Not saying you do that. But many climate alarmists are saying that God created the Earth to have this warming, but it is really being caused by human activity. Yes, an omnipotent Creator would foresee it happening, but that's not a justification.
I don't seem to follow your thinking here. Alarmists are saying that
God created the earth to have this warming. Who exactly are the alarmists? People like you who think we need to do something about the current conditions or people such as myself that figure God's got this?
...but it is really being caused by human activity. Work this out for me please. God created the earth to have this warming, but you know for a fact that He didn't envision or plan for any human activity in all of this? Is that what you're telling me?
Do you even know, on any factual basis, that your claim that
God created the earth to have this warming is a true statement?
I mean, I guess I'm fairly ignorant in all of this, but how do you know that God created the earth to have this warming effect? Then, how do you know, that He didn't plan for what man was going to do to it?
See, I think of God as being more omniscient than that and more accurate in His telling us that the earth will not be destroyed until He destroys it when His judgment comes. It will be destroyed by fire. Now, some think we're pretty close to the last days. They look around at all the rampant sin all over the world, of which the U.S. is likely the worst, and decry that the end is near.
If God has told us already through His word that the earth will be destroyed by fire, then perhaps we are getting near the time of Jesus' return and God is preparing the earth to burn baby burn. Over the next 30 years, we may see Jesus return. God's wrath poured upon the remaining inhabitants of the earth and then the fire to beat all fires. Maybe it's God's plan that this is all over in another 30-50 years. And we are seeing the growth of hate and fear and angst that God's word also tells us will be the nature of mankind when that day comes.
Maybe!? I don't know about the times of His choosing. What I know is that God created the earth about 6,000 years ago as a place where mankind could live, and the earth will endure for that purpose until God says it's over.
Just to give us something to chew on, here's a statement a gleaned from one report on the issue:
- For 70 years, temperatures dropped by 1.8 to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
I wonder, during those 70 years, yea 70 years of cooling off of temperatures in pretty much the same range as we're talking now about getting warmer, did people go around telling everyone to light up their fireplaces and set out smudge pots on the streets to warm up the atmosphere. That the end was eminent because in 30 more years we'll all be frozen stiff on a planet that has returned to the ice age? 70 years! That's a long run for an atmospheric or seemingly unnatural phenomenon to go on without there having been some fear among the people that the world would soon freeze over.
So that lasted for 70 years. Nobody had even an inkling of foresight that it would end one year out there in the future from where they were living. What if that's exactly what's happening now? The earth is experiencing an adjustment and will return to a more normal pattern of climate activity in maybe another 20 years. We don't know what God has instituted in the plans of this created ball of mass existing in space, to keep it going until He says it's over.
Listen, here in the U.S. we're running out of water. Maybe this is God's plan to release more of the frozen stores of water from the ice masses so that we can continue drinking. Yes, that water would have to be desalinated if we don't collect it before it melts back into the salty sea. But more water and hotter temperatures will mean at least one thing. We'll surely get more rain from the heating up of the climate. That's just a natural given as the hydrologic system makes adjustments for the higher heat and additional water resources from the melt off. Today we may actually find, if it ever gets studied, that the greater rains that the Midwest of the U.S. is now experiencing, are a good result of this global warming trend. Yes, the rains have been torrential and have created havoc in some places, but I'm not sure that on the scale that God needs to work with to bring about changes in the earth's atmosphere, that things such as this are just part of the scale of His work.
I'm just saying. It's fine to work out and discuss all these issues, but let's be careful about what we present as facts that are unproven as far as their relationship to this phenomenon. Yes, some scientists say that the 'little ice age' was caused by lack of sunspot activity. Yes, there are other scientists who attribute the phenomenon to different causes or willingly admit that we just don't know. So, apparently there really isn't any hard and fast 'proof' of the two being related, or else believing scientists could show that solid proof to the unbelieving scientists and they'd all sit around and drink beer and sing 'Hail thee fine fellow'. It's a theory that some have come up with to explain the phenomenon.
You see, I can prove to you that water seeks level. I can replicate and reproduce the phenomenon in countless ways. On the scale of work that God did in creating the heavens and the earth...we don't have a clue about what really is or isn't happening all around us every day. We have lots and lots of theories!!! I mean, we have a theory to explain a black hole, but since no one has ever really experienced what they do up close and personal, it's just a theory. We have a theory about how old the earth is, but until someone comes to us from the day it was created and says, "Yes, I was there when the earth was created and it is so many years old". All we have to support any claim of the earth's age are merely theories.
This is where science and I part ways. I have no problem with science that explains the here and now that can be proven by repeatable testing methods. But extrapolation is not real science! To say that we know that light travels at a particular speed and then try to go back through the centuries of earth's existence and say, "So we know the earth is so many years old based on how long it would take that light from some distant star to reach our eyes". That's extrapolation. You weren't there on the day that God created all the stars. He could have flung them across the universe from a point here near the earth, and as they traveled farther and farther away, we have always seen their light. Nobody was there!!!!! Nobody knows!!!!! He could have miraculously stretched the light of the distant stars to earth in the immediate moment of the creation event.
What I know, is that God says He put all the stars out there and that He tells us that the earth is only about 6,000 years old. I therefore know, based on God's testimony, that this idea that they heavens and the earth are billions of years old is just misguided science. Now I can't prove that because no one can prove how God does what He does with any solid, verifiable evidence.
We don't know how God parted the Red Sea, but He has told us that He did.
We don't know how caused the sun to stand still in the sky for nearly a full day, but He has told that He did.
We don't know how He caused every firstborn child in an entire nation to die in one horrible night, but He has told us that He did.
We don't know how He caused an animal whose only possible sound can be a braying, speak to a man in plain language that the man could understand, but God tells us that He did.
Every miracle that God tells us about in His word is something that we cannot prove or say 'how' God did it. Yet we believe that for the 2nd greatest miracle of His known existence to us, we have it all figured out. Naaaaa!!!!!
God bless,