I was talking about this with my awesome teacher today! Ok, so God does love even those who haven't repented because he commanded us to love them. Remember "love thy neghbor as thyself"
"This is my command: love eachother" -John 15:17
He doesn't say "love thy saved or Christian neghbor" and he doesn't say "this is my command: just love certain people"
Why would he tell us to love everyone if he himself didn't love everyone? Why did Jesus go and hang around people who didn't repent if he didn't love them like tax collectors and hookers. I bet he heard them have conversations with foul language and talk about the horrible things they did during their day but he still loved them. He still went up on that cross and died for them.
As for God loving people already in hell, well I think since he is God after all his emotions work differnt than ours meaning he can feel a lot of defined emotions at once. Like when we have a bunch of differnt emotions running around inside us it's very confusing...well maybe with God it's the same way only it's not confusing.
He could be extremly happy about someone coming to faith on one side of the world but at the same time be really sad about a murder on the other side of the world. So maybe he's really happy about the people who get to go to heaven but at the same time his heart breaks for those in hell. But honestly that is just my guess. Who am I to know the mind of God. That is just the best guess my little human mind can come up with. Hey if I'm wrong I'm sure God will be happy to striaten it out when we get to heaven.