According to conventional Christian theology, Jesus was born to a Jewish mother on her way to Egypt. Nothing was heard of him again until he was thirty-years-old. Many people have speculated about where was Jesus and what he was doing during those missing thirty years. Biblical scholars have conspicuously avoided the possibility that he was in Egypt, even though that makes the most sense.
His name Jesus says Beard-of-Isis. His name reveals where he was and what he was doing during the early part of his life. He was a student of Isis' teachings in Egypt. Jesus was a prophet, preacher, teacher and practitioner of Isis' religion. Jesus was alegedly a member of a religious community called Essenes. The name Essenes says Isis-sons. Biblical scholarship claims that the Essenes were a Jewish sect. It is unlikely that a hermetic community of Isis-sons practiced Judaism.
The entire Jesus legend is derived directly from the Pagan trinity of gods, Assur, Isis, and Heru. The "father who art in heaven" is Assur. The Immaculate Conception is from Isis' union with her deified ancestor. The "born king," the resurrection of Jesus, his teachings of universal love, every significant feature of the Jesus legend comes directly from Isis' religion. None of it has any basis in Judaism.
Jesus wasn't a Jew or a Christian. The marriage of Christianity to Judaism was a marriage of political convenience. It had nothing to do with Jesus' teachings. At the time Jesus was born, Egypt and Syria were both under Roman conquest. Palestine/Judea fell soon afterward. The whole region was rife with anti-Roman sentiments and revolution. The Romans took all of that region from the Greeks. The Greeks were intent on putting together any and every possible coalition of forces that opposed Rome in that region.
"Wars make strange bedfellows." "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Jesus and his followers were opponents of Judaism. They agreed only in their opposition to Rome. Jesus was a great enlightened Pagan teacher. His teachings were welded to the Jewish Torah in the Bible, in Greece, long after he was dead. The Prince of Peace was used to rally a war. The Goddess of Love was sacrificed for that war. The records of the ancient world, except the Bible, were destroyed in that war.