Re: Creationists only please
I have read that there are approximately 3.2 billion base pairs in the human genome (I personally have not counted the number, so the estimate is based on hearsay). If the sequence count is reasonably close, and the earth’s age is allegedly about 3 to 4.5 billion years old (again, the age estimate is based on speculation and hearsay, and the estimates are often changed several times a year), and the oldest estimated age of life-forms dates to about 3.2 billion years ago (, then there had to average about one evolutionary genome development per year since the first life. Each and every one of the ‘random chance-mutation’ evolutionary steps would have had to have been correctly sequenced and genetically passed to offspring prior to the life-form’s death (often within a life-span of a few days to a few years).
Even if (wild speculation) genome base pairs were able to correctly chance-mutate at the average rate of once per year to produce a human, still (according to Neo-Darwinian-style evolution) the chance-mutations would only be occurring in one individual life-form at a time, and the new sequencings would not have sufficient time be transferred to the whole of a specie at the average rate of one per year.
In another view, if the base pairs were changing so rapidly, then there would be a far less chance of a single specie remaining similar since individual life-forms would evolve into a huge quantity of distinctively different creatures. The base pairs had to occur almost simultaneously throughout each specie.
The amoeba is claimed to have 670,000,000,000 base pairs (, which equates to an average of about 191 correct-evolutionary-chance-mutations each year for 3.5 billion years.
It is not logical nor mathematically sound to believe that genetic “evolutionary chance-mutations†would occur so quickly. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and genetic-based chance-evolution is an extraordinary claim that has yet to provide any evidence.
Now it is possible to theorize (speculate) that a form of ‘group consciousness’ might exist that produces simultaneous genetic adaptation, which would help to explain (speculate) how it might be possible for so many genome pairs to be produced within such a short period of time. The speculation might combine thoughts of the observed DNA phantom effect, of string theory, of the Bohm/Aspect holographic universe theory, and of a unique effect of Creation that I have been toying with for many years. If the speculation held water, it would prove to be a tremendous boon for evolution because it would show that one creature’s adaptation to its environment would semi-immediately be learned and genetically recorded by all members of the specie (and to a degree, all other life-forms as well). The primary difficulty for Neo-Darwinism, however, is that if the speculation does hold water, then it would also validate at a physics level that an Originating Consciousness purposefully designed the holographic ‘matrix.’
Pure speculation, but based upon sensible rules of physics: It is quite possible to create the whole of the universe in a very short duration of time (literally days by human measure), including the presence of light waves that exist simultaneously between earth and the furthest stars (the Steinhardt/Turok cyclic model ( visualization of two each 2D branes bumping-up together gives an idea of how waves on a 2D plane can exist outside of space-time). I do not believe nor disbelieve the Old Testament genealogy method of estimating Creation’s age; I simply don’t know what the age of the universe is, and I choose to not guess.
On the topic of ‘firsts’, there is a website that gives a fair amount of emphasis to firsts. One of the pages is at
The law of God came first; then Creation.
Creation is created upon the laws of God.
The laws of God are what keep Creation in existence.
Nothing Created was created outside of the laws of God.
Nothing can self-create itself outside of Creation.
Any law not in agreement with God’s laws, will self-destruct.
God’s laws are not hidden: to know God’s laws, know His Creation.
Man’s laws cannot be valid, nor creative, unless the laws are in harmony with God’s laws.
Nature (Creation and Creator) rules man; man does not rule Nature.
God came first and His laws rule all things. Man’s science rules nothing.
God is love, and love remains the sole measure of correctness.