Yet, Christians in government should be working toward instituting laws that are based on biblical principles. Instead of the many ungodly ones we have right now (i.e., Obamacare).
This misdirection is the result of ignoring a discerning attitude, and discernment is a requirement for the Christian Life. If we look up discernment and judgment, they look very much alike because they are. The ungodly outside and inside the Church making portions of the Church to become a church have drawn Matthew 7:1 out of it's context and have shut the mouths of to many Believers because they are not grounded in the Word of our God.
As I demonstrated in my first response to the question, the title, Conservative, is a subjective title and this truth results in conservatives fighting within themselves, making them of no effect what-so-ever. If the people of God, those that believe and then act on their faith, would stop the stupid in fighting and join together on the basics they all have in common, the Christians would control most of the World. But, within the Conservative and the Conservative Christian Movement there is the Liberal Christian (Oxymoron) and this results in confusion. There are these Liberal Christians in every Church today and they are present on every Christian Forum I have ever been a member of.
One forum i was a resident of for several years, based out of Canada, recently had a homosexual Chaplin, out of San Francisco, join the forum and become a staff member, resulting in me, after better than five years of membership, being permenantly banned because of my stance, based on biblical instruction against all sin, including homosexuality. The residing Admin, a Canadian Pastor, instructed me that Homosexuality was an acceptable lifestyle that falls within the pail of Christianity and, therefore, not repentable. That would make it fall within the Liberal Pail of Conservatism.
If the Christian movement is to survive, the followers, not just the believers, of Christ are to prevail, the use of the title, Conservative, must become definitive and lose all of the liberal subjective use. I know Conservative Republicans that will not vote for a more conservative Democrat because he or she is not a Republican. This is not only foolish, it is ungod like. We either serve the Master or we should go get drunk Saturday night and sleep with the World until we go to work on Monday. It makes no sense to pretend to follow the God that created us and to separate our political affairs into our back pockets, away from God's eyes and control... He sees what we do in secret.