I told you, it's all written in the Book of Daniel, ...here's some history to set the scene, Alexander the Great was throwing a great party, he had conquered the known world, but he was in depression because there weren't any more countries to conquer, he became so drunk that he stumbled outside in a pouring rain storm, became sick with pneumonia and died a few days later, while on his death bed his four Generals asked him who was to be his successor, ...his reply, ...give it to the strongest! Dan 8:8, Chapters 10 & 11 detail this time period precisely, even speaks of Marc Anthony and Cleopatra (Hollywood has made movies about these silent 400 years), ....that was the dull, dry subject of 10th grade World History class, imagine my surprise years later when I read it in my Bible only this time it wasn't a stogy old history teacher teaching, but the Holy Spirit, ....and at that time I had a very good friend that was named Maccabee!
It's really a fascinating study, a small group of gorilla soldiers lead by Matthias Maccabees and his five sons defeated the mighty Roman legions, the Desolation of Abomination comes from this time period, there was a spectacular miracle concerning the relighting of the Menorah in the Temple, and much more, silent years, ...not hardly, like I said, the Holy Spirit gave it to them, and us, in advance, do your homework and you will find it a real blessing.