- Dec 2, 2022
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- #101
Queen Esther & Queen Mary!Lk 1:32-33 has NO mention of any queens or Mary. Only discusses God and Jesus. So please don't try to Catholicize that verse.
1 Kings doesn't support your cause, either.
There is ZERO EVIDENCE of Mary having a throne in Heb 4:16. Or ANYWHERE. God has a Throne, though. Read Hebrew 4:15-17 for context. Hint: there is no evidence of Mary ANYWHERE in those verses.
your "mary throne" is eigesis.
no. Luke 1:28 "And coming in, he said to her, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”"
Grace is not mentioned here, not in NASB, anyways.
Just because someone is blessed does not make them a queen. Catholics exaggerate her blessing.
The meek are blessed too, but I don't see catholics praying to meek people. I don't see them teach exaggerated blessings of the meek.
May God bless and forgive you,
Old Testament type or example provided by God for our instruction!
Queen Esther
Queen Esther fair: est 2:7
Mary all fair: gen3:15 Song of Solomon 4:12 Lk 1:28 rev 12:1
And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; est 2:17
Song of S. 4:2 love of God for Mary!
And the angel entered to her, and said, Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed be thou among women.
Lk 1:28 also Lk 1:30 1:42 1:45 1:48
Mary obtained grace and favor: Lk 1:28
Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Esther merits the graces of the king for the people. Est
Mary merits the graces we need but don’t deserve. Lk 1:30
Mother is the mother of our savior and our salvation! Lk 2:30 matt 1:21
They prayed to Esther to intercede for them before the king. As Mary intercedes for Christians before God.
Queen Esther found favor with the king: est 2:17
Mary found favor with God: Lk 1:30
Queen Esther saves her people interceding with the king: est 8:17
Mary provides the savior of the world!
Lk 2:10-11
Queen Esther receives half the kingdom!
Mary receives half the kingdom, Christ retains the kingdom of justice as just judge and Mary is the queen of grace & mercy! Hence the throne of grace is Mary’s throne! Heb 4:16
Depicted in genesis as the greater light that rules the day (those living in God’s will) and the lesser light that governs the night (those living in sin) Mary the mother of mercy and refuge of sinners!
Notice the sun is the source of all good and moon only reflects this goodness!
She directs all to Her divine son! Jn 2:5