IMO all 3 were responsible but the Apostle Paul charges the woman in I Timothy 2:14.
But I really appreciate your view on how we all need to own up to our own faults. I thought it was very insightful.
Another take I get from the Fall, is to take God at His Word. The 1st thing the serpent did was question God’s Word, Genesis 3:1. To which we find out in a short period of time a perfect man and perfect woman somehow miscommunicated God perfect Word Adam commanded in Genesis 2:16-17, but somehow Eve change this command in Genesis 3:4-5. Either Adam didn’t teach will or Eve didn’t learn will, probably a little of both.
IMO we as Christian have God perfect Word, yet we always question it? Many trying to take the Resurrection of Christ out Mark’s Gospel, wanting to remove the last 12 verses of Mark. Also by ignoring Jeremiah 17:13 and the Feast of Tabernacles so that we can sound smart and try to removed John 7:53-8:11. This is just mentioning the 2 biggest passages that Modern Bible Scholars pass their judgment on and seem to echo the serpent, yea has God said?
Yes we are all at fault for questioning God’s love letter to us, Luke 1:1-4.
Theophilus, God lover or lover of God.