Jesus and to a large part the New Testament dwellers, taught from the Old Testament. When HE said to search the scriptures because they testify of HIM, HE meant the Old Testament. That is what the Bereans used, etc. The ten commandments are not Jewish tradition, or any other kind.glorydaz said:Some of the Jews continued in their traditions for a time...that does not mean we should? To say we can kill at will is silly. Jesus said we aren't even to hate or we've killed already. Why must you take such large leaps of logic in order to make a point that shouldn't be made in the first place. Every single moment of every single day we are to partake of the Sabbath rest. The New Testament is a higher calling than the Old and yet so many cling to it like it is life itself.Ahuli said:Jesus' work of redemption has absolutely nothing to do with Sabbath-keeping or no one would have kept it after him.glorydaz said:Jesus is called the Lord of the Sabbath. Why is that? It's because the work of the redemption of mankind was completed at the cross. Jesus fulfilled all the law and the prophets. He is now our Sabbath rest. Today is that other day spoken of...the day of salvation. Now, the work of salvation is done.
The work that God is doing is no longer the work of a physical creation but the work of a spiritual creation. He is creating sons in His image. Christ is Redeemer, Deliverer, Savior....He came and redeemed, delivered, and saved....He is the rest. As we enter into His rest, the Sabbath is fulfilled.
Sabbath is part of the rules of God by which we live. Those rules will not, cannot change. God does not change, his rules do not change. That practice applies to earthly rulers who are arbitrary in what they do including the laws they give.
If the Sabbath is fulfilled, then the other commandments are as well and we do not have to bother with them. In other words, we can kill at will, etc. Strange, that one commandment is so obnoxious to folks that they are willing to make up all kinds of theories about why they are no longer obliged. Or is it?
As for my logic! I'm not troubled by your observation.