Did Jesus have a human Spirit or the Spirit of God sense He is man and God?

What I'm trying to get understand is this: Jesus in a sense outwardly would have been Flesh and Spirit.. Taking that thought, He also had his own will which is called the Spirit. God the father has a Will...too. So I do wonder sense God the Father is who He is..His will is always "acting"

My point is: if the will is part of the spirit and seeing that Jesus said, not my will but your will be done then, There seems to be The Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of God. [ here in respects maybe to internal: desires, attitude, faithful, alive?]

Now that I got that all out my mind.
There is a scripture that says "God is spirit and those that worship must worship in spirit and truth."

Now if one defines spirit as unbodily personal power, then I have many questions;

Unless God's will(spirit)is power

God the ->father, I suppose was said to be in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.

So even though I never thought on this subject before, "Is Jesus God,"I definitely believe He is the son of God...how? I didn't need to know how when I was born again. I did believe He was sent by God.

Having noted that, the First Adam brought death

The last Adam brought life

So while both were made from the earth' crust. What was different about the first Adam than the last. One, Adam was never called His only begotton son.

Was Jesus begotten, while Adam created?
My definition of begotton would be to come forth from, as having taken part of the substance of which one is made.

So then to say Jesus is God would be saying the substance He came from was Of Spirit-kind. So Jesus is the substance of God and the substance of man

So if my thoughts have any validity then
the scripture I had trouble with, there is one God the father from whom are all things and one Lord Jesus of which all things were made, (don't quote off head)could be interpreted as One God who is God
One Lord who is God/Man

Which then ->Jesus is God by nature
Yet had his own will /spirit and his will/ spirit was surrendered over to his Father. [This then will beg the question in the way we use the term spirit.]So is this how Jesus meant I and my father are one; In unity?

So my thought is Jesus had the Nature of man and God but the spirit of man
For if my recollection is correct a body for God was prepared already..Jesus's body.+

It seems the whole purpose was that God can be seen in man..His power when our active will is alignment with His.
Jesus said Himself, He always did what was pleasing to His Father and His Father never left Him alone.

My thoughts for right now until I think of some scriptures that may discredited this

What you're exploring touches directly on the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD), which formulated the doctrine that Christ has two natures (divine and human) in one person. The language they used was that Jesus is "truly God and truly man" - complete in both natures.

Your insight about the distinction between Jesus's will and the Father's will ("not my will but yours be done") points to something theologians call the "hypostatic union." This refers to how Jesus maintained both fully divine and fully human natures simultaneously. The Garden of Gethsemane moment demonstrates that Jesus had a genuine human will that could experience tension with the divine will, yet ultimately submitted to it.

Regarding your question about "begotten" versus "created" - this distinction is important historically! The Nicene Creed (325 AD) specifically used "begotten not made" to express that Jesus shares the same substance (homoousios) with the Father, rather than being a creation. Your intuition about "substance" here aligns with how the early church fathers articulated this mystery.

Your reflection on "I and the Father are one" touches on what theologians call "perichoresis" - the mutual indwelling of the persons of the Trinity. While maintaining distinct personhood, there is complete unity of purpose and nature.
Did Jesus have a human Spirit or the Spirit of God sense He is man and God?
Wrong question. Human has no spirit of their own, spirit is acquired from God.

the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Gen. 2:7)
Wrong question. Human has no spirit of their own, spirit is acquired from God.

the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Gen. 2:7)
Then the spirit of a Man or the spirit of God the Son was the clear meaning of the question asked. I believe the church holds that Jesus the Son of Man had the spirit of a man. So a human body and a human spirit but was also fully God. Just something stated so without a reasonable explanation. If He is defined as human, body and spirit how could all of Him then be God? What part of Him that descended from above was in that body if NOT His own Spirit? Isn't God Spirit?

The burden of the word of the Lord concerning Israel. Thus declares the Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him