Barbarian observes:
Common misconception. But it's very consistent with God's word. YE creationism, on the other hand, rejects God's word in Genesis. There are, of course, some forms of creationism that are not contrary to His word.
Like the ICR said, "Lot's of Christians are slipping and compromising on the word of the Bible." the assertion that the Earth is old would not work with the Bible. If you believe this then you believe that God made humans over a billion years ago.
Even 1500 years ago, Christians knew the the "days" of Genesis were not literal ones. Morning and evenings with no sun to have them, for example, make that very clear.
I'll admit, that YE Creationism is relatively new.
No, you've been misled about that, too. Christians do not believe unbaptized babies go to Hell.
Catholics do.
So, you don't believe in the Trinity? It's not anywhere in Scripture, either.
I didn't say I didn't believe the Trinity. The Trinity is in scripture.
Barbarian observes:
Even Darwin suggested that the first organisms were created by God.
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
Darwin's last sentence from
The Origin of Species 1872
"The Creator" can be anyone you want it to be. He's recognizing someone but not God, and for all we know it could be the Evolution process itself.
Barbarian observes:
It does, if you accept the way God did it.
The evidence for common descent:
1. Genetics. The nested hierarchy of living things (first noted by Linnaeus, and found only in cases of common descent) is supported not merely by anatomy but also by genetics, which shows relationships. And we know it works, because it can be used to identify family relationships, and group affinities in human populations.
2. Transitional organisms. Numerous transitional organisms connect major groups according to Linnaeus's hierarchy. Even more important, there are no transitionals where there shouldn't be any according to the nested hierarchy of descent.
3. Observed speciations.
Even most creationists have now conceded that new species evolve. And no one can show an limit to variation.
Bible says God made us not Evolution.
Barbarian observes:
You've been badly misled about what the theory says. No wonder you hate it. I'd hate it too, if I thought it was like that.
Name some of them.
James Donninger, Ann Linton, John Hey, Donald Ewert, and John Walton. Need I name more?
Here's a place to start learning about it. You've got a lot of work to do.
Barbarian observes:
Sorry. Not credible. The theory isn't like that. Hard to believe a "biology teacher" would not know what evolutionary theory is.
Not if he believes stories like that.
Barbarian observes:
That's wrong too. It's natural selection that makes organisms more fit. You know what they say; "people are down on things they aren't up on." And it seems you've been listening to a lot of those people.
Mutations can help you or they can't. It's a shot in the dark.
Most don't. Do you understand why?
Barbarian observes:
Want to learn what it's really about?
First, there are four points to Darwinian theory:
1. More are born than can live.
2. Every organism is slightly different than its parents.
3. Some of these differences make a difference in survival.
4. Those with differences that make it more likely for them to live long enough to reproduce will tend to leave more offspring, and these differences accumulate over time to explain the diversity of life.
The Modern Synthesis includes the findings of the geneticists, and the modern theory includes random mutation with natural selection.