How about Romans 13, verses 1-10 for starters?
Sorry but that scripture only tells us to support the government. Where is the scripture that says,
"as long as it doesn't violate our / God's morality.", to use your words in post #99? Since when does violating anyone's 'morality' constitute a valid reason for non-compliance in following ANY laws of the land? BTW, God does not have a morality.
If I said it was a responsible citizens duty to vote, would that clear it up for ya?
Yes it would, thanks. I feel the same way. Not quite what you said originally though is it?
Actually no, I'm not a part of the GOP and I don't' appreciate your flippant remark that followed. Really, you don't have to talk down to me like that, it's not conducive to an honest discussion.
Let me rephrase... do you vote GOP? Trust me my remark was far from flippant and I'm sorry if you feel I talked down to you, however you did butt in on a conversation with what I perceived to be an attitude. Please don't tell me it's a Forum as your excuse for butting in.
As far as rights, rights are just that. Rights. Not just anyone can drive a car and not just anyone can get married. Oh, and that includes the marriage between a man and a woman just in case you didn't know. There are certain qualifiers for both.
Really? You're gonna use that as an example? When was the last time a gay person was NOT granted a D/L because of his sexual orientation? The issue here is not about procuring a D/L is it? Do you think your state government should take away that right for gays?
Now then, about the separation between church and state. Considering your a Canadian, I wouldn't expect you to understand our national history, but that church and state thingy? It's about having a national church govern like what we see in parts of Europe. So I think that your kind of confused about that matter. But anyway, just to be safe, I know of even an atheist (he's a buddy of mine) who doesn't support gay marriage, so this isn't just a "Christian" thingy.
LOL, you just said something about 'talking down' to you? Trust me, I know more about your laws and way of government than you know about mine. For years, the courts have made it illegal in the U.S., to have ANY Christian activity in government funded facilities. I have followed these events with interest for over 40 years. I personally have no problem with keeping religion out of the government or schools, ANY religion. The only thing I find confusing is when Christians in your country want to legislate their own morality. God does NOT ask us to do that, nor does He want us to.
As far as your stand on Obama's stand on gay marriage, all I can say is that I'm honestly glad your not an American citizen and since your not an American citizen, you can't vote so really, you don't have a say. Kinda sucks to be you huh?
LOL...I said "I applaud", but your retort kind of confirms your political leanings.
FYI, gay marriage has been legal here for quite a while, so I would say it's gonna suck for you when it becomes legal in your country. It is very sad though, that so many "Christians" in your country, use their opposition to gay marriage, to hide their disdain and bias towards a group of fellow citizens.
Wait a second... I think you missed something. If you remember, Cesar's face was on HIS money. Give to Cesar what is Cesar's. At this point, please see Romans 13 again.
Yes. That is why I said what I did. Please pay attention, I really do not like having to repeat myself. Romans 13 was not the verse you originally gave. Try maintaining your responses within the context you make them.
Now then, back to Adam and Eve. It wasn't Adam and Steve. No, it was Eve that was "bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh". You seem to make a distinction between believers and non believers in this area. I find this very odd that you would approve of sinful behaviour, even for non believers. But even more disturbing is this line you draw between your Christianity and your secular view on marriage. BTW, paedophilia, homosexuality and adultery was widely accepted in Roman law in the days of Jesus. Yet even Rome had the sense to know that marriage was between a man and a woman.
This is typical of how people, like you, deflect and distort these kind of forums.
The issue is "gays acquiring the civil right to get married". It's NOT a Bible issue, since they are not subject to the Bible. I would challenge you to find anywhere in this thread, that I have stated I support gay lifestyles, or approve of their sexual behaviour. Now you are being totally dishonest and disingenuous. As you obviously have no education regarding Roman law in the days of Jesus, I won't bother to comment on your false assertion.
Wait, your not even making sense. First, what is a democracy? Am I and others not a part of the democracy? You use the word democracy in a way that means anything goes as long as it's from the liberal left! Dude, you've got to stop watching msnbc!
I do make sense, for someone who understands English and is able to actually follow a conversation, especially when they actually quote their own responses within context to mine. I suggest if you don't know what a democracy is, that you go online and study it. You may be surprised to find out what it actually is.
That liberal comment only serves to confirm your lack of honesty and forth-rightness in regards to my initial question about your political affiliation. FYI, I watch CBC News.
As a Christian, I have a God given right to voice my views, even if the government disagrees. It's called freedom of speech in America. As a Citizen of the greatest country in the world, I also have a democratic opportunity to help shape how this great country governs. It is done by way of votes, and as a citizen of America, all citizens that are of age are eligible to vote. no, my child cannot vote, he does not qualify. By the way, he cannot legally drive on the road either... cause he doesn't qualify for that 'right' either.
You obviously did NOT even read Romans 13:1-7. Try this verse on for size;
Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, <sup class="crossreference" value='(C)'></sup> and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves. Then there is Romans 12:18;
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. <sup class="crossreference" value='(
I challenge you to supply even one verse that shows you, as an American, have a God given RIGHT, to voice your views to ANYONE, especially your government.
1 Peter 2:13-15;
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: <sup class="crossreference" value='(AE)'></sup> whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, <sup class="versenum">14 </sup>or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong <sup class="crossreference" value='(AF)'></sup> and to commend those who do right. <sup class="crossreference" value='(AG)'></sup> <sup class="versenum">15 </sup>For it is God’s will <sup class="crossreference" value='(AH)'></sup> that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. <sup class="crossreference" value='(
<sup class="versenum"></sup>
<sup class="versenum"></sup>