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DO NOT BE SURPRISED (A Word Of Warning For The Time To Come)


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Isn't that already the times we are in? I worry about the news of Christian churches being attacked and bombed, or of large scale Christian persecution being done; but not counted as the end times, because it is not happening in our nation. At least not yet. It's already becoming an issue in European countries.

Yet no evil will conquor Jesus's kingdom.

We really do need a like button. Here in the US so many try to make end times prophecy about US. It's not, and never has been. It's centered on the middle East.

I know we here can't escape being affected at some point, but how much of the actual great tribulation could transpire and escape our notice?
While a good case for both pre-trib and post-trib raptures have been made...(personally) I believe that, don't be surprised if we get get raptured out at the last second before it gets deep.

I just can't see Jesus saying, Ok my Bride, we're about to get married, but first let me beat the crap out of you...
I just don't see it, that He could allow that to to happen to His Bride.
While a good case for both pre-trib and post-trib raptures have been made...(personally) I believe that, don't be surprised if we get get raptured out at the last second before it gets deep.

I just can't see Jesus saying, Ok my Bride, we're about to get married, but first let me beat the crap out of you...
I just don't see it, that He could allow that to to happen to His Bride.

It's interesting that before the 1800's the Church never taught any "rapture." And yet the ancient theology does include that type of event, ONCE. At Christ's Advent, His second coming, on "the clouds of Glory," which is a specifically Jewish phrase.

I'm coming to think I'd better buckle down for this possibility. And Scripture still teaches "those days will be shortened, for the elect's sake."
It's interesting that before the 1800's the Church never taught any "rapture." And yet the ancient theology does include that type of event, ONCE. At Christ's Advent, His second coming, on "the clouds of Glory," which is a specifically Jewish phrase.

I'm coming to think I'd better buckle down for this possibility. And Scripture still teaches "those days will be shortened, for the elect's sake."

Enoch pretty much got raptured too if you think about it. That's kind of how I see it.
Do not be surprised...

When multitudes of Christians take the mark of the beast. When pastors, friends and loved ones, who may or may not in fact be born again, take the mark and try to persuade you to do the same---telling you whatever they may to justify their actions and to persuade you: "For the sake of your children! What sort of parent would allow their children to go hungry! Is that what God would want? Do you think He is a monster, that it would be His will for His children to suffer, and innocent children, to not be able to eat or to lose their home, because their parents---who are responsible to provide for and protect them---refuse to take a mark? Didn't Jesus say that He would never leave us or forsake us, and that nothing can separate us from His love?"

Beware. People who will tell you these things are deceived themselves, and even being used of the devil, unbeknownst to them, to try to convince you to do what will be your undoing. You will save neither yourselves nor your children by taking the mark, and you will perish spiritually. Do not be deceived. Remember Eve.

And do not be surprised if church buildings all over the world, from the smallest to the greatest, are razed or set on fire, by order or encouragement of the government of the antichrist---as though God has turned His back on His people. The truth of it is that He hated what was being done in them, and they were an abomination to Him and an insult to His name; and by the hands of wicked men, He ordained that they should be destroyed and set on fire, as a testimony to the whole world that they did not honor Him and that He was not pleased with what was being done in them in His name: All the abominations that you now see in the churches, and the apostasy, in perverting the gospel and departing from and twisting the teachings of the faith, and making them whatever people want them to be to serve their own ends and to allow them to carry out the evil and unholy desires of their flesh and of their minds.

And on top of all of these abominations, which you now see, there will be yet another---the greatest of them all---when the people of God forsake Him and take the mark of the beast to save their lives on earth, and to avoid persecution, and when they bow down with the nations to worship the image of the antichrist: The abomination that makes desolate. And so shall they be left when they do it. The very thing that God declares in His word will happen to anyone who does this abomination, will happen to them also---though they quote every verse in the Bible to justify their faithlessness and rebellion, as they do now for other things.

So bear in mind, if and when the church buildings are destroyed, that it was the hand of your God that did it, through the hands of evil men, and His own mouth that gave the command---just as it was in the days of those who were before us, who we have as an example in the Scriptures, but fail to understand that we are following in their footsteps. It will not be because Satan has triumphed, that they will be torn down or set on fire, but because of the evil of God's people that they will be torn down, by God's own will. And it will be a testimony to the whole world, and to you, that this is so---that you may be ashamed of your rebellious ways and of your flagrant sins, and self-deception, and of the abominations that you used these houses for, and the sins you kept fresh in them, while calling on the name of the Lord and praising Him, to His dishonor and displeasure.

And do not be deceived by the many Christians---true or professing---who will take the mark and try to persuade you to do the same, telling you that no harm will come to you. They will be deceived. Believe the words of your God, and not the words of men over God's, as you have made a habit of doing.

We have good reason to believe that the very same thing that happened to the sanctuaries of Israel whenever they rebelled against the LORD will happen to us also, for the same reason. So no one should be surprised if it does. God is consistent in His ways.

And if and when the people of this world rejoice and mock at the destruction of them, saying that it is because the God of the Christians is not God and because Christians are not the people of God that the churches are razed and God does not prevent it or take vengeance on those who destroy them, remember that it is because God was displeased with the churches that He commanded that they be destroyed, and not because He has no power to prevent it. He never wanted them. He always wanted the hearts and lives of His people---but He got buildings instead, and sacrifice instead of obedience. And all manner of evil was being committed in the churches in His name.

The nations may exult over the destruction of the churches, but they will be foolish in doing so; for if the judgment of God begins at His household and sanctuary, and He does not spare His own people who rebel against Him, what will He do to those who have never known Him and have not obeyed the gospel? The cup of His wrath will come around to them also.

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:9-14

It's interesting that before the 1800's the Church never taught any "rapture." And yet the ancient theology does include that type of event, ONCE. At Christ's Advent, His second coming, on "the clouds of Glory," which is a specifically Jewish phrase.

I'm coming to think I'd better buckle down for this possibility. And Scripture still teaches "those days will be shortened, for the elect's sake."

Except those days be shortened, Matthew 24:22. These days are shortened for a time that only God holds back or extends to allow His purpose for the last one to repent and turn back to Him before Christ returns, Rev 19, as God alone knows their name. Only God can shorten days like He did with Hezekiah as He caused the sundial to go backwards ten degrees, which was possibly five hours and again in Joshua 10:12-14 God extended the daylight for Joshua to defeat the Amorites.

Christ returns on the last day at the seventh trumpet and on that day His Bride being the collective body of believers through faith in Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption will be caught up to Him. Both asleep in their grave and those who are alive at His coming will then be kept safe on that day while Christ fights the final battle casting the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire and slaying all those nations (people) who come out to fight against Him.

(John 5:25-30; 6:40; Ephesians 1:3-14;1 Corinthians 15:51-57; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Rev 19; Zechariah 14:1-6; Luke 21:20-22
Enoch pretty much got raptured too if you think about it. That's kind of how I see it.

Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Does not say Enoch was taken up to heaven, but that he was only translated that he should not see death at that particular time of his life and that he was not found as no one knew where God translated him.

Heb 11:5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

If Enoch or even Elijah for that matter were taken up to heaven without dying this would contradict what Jesus said in John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
It's interesting that before the 1800's the Church never taught any "rapture." And yet the ancient theology does include that type of event, ONCE. At Christ's Advent, His second coming, on "the clouds of Glory," which is a specifically Jewish phrase.

These pretrib theories started with Margaret MacDonald in Port Glasgow, Scotland who first told others of a vision she had in 1830. She admitted the vision seemed evil and dark, but many preachers of that time ran with it and eventually was handed down to us through such men as J.N. Darby, Edward Irving, C.I. Lewis and many others to present day. Notice the word theory. Theory is just the carnal minds way of interpreting something that has no proof.
That's where Jasher is a fun read ...

Really. Huh. I don't have a copy Jasher. I'ma' going to look for one. Jubilees and Enoch are both good.

Many are against them as being not in the canon, but if we're not looking to them for salvific issues then what's the harm. Those books add a lot of detail to bible stories...which shines light onto issues and understanding! I'm not scared of them
Jasher can be found online. On, a poster by the username of Summa Scriptura did a lot of translating. He put up good versions of Enoch, and I think Jasher as well. His username is in the URL string.
Good guy.
Heresy is heresy, and apostasy is apostasy. Reproving and denouncing sin and error is not being 'mean', nor is it people-bashing, any more than Jesus' rebukes to the 5 apostate churches in Asia province was, or the apostle Paul's rebukes and correction of those who were in error were.

If you're a Christian, and you stand on the Word of God, your attitude about those things which are unScriptural and which the Bible condemns should be the very same as the Bible's position and God's perspective. Love does not mean making people feel good about themselves when they are in error. Jesus never did any such thing, nor did Paul. People will like you for making them feel good about doing wrong and being in error, but you won't have God's approval for it. (And the Bible tells us plainly where cowards will have their place, by the way.)

Anyone who winds up in the lake of fire will wind up there because they did not love God and because they were unfaithful to Him, not (necessarily) because God didn't love them, or wasn't able to do what He says He does and will do. Emphasizing God's love for us to the under-emphasis of the necessity of our love for Him is a serious mistake---if not deliberately done by the cunning of people who are seeking their own interests, and not those of Jesus Christ.

I'd rather be hated or resented for reproving evil and error and standing on the truth than liked and approved for ignoring evil and error and compromising the truth, and for telling people what they want to hear instead of reminding them of what God says. Those who think otherwise will have to give an account to the Lord for it. Make it your business to please Him and to do as He did, and as He commands us to do, and not to please people for unrighteous reasons.

Wow, you are not far from the Kingdom of God.
I wouldn't doubt it, Don't be surprised if the mega churches are taken over and encircled with fencing and barbed wire. Don't be surprised if the internet goes down for a few weeks or a month...and when it comes back, no more or any Christian sites...

That is going to happen shortly after the antichrist causes a great Falling Away of the worlds faiths.

Amo_8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
I'm a part of a Ministry in India and they do go through so much persecution even some to a martyr's death. They will build a Church and soon it is burned down and the Pastor either beaten or killed. They travel by foot through many jungles to find the hidden villages to take the Gospel to and at times are ambushed along the way. Here in America we have not seen this yet, but to know it will come.

That is so amazing. i have been in 50 states of America, but have never been out of the country, or done anything for outside of this country. God Bless you for being a part of that ministry.


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