- Jul 9, 2013
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- 793
I said, 'No confusion on my part. I can not identify the year of the Crucifixion, and I will not attempt to do so.' . . . to which you replied:
But I was talking about the Crucifixion. Maybe you were not.
I think there's quite a bit of confusion to what you say.
In Goshen, the blood of the Passover lamb was put onto the doorposts on the 14 day of the month, the 6th day of the week.
Where do you get that it was the 6th day of the week?
Christ died on the 14th of the month, the day before the Passover feast. Passover always falls on the 15th day of the month Nisan. That year, Nisan 15 fell on a Sabbath; the 7th day of the week.
You claimed that the Isrealites, when they were in Goshen, put the blood on their doorposts on the 6th day of the week. I asked you how you knew that was the 6th day of the week, and you answered by talking about the crucifixion, which didn't happen until about 1500 yeas after the event I was asking you about. That sounds very confused to me.
In talking about the Crucifixion I sited the example of Israel marking their doorposts with blood, as that event looked forward to the Crucifixion when Jesus' blood filled stripes pressed against the timbers of His cross. I sited the marking of the doorposts and lintels of the houses in Goshen because the marking took place on Aviv 14, and the Passover meal was eaten at twilight, the evening hour beginning the 15th. Death Passed Over the houses sprinkled with blood during the night hours of the 15th, and Israel departed Egypt the following morning still on the 15th. This is the type for Christ, the Lamb of God, being slaughtered on the 14th of Aviv/Nisan.
You said more than that it was on the 14th of Aviv. We all know that. You said it was on the 6th day of the week. How do you know this?