Its both a theory and a fact. Those meanings aren't mutually exclusive. You've been told this before.

So fact is conjectural in nature now?

Uhh, ok. Gotcha.
Except that the circumstantial evidence you speak of would be the equivalent to a man standing in the middle of the room clutching a blood soaked dagger, holding a note saying he killed several people, is covered in blood himself, there are recordings of the acts going on with his voice on them, and he had plenty of motive and was free each time a murder took place. Blindness would be the only excuse to not see a connection.
So I'm blind to worldly wisdom? Thank you, you compliment me. You do a good job of illustrating the problem for us in regards to the over educated types who only know the world. That God created the world and all that is in it in 6 days is a spiritual truth, ok? Spiritual truths can not be discerned through carnal knowledge because the carnal mind is at enmity with God. This is why we are instructed to not lean upon our own understanding, at all, but to become as a little child and look to our Father for revelation of truth.
That sort of carnal thinking goes all the way back to the fall of man in the garden. Once we ate of the tree of knowledge of good & evil, it gave man the propensity to see only evil...iow, we can only look for things that are wrong or bad now. To (blindly, lol) accept that the bloody man holding a dagger is the guilty party, simply because the first responder points him out and says there's our man as you arrive on scene (?!)... is to embrace the world and accept in faith what is presented to you by a man. It's also bad police work, lol. We've been warned that deception is the enemies primary tool, so a better response than that would be to listen to the first officer's (lol) theory and file it away for future consideration...then take a look at the scene himself and see if his conclusions match the others theory.
The scenario you describe is too perfect man. A mountain of evidence is there against the man! Too much in fact, lol. You don't smell frame up in that?!
You've convicted the man already! In a place where rule of law supposes that the man is innocent until proven guilty. So I reject the theory and circumstantial evidence until I do my own investigation starting from scratch. Who is that across the street that keeps looking over here, they seem distressed. Anyone go talk to them yet? No? Too busy looking at the bloody man? I will.
I'm back. They say they saw the whole thing. There was another man too but he ran out and is gone. Could that be significant? Of course not! Look at this bloody man holding a knife...LOL.
yet whenever I ask you guys to present this evidence or talk about it, you guys always bring up the same exact stuff that hasn't changed much since the 80s.
It's all talked about fairly regularly here on the forum. But you can't hear it because you're preoccupied with gazing at the bloody man so are resistant to considering other possibilities. Let those with ears hear.
Once you actually present a theory, that isn't just an evolution bashing, then I'll listen to you. Until then you have nothing. You have proposed to explain a theory on several occasions, but every time we get to the nitty gritty you run off.
Sure I have before.

But when I have, you only seek to find something wrong with it, rather than consider it as a potential truth. So you say, "But look at the bloody man! He has a knife! Look at the fossils and the skulls" I learned to not waste my time with types that say "c'mon man, have some tunnel vision and look at the bloody man" Sorry man, I look at the big picture. In this world of CGA & CGI, nothing can be taken at face value. Truth is not always readily apparent. Nothing wrong with looking at a bloody tree for a moment, but unless one stops themselves from becoming so fixated on it that they can not see the rest of the picture...the forest...they'll prolly never become a decent investigator.
So I will leave you guys to ooh and aah over the latest fossil find which proves God doesn't exist...There's more to this world than meets the eye and most truth is spiritually discerned...