. You might think, well there's no way x amount of marksmen would miss so they must have been in on it. You also might think, well statistically it is completely logical for one marksman to have a bad day and miss. If there are numerous other executions going on today then in it would be plausible for all the marksmen in at least one of those executions to have a bad day and that must be what happened. It is the same way with our world, either there was a God of some sort who was "in on it" regarding the creation of the world, or there are numerous other universes all with varying laws of nature, laws of forces, etc... and one just happened to get everything right for carbon based life to be a possibility. John Leslie goes on to say how he isn't sure which is the case, he's split 50/50. To make either decision requires faith. I personally find it easier to believe in a God than potentially trillions of other universes; however that belief does not suggest Christianity, it simply suggests a creator of some sort. There are other reasons why I believe Christianity over other religions.