Your understanding of that verse is wrong.
And, the way you would understand it makes it irrational and actually fantastic.
The ONLY way that verse can be understood rationally is to understand that Jesus was symbolizing himself as Truth, the concept of Truth as an ideal.
Truth does create everything in our mind as it actually is.
Immanuel Kant explained this same thing for you, but outsid of any religious construct that tends to make these ideas metaphysical and surrealistic.
I do not believe this will change your convictions on the issue, but other readers may see my point:
noun ( pl.)
(in Kantian philosophy) a thing as it is in itself (external to our mind), as distinct from a thing as it is knowable (to our mind) by (using) the senses through phenomenal attributes (meaning we figure out what the senses are saying is "out there."
Immanuel Kant (1724 1804), in the Critique of Pure Reason, distinguished between objects as phenomena, which are objects as shaped and grasped by human sensibility and understanding, and objects as a thing as it is in itself, or noumena, (distinct from a thing conceived, imaged, as it is in itself, as distinct from the thing), which do not appear to us in space and time, but only as mental constructs, and about which we can make no legitimate judgments.
Truth creates everything in our mind as it really is.