Growth Daily Verses

Matthew 13:45,46 NKJV

45. Again the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,
46. Who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

Wow how urgent is this message! What have I given up for The Lord. Why do I still sleep?
1 Corinthians 3:12-15

That verse was on my mind today. Tessa's post just made me think...when we all stand before God, what will withstand the heat of judgment?
Philippians 4:8 NKJV

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."

God wants us to fill our minds with these things. More proof that God is love.
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Scripture Of The Day - UPHELD BY HIS WORD

There is supernatural power released in the Word of God through declaration.
Jesus said (Mark 11:23) in the letter to the Hebrews (Hebrews 10:23) that we are encouraged to hold fast our confession. Once we have released our faith in the command of faith or the prayer of faith, we must continue to believe God is working regardless of any visible change.
As the Spirit unveils to us our participation in Christ, that ability is imparted to us.

"Seeing that it will not be impossible with God to fulfill His every declaration." - Luke 1:37

To translate this verse even more literally: No Rhema from God shall be void of dunamis. In other words, when God speaks, His Word carries supernatural power. When we affirm out loud and meditate on the Word concerning our authority, the Holy Spirit writes His laws on the tablets of our hearts. As we endure as good soldiers, we hold fast to the Word until it is manifested in the seen realm. The Words of Jesus, which were given to Him by His Father, upholds all things.
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"And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power." - Hebrews 1:3
Isaiah 6:8 NKJV

'Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying
"Whom shall I send
And who will go for us?"
Then I said, "Here am I. Send me."

Am I willing to go where the Lord sends me?

Ephesians 2:8 - "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."

Paul says that grace saves us "through faith." Faith unlocks the power of grace and releases it to function in our world--and faith itself is another gift of God. The difference between both gifts is, the grace-gift must be activated by the faith-gift.
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1. Believe that God is "rich in mercy".
2. We must accept as true that God loves us with "great love."
3. We must not doubt that He atoned for "our transgressions."
4. We must be confident we are "alive together with Christ."

John 1:16 - "For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace."

The same grace that turns our hearts toward Christ continues to work in us, transforming even our sufferings and trials into virtue and power.

We've been taught that grace is God's unmerited favor, which of course, it is. Yet unmerited favor is only on aspect of grace. In reality, grace is God's promise to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Romans 4:3 - "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness."

When Abraham "believed God" it meant that he believed what God had promised would come to pass. God promised to do for Abraham what Abraham and Sarah could not fulfill on their own. This is the glory of God's grace: it accomplishes what is otherwise impossible for us.


Grace not only chooses me, saves me eternally and blankets my life with mercy, but grace also works in me realities unattainable without divine help.

Zechariah 4:7 -- "What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"

Zerubbabel had mountains in his life that were too much for him. He had a task that was beyond his abilities. Yet God promised His Spirit would help, and when it was done, multitudes would be shouting "Grace, grace" at the finished work.


I don't postpone my breakthrough -- I believe that God's grace is here to release me!

I don't run from the mountains in my life -- I face them with faith -- and shout "Grace,grace" to them and let God make my mountains into "a plain."

I speak to the mountain of discouragement, sickness or financial need -- GRACE, GRACE!
Isaiah 6:8 NKJV

'Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying
"Whom shall I send
And who will go for us?"
Then I said, "Here am I. Send me."

Am I willing to go where the Lord sends me?

Also, we may already be where we were sent. Some of us are born in that place. Often we simply need to grow where we are planted. The "sending" may be simply for us to walk across to our neighbor's house.
good insights, papa zoom. when i was at a pentecostal residential place in my mid-20s, dudes would have big dreams of doing this that and the other. its odd, because i didn't get genuinely saved until a couple years later, but...i kinda thought I'd be blessed to just be a work a day Christian, maybe do a lil outreach to 'severely mentally ill' people, etc. its kinda like those hippy bumper stickers...'think global, shop local'

each Christian doing a bit of God's will for his life can make more meaningful impact, over time+in combination, then people who get their own 'stuff' mixed up with God's will. Not that I'm trying to criticize...that's largely for -me-, actually, 'cause for a while there I was thinking big, big, big things....

and not praying for or listening for God's will. I look at a cousin...he's in full time ministry, he's considered a really big deal...humble man, good man. then i look at verna...right now, i get the impression that The Lord is using a -whole- lot of her time to minister to me, and...that brings her joy. So...God deals with us all according to His will, and...yeah. thanks for your post. :)
Also, we may already be where we were sent. Some of us are born in that place. Often we simply need to grow where we are planted. The "sending" may be simply for us to walk across to our neighbor's house.

Good thinking Papa Zoom. So true e.g. if we have to care for people. Wharever the reason God will plant us wherever we were meant to be.
good insights, papa zoom. when i was at a pentecostal residential place in my mid-20s, dudes would have big dreams of doing this that and the other. its odd, because i didn't get genuinely saved until a couple years later, but...i kinda thought I'd be blessed to just be a work a day Christian, maybe do a lil outreach to 'severely mentally ill' people, etc. its kinda like those hippy bumper stickers...'think global, shop local'

each Christian doing a bit of God's will for his life can make more meaningful impact, over time+in combination, then people who get their own 'stuff' mixed up with God's will. Not that I'm trying to criticize...that's largely for -me-, actually, 'cause for a while there I was thinking big, big, big things....

and not praying for or listening for God's will. I look at a cousin...he's in full time ministry, he's considered a really big deal...humble man, good man. then i look at verna...right now, i get the impression that The Lord is using a -whole- lot of her time to minister to me, and...that brings her joy. So...God deals with us all according to His will, and...yeah. thanks for your post. :)

Good post CE ☺
I've tried to live by the maxim: Grow where you're planted. When people tell me their are going on a mission trip, I say, "In Christ, your life is a mission trip." I know what they mean but we don't have to go to Africa unless called. But we're all called to life a life of love and service and most times (meaning for most of us) it means that we serve where we live.

Make it your goal to out give God. Good luck with that. Try out-blessing God. Not possible. But I've found that the more we give to others, the more we're blessed by God. (And I don't mean material blessings. The joy of the Lord beats any currency we could get and somehow blessing others can bring overwhelming spiritual blessings. "My cup overflows!"
Hi Papa Zoom. God has brought me back to the place I grew up in. Just round the corner from the very house. I only know 3 people, all the rest have moved away. My closest friends have passed away. I don't know yet what I should be doing, apart from looking after 3 people.

I agree the joy of the Lord is the best blessing you can possibly have. You are well blessed.
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John 15:5 - "I am the vine; your are the branches......apart from Me you can do nothing."

We were born to consult God to find out His PURPOSE for our lives so that we can discover our vision.

Revelation 1:8 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega."

God is not only the Author of our vision, but also our continuing Support as we progress toward its fulfillment. Prayer is what keeps us connected to the Vision-Giver. Prayer is where we receive the ability to continue the fight.

Isaiah 40:31 - "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

When you have been pressed, criticized, and opposed, you can become weak in faith. When people attack your dream, you go to God. You don't try to explain and give an answer for everything because you can't explain anything to critics. Their motives are already contaminated, and they'll use your words against you. Through prayer, God encourages us to get back out in the fight of faith.

Psalm 27:1 - "The Lord is my light and my salvation - who shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?"
Scripture Of The Day - CONSIDER JESUSJesus Holds Out His Hand.jpg

Hebrews 4:15 - "For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been tempted in all things like as we are, yet without sin."

What comfort and strength comes at such a time to a soul, when it sees that Jesus is able to sympathize and to succor (aid, help, furnish relief), because He has Himself been thus tempted.
Or did it not become so dark in His soul, that He had to wrestle and to cry -- "if it be possible?" and "Why hast thou forsaken Me?"

He too had to trust God in the dark.
He too, in the hour of death had to let go of His spirit and commit it, in the darkness of death, into God's keeping.
He knew what it was to walk in darkness and see no light.

And when a believer feels utterly helpless and in despair, Jesus can sympathize with him; He was tempted in all things like as we are.


If we would but rest in the assurance that He understands it all, that He feels for us with a sympathy, in which the infinite love of God and the tenderness of a fellow-sufferer are combined, and is able to succor him, we should soon reach the rest of God. Trusting Jesus would bring us into it.


Am I will to be a partaker of a heavenly CALLING?

Am I driven to hold fast to my confession to know the full power of Jesus to save?

Am I willing to listen today to the voice of the Holy Spirit?
John 15:5 - "I am the vine; your are the branches......apart from Me you can do nothing."

We were born to consult God to find out His PURPOSE for our lives so that we can discover our vision.

So many times I've tried, so many times I've failed. I tried Sinatra's way (I did it my way) but it didn't work out so well. When God's hand was clearly directing my path, and I followed, blessings beyond my dreams. My job is one such thing. I never planned on moving 1800 miles away; I never wanted to teach 5 year old children; I never had on my radar to teach art professionally (it's very difficult to get a job as an art teacher - lots of competition).

I was offered a job (my only offer in a very dry market) 1800 miles from my birth State. It was teaching kindergarten. I said yes. That led to getting offered the job to develop the art program at our school (a newly developed position which I accepted (after 10 years of teaching both kindergarten and 2nd grade). Then 18 wonderful years teaching art before I retired. So many blessings followed from walking through the only open door available.

I had other plans after graduation from college. I'm so glad my plans never happened and even more glad that I followed the leading of the Spirit.

Now after retiring my wife an I are planning to move. Our home is too big and the stairs are getting to be a problem for my wife. I'm trusting fully in God to open doors and close others. At the moment, there are no prospects but I'm trusting God all the way. He sees the future and know what's around the bend. I can't see beyond the next block. (fortunate for me!)
Joshua 1:9 NKJV

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1
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Are you hungry to see an increase of the Presence and Power of the Lord at work in your life? You can daily live in the demonstration of the Spirit and power! We serve a supernatural God who performs supernatural acts, and all believers should expect demonstrations of the Spirit and power—signs, wonders, and miracles.


Believe the Lord is releasing a powerful impartation to you that will empower your destiny and enable you to advance to the next level!

Experience the glory of God as He charges the atmosphere and demonstrates His mighty power in your daily walk.

Expect to be transformed, refreshed, renewed, empowered, and equipped to be a witness of the mighty power of the Lord.

Believe for greater activation of the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Believe for a greater release of the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that you will see miracles on a daily bases and will be a walking sign and wonder of the presence and power of the Lord.

Believe with the highest expectations in the Lord for an ever-increasing flow of His power and might for your life.

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1
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Are you hungry to see an increase of the Presence and Power of the Lord at work in your life? You can daily live in the demonstration of the Spirit and power! We serve a supernatural God who performs supernatural acts, and all believers should expect demonstrations of the Spirit and power—signs, wonders, and miracles.


Believe the Lord is releasing a powerful impartation to you that will empower your destiny and enable you to advance to the next level!

Experience the glory of God as He charges the atmosphere and demonstrates His mighty power in your daily walk.

Expect to be transformed, refreshed, renewed, empowered, and equipped to be a witness of the mighty power of the Lord.

Believe for greater activation of the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Believe for a greater release of the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that you will see miracles on a daily bases and will be a walking sign and wonder of the presence and power of the Lord.

Believe with the highest expectations in the Lord for an ever-increasing flow of His power and might for your life.
Great thoughts to start a day! Thank you!
2 Kings 7:9 NKJV

"Then they said to one another, ''We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light some punishment will come upon us. Now, therefore come, let us go and tell the King's household."

How can we apply this in our lives today?