OK. So...I was thinking...reading over a little magazine I got from Liberty (did I tell you they also sent me a B-day card? Great people)...and it got my mind to thinking...
...I think "tolerant" people, "open-minded" people, etc., tend to be really, really turned against old school Christianity and Christians. Like, I'm sure they're all for Episcopalian Christianity as its emerging, liberal PCUSA Christianity, etc., but more traditional, doctrinally sound Christianity, complete with an extensive lists of "thou shalt NOTs,"...not so much...
...but then the Born Again Christians seem willing to work with people as long as you recognize certain things as sin and promise to work on them. For instance: I was g-a-y. I'm spelling it out because, wow, I flamed. I needed a fire extinguisher. But once I came to Christ and I was willing to say "OK, sodomy is not OK. Effeminacy/gender distortion...not OK..." and agree with some other fairly basic Biblical principles, many Born Again Christians were fine with me. They won't show "tolerance" to willful, unrepentant ongoing serious sin, especially if you're a Christian, but if you're willing to acknowledge your sins and move forward...
...then OK.
The "tolerant" people, on the other hand, don't believe in redemption. They don't believe in transformation. They don't believe because secular culture, which is increasingly anti-Christian, at the very least "post-Christian," doesn't offer that.
And yet...
...I asked this question because it does seem that The Bible can be used to condemn just as surely as it can be used (appropriately) to correct. And I don't like that. To be fair, self-righteous people are a dime a dozen, and if they weren't using the Bible to condemn people, they'd be using something else, lol....
...still, it bothers me.