=glorydaz;584251]To trust is to believe. Do we trust (believe) because we have no other choice in the matter?
We know many people hear the gospel and turn away from the light, because they love the darkness more than the light. That is the choice man has....to choose life.
Why do people love the darkness more than the light? Because they are following a lie. The fact we must choose to believe something, is by definition "determinism" not "freewill". As these so-called followers of darkness which all of us once were, are unaware they are against themselves I ask the question, why have I seen and trusted the Christ while others have not? This is not a sin to ask this question? It is humility. Nor am I a false teacher because I answer by saying God has revealed it to me and not my flesh and blood.
Deceived by who? Satan's objective is to blind the unbeliever using the things of the world. He sets out temptations in the world....money, power, pornography, etc. and then man chooses to disobey God, by following his own fleshly lusts. Does that mean we're "deceived" or just giving in to our flesh.
A great question. However do not both occur together? Yes they do, for the deceiptfulness of sin is empowered through the lusts of the flesh and no man is immune lest they have the True Image of God.
Does desiring comfort or pleasure in the flesh constitute sin? No, only when such comfort in the flesh unfairly causes others pain and suffering in their flesh. Therefore, only through consideration for others suffering and pleasure is there a power that can overcome sin. That power is Love.
Childeye is referring to me, for one. The Word tells us man is without excuse, and I'm pretty sure that Childeye believes man does have an excuse because the devil has deceived him.
If we get one thing straight. Let's straighten this out. Romans one is refering to having no excuse for suppressing the Truth. To do so is a direct diservice to one's own self and to the Godhead. To say this another way, Love your neighbor as you would love yourself, for this is what God in us does even as God is Love. There is no hypocrisy in such reasoning. Therefore God is the Truth to which all men must submit lest they be lost. Since to deny this is to deny one's self, it is hypocritical as is all reasoning founded upon lies. Andtherefore there is no excuse for denying one's self. This is how the conscience works.
Now all I have said is men are not free in their wills to make up their own truth for this is to deny the existence of a Godhead and count Love as the product of man's will. Therefore such an ideal of "freewill" that discounts God as necessary for a man to be righteous, is to be under a lie and is sin and will lead to death. This lie was believed when we partook of the knowledge of good and evil thinking we could be like God if we could choose to be righteous equipped with such knowledge, when in fact we already were like God in that we had Love.
This was a deception perpetrated by Satan and I do not believe Adam and Eve fully understood the ramifications of their decision nor do I think they were aware of the deception even because they were ignorant of the fact they were already like God in that they had Love. Hence Roman's one says for when they knew God they did not esteem God as God. Being unthankful they became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.
All of this came after Adam and Eve, and is indicative of our thinking we choose to be good or evil according to the knowledge first taken by Adam in the garden. For how else would one think they are wise and become fools as Romans one says unless they took merit for their own brightness rather than giving glory to God their maker? Consequently God gave men over to the lusts of their flesh and unto vile affections because we worshipped the creation (ourselves) over the Creator.
Now these vile affections are not our choice as they are the consequence of a false image of god. So as this is the case we do not freely choose to have them and we must not declare we do lest we remain ignorant from whence they came and remain ignorant and this is the darkness that men Love rather than the light of the Truth. And the perpetuating of this lie is the ongoing of wickedness in mankind.
So it is Romans
two says, there is no excuse whoever you are who judges another, for wherein you judge another you condemn yourself for you do the same. So it is I do not condemn Adam and Eve for I reckon they are the same as I, and I them in God's eyes.
Man is defiled by what comes out of the heart of man...his disobedience to God's laws which have been set forth in his conscience.
Man is defiled by what comes out of
his mouth, For as he condemns others he condemns himself.
Exactly. Satan can't force us to do anything against our will.
As the will is subject to whatever the mind believes to be true, this is not an accurate statement. Scripture has already proven this over and over and over and over and over. Satan from the beginning said God can't force us. What a load of B.S... Now you say Satan can't force us, and I would state this is dependant upon whether we see the Truth so as not to be deceived. This whole talk of "freewill" obscures the reality of Truth and only serves to once again elevate the believer over the Truth. And so I maintain it is only by grace we see and not sin, and I reject any teaching that gives credence to the abilities of men rather than to the Creator that bestows them.
Man is quite capable of deceiving himself,
Yes those who believe they sin because they chose to rather than they were given over to the lusts of the flesh by God, are deceiving themselves.
combined with this flesh of sin which follows after the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
Yes these are the consequences of not seeing the Truth of God.
False teachers lie in wait to deceive.
Yes they certainly do, may God allow we not be one of them, Amen?