People at first were panicking because it was something new, and media were scare mongering 24 hours. All panic was caused by media, all scary scenes came from media. What I saw with my own eyes was a peaceful world around me, no bodies on the streets, no despair in anyone around me, no tragic stories from anyone real, only from the media, very peaceful at my workplace (huge, public hospital in the city).
Notice how what you experienced was not what the media was portraying, which is what a lot of other people actually were experiencing. This is exactly why we should never go solely by feelings and subjective experiences, but take
everything into account, including other people's experiences.
I literally don't know anyone who died,
I had at least two relatives die from it, at least of whom refused to get vaccinated because they believed all the disinformation about them, and at least two more that came very close. And I have friends who had loved ones die from it.
I know some people who got ill but it all was like a flu. I got ill only once.
I know many who got it and some who were deathly ill. I also know two young women, mid 20's, from my church who not only can no longer work, but need a lot of care, one recently got a wheelchair to get around and the other is literally bedridden 24/7. They got COVID before the vaccines were available, so for the one, it's been right about 4 years now and the other is coming up on 4 years. Another woman from my church, early to mid-50's, can no longer work, but at least she can function better than the younger two.
As I stated, there are no hard numbers, but it is estimated that 10-30% of people end up with long COVID.
Overwhelming majority people who died were old, and with underlaying illnesses and diseases.
And, yet, many young people still died from it.
Then jabs came which finished them off.
Which isn't true. Anyone who died or had an ill effect from the vaccines, which happens with nearly every vaccine, likely would have had a poor outcome from getting COVID. All, or nearly all, of the symptoms of the vaccines are also symptoms of COVID, except that with COVID a person is orders of magnitude more likely get them than with the vaccines, and get them more severely.
Before COVID I never thought about vaccinations, pandemics, I was neither supporter nor against. When COVID was announced I just knew it was something odd, and unreal, I didn't learn that from anyone, I just knew, let's call it gut feeling.
Again, this is why we should never just rely on subjective feelings.
We fight not against flesh and blood, that's the general point, and the devil works through every system, healthcare, education, music industry, politics, media, movies, etc.
He also works through conspiracies and denial of reality.