Thanks. After I did teen challenge, age 24-25, I thought I was a Christian. It wasn't until age 28 that I actually said my own version of a sinner's prayer and began a real (and growing, of course) relationship with Christ. I think I get where you're coming from. I was+am blessed to have my friend, Verna, in my life to fill me in on what a genuine relationship with Christ looks like and what bearing fruit looks like.
I'm still in the very early stages of my development, of course. Honestly, I only now truly *feel* forgiven for everything. I only now am getting to the point where I can catch myself projecting my own issues onto God the Father and Christ., God is not an angry, pagan tyrant, and no, God is not a big warm hug without judgment or standards. Take God seriously, by all means, but don't forget grace and don't forget forgiveness and the promise of cleansing and wholeness in the blood of Jesus.