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Does my teacher have Jesus?


I know they aren't really to be called teachers. The ones taking the lead, does mine have Jesus?
There is a simple test all can look this very moment and know if they do or not. By applying a super important teaching from Jesus= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT taught to the flock without fail. It NEVER stops.
Does the one taking the lead in your religion do that? If not they are failing Jesus and the flock. Thus do not have Jesus.
I know they aren't really to be called teachers. The ones taking the lead, does mine have Jesus?
There is a simple test all can look this very moment and know if they do or not. By applying a super important teaching from Jesus= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT taught to the flock without fail. It NEVER stops.
Does the one taking the lead in your religion do that? If not they are failing Jesus and the flock. Thus do not have Jesus.

if they teach, why can't they be called teachers?

As to whether they are Christian or not. Ask them, and watch how they both teach and how they live.
It is by our fruits that people know what we are.
I know they aren't really to be called teachers. The ones taking the lead, does mine have Jesus?
There is a simple test all can look this very moment and know if they do or not. By applying a super important teaching from Jesus= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT taught to the flock without fail. It NEVER stops.
Does the one taking the lead in your religion do that? If not they are failing Jesus and the flock. Thus do not have Jesus.
An issue might be where one begins in the Bible. We tend to read books under the assumption that everything is chronological and there is a logical beginning and ending point with a lot of context in between.

Imagine discipling someone using nothing but the book of Revelation and nothing else for a year. After that, let them read the rest of the Bible. Would their ideas be different about which context to approach the Bible from? I believe this is what is happening.

Got to look at the bigger picture and begin with the Old Testament (OT) because that's the foundation for the New Testament (NT.) If one begins reading the OT with no prior knowledge of who Jesus is then they will not find him in it. He is neither explicitly named or quoted saying or doing anything there. Then when you get to Matthew 1:1, Jesus is finally introduced as a human who was born.

However, people often begin with the NT and have essentially put the cart in front of the horse in their teachings. Jesus and all of the disciples didn't have the NT. When they preached they were basing their sermons and letters on OT foundation. So I believe we should follow their example.
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if they teach, why can't they be called teachers?

As to whether they are Christian or not. Ask them, and watch how they both teach and how they live.
It is by our fruits that people know what we are.
Matt 23:8--Do not be called Rabbi( teacher) for one is your teacher( Jesus) whereas all you are brothers.
I showed in my OP how one can look.
Don't forget, 2Cor 11:12-15) satan and his teachers transform into angels of light.
An issue might be where one begins in the Bible. We tend to read books under the assumption that everything is chronological and there is a logical beginning and ending point with a lot of context in between.

Imagine discipling someone using nothing but the book of Revelation and nothing else for a year. After that, let them read the rest of the Bible. Would their ideas be different about which context to approach the Bible from? I believe this is what is happening.

Got to look at the bigger picture and begin with the Old Testament (OT) because that's the foundation for the New Testament (NT.) If one begins reading the OT with no prior knowledge of who Jesus is then they will not find him in it. He is neither explicitly named or quoted saying or doing anything there. Then when you get to Matthew 1:1, Jesus is finally introduced as a human who was born.

However, people often begin with the NT and have essentially put the cart in front of the horse in their teachings. Jesus and all of the disciples didn't have the NT. When they preached they were basing their sermons and letters on OT foundation. So I believe we should follow their example.
There is a lot about the Messiah in the OT.
Jesus speaks at Prov 8 in the OT, he is Gods master worker=( Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process. He gives God 100% credit for creating it all.
There is a lot about the Messiah in the OT.
Jesus speaks at Prov 8 in the OT, he is Gods master worker=( Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process. He gives God 100% credit for creating it all.
Proverbs 8 and 9 are about wisdom being personified. If you read the entire context it isn't about Jesus. Important note, wisdom is referred to as a female.

Proverbs 8
12I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Proverbs 9
1Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
Proverbs 8 and 9 are about wisdom being personified. If you read the entire context it isn't about Jesus. Important note, wisdom is referred to as a female.

Proverbs 8
12I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Proverbs 9
1Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
So is Jesus' bride yet most are male. Jesus became wisdom 1Cor 1:30)--Jesus =0 doubt the one beside God during the creation process=Gods master worker, the one God grew especially fond of. Gen 1:27-HE created, not we. Prov 8-HE created, not we.
So is Jesus' bride yet most are male. Jesus became wisdom 1Cor 1:30)--Jesus =0 doubt the one beside God during the creation process=Gods master worker, the one God grew especially fond of. Gen 1:27-HE created, not we. Prov 8-HE created, not we.
Right, personification again with calling the church a bride (it isn't suggesting a same-sex marriage in case anyone who reads this was wondering.)

So do you believe Jesus pre-existed as an angel?
Matt 23:8--Do not be called Rabbi( teacher) for one is your teacher( Jesus) whereas all you are brothers.
I showed in my OP how one can look.
Don't forget, 2Cor 11:12-15) satan and his teachers transform into angels of light.

Jesus was telling them and us not to be proud self-righteous teachers like the scribes and pharisees,.
Member Paul in 1Cor12 talks about the spiritual gift of teaching.
So if one is teaching one may be called teacher, but one also has like Al, Christians to be humble.
I know they aren't really to be called teachers. The ones taking the lead, does mine have Jesus?
There is a simple test all can look this very moment and know if they do or not. By applying a super important teaching from Jesus= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT taught to the flock without fail. It NEVER stops.
Does the one taking the lead in your religion do that? If not they are failing Jesus and the flock. Thus do not have Jesus.

A sure way of discerning if the one who is teaching spiritual things is truly Spirit-filled-and-controlled, which they must be in order to properly teach God's eternal Truth, is to look for the signs of the Spirit indwelling and enthroned in the heart and life of the would-be teacher.

- Does the would-be teacher evidence in his/her character the "fruit of the Spirit"? (Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 5:9; James 3:1-18)

- Does the would-be teacher, speak often of their own personal experience of the life and work of the Spirit within them? (John 16:8; Philippians 2:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 3:16, etc.)

- Does the would-be teacher operate in the power of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1:8; Romans 15:18-19; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; 1 Thessalonians 1:5, etc.)

- Does the would-be teacher demonstrate a deep familiarity with God's word, able to correctly explain its meaning and application to practical living? (Matthew 22:29; Romans 10:2-3; 2 Peter 3:16; Hebrew 5:12-14, 2 Timothy 2:15, etc.)

Your ability to properly discern the fitness of a person to teach spiritual things is, of course, predicated upon your own spiritual health. Carnal, spiritually-immature people always gravitate to teachers who are just like them. Likewise, spiritually-mature, wise, Spirit-controlled lovers of God are naturally drawn to similarly mature, God-centered teachers.

Unfortunately, the Church in the West has taken up a worldly deference to the "expert," automatically giving respect and trust to Christians who hold a degree from a seminary or Bible school. But a seminary degree cannot confer spiritual wisdom, holiness and love for God upon a person; a seminary degree cannot produce a Spirit-controlled-and-filled life; a seminary degree cannot make up for decades of daily, life-transforming experience with God.

In my experience over fifty years within the western Church, I've observed that Christians often pursue seminary training primarily in order to rise to greater spheres of power and prestige within the institutional Church. It is precisely because immediate and unquestioning deference is accorded to the seminarian that those who wish to have such deference spend many tens of thousands of dollars to obtain their credentials. Such expense will pay off quickly if the seminarian can land a job with a mega-church, write a few self-help books, maybe create some video series, and gain a cult-following of loyal fans. And the incredible power one can hold in a church that blindly defers to one's credentials and lifts one up on a pedestal of can-do-no-wrong authority! Think: Ravi Zacharias, or John Paul Miller, or Tony Evans, or Steven Furtyk, or Todd White, or Benny Hinn. The list of such characters seems endless, these days.
Jesus was telling them and us not to be proud self-righteous teachers like the scribes and pharisees,.
Member Paul in 1Cor12 talks about the spiritual gift of teaching.
So if one is teaching one may be called teacher, but one also has like Al, Christians to be humble.
No need to call them teacher. There are other names those taking the lead can be called like minister, Elder, priest, but not Father either.
A sure way of discerning if the one who is teaching spiritual things is truly Spirit-filled-and-controlled, which they must be in order to properly teach God's eternal Truth, is to look for the signs of the Spirit indwelling and enthroned in the heart and life of the would-be teacher.

- Does the would-be teacher evidence in his/her character the "fruit of the Spirit"? (Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 5:9; James 3:1-18)

- Does the would-be teacher, speak often of their own personal experience of the life and work of the Spirit within them? (John 16:8; Philippians 2:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 3:16, etc.)

- Does the would-be teacher operate in the power of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1:8; Romans 15:18-19; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5; 1 Thessalonians 1:5, etc.)

- Does the would-be teacher demonstrate a deep familiarity with God's word, able to correctly explain its meaning and application to practical living? (Matthew 22:29; Romans 10:2-3; 2 Peter 3:16; Hebrew 5:12-14, 2 Timothy 2:15, etc.)

Your ability to properly discern the fitness of a person to teach spiritual things is, of course, predicated upon your own spiritual health. Carnal, spiritually-immature people always gravitate to teachers who are just like them. Likewise, spiritually-mature, wise, Spirit-controlled lovers of God are naturally drawn to similarly mature, God-centered teachers.

Unfortunately, the Church in the West has taken up a worldly deference to the "expert," automatically giving respect and trust to Christians who hold a degree from a seminary or Bible school. But a seminary degree cannot confer spiritual wisdom, holiness and love for God upon a person; a seminary degree cannot produce a Spirit-controlled-and-filled life; a seminary degree cannot make up for decades of daily, life-transforming experience with God.

In my experience over fifty years within the western Church, I've observed that Christians often pursue seminary training primarily in order to rise to greater spheres of power and prestige within the institutional Church. It is precisely because immediate and unquestioning deference is accorded to the seminarian that those who wish to have such deference spend many tens of thousands of dollars to obtain their credentials. Such expense will pay off quickly if the seminarian can land a job with a mega-church, write a few self-help books, maybe create some video series, and gain a cult-following of loyal fans. And the incredible power one can hold in a church that blindly defers to one's credentials and lifts one up on a pedestal of can-do-no-wrong authority! Think: Ravi Zacharias, or John Paul Miller, or Tony Evans, or Steven Furtyk, or Todd White, or Benny Hinn. The list of such characters seems endless, these days.
Every religion claiming to be christian claim to have holy spirit-only 1 does. And those teach EVERY utterance from God to their flock.
I don't understand what you mean. Care to clarify?
There are hundreds of different religions claiming to be christian, 1 is in reality. The one that's hated just like Jesus said they would be. They listen to Jesus and are no part of this world= different, unaccepted.
There are hundreds of different religions claiming to be christian, 1 is in reality. The one that's hated just like Jesus said they would be. They listen to Jesus and are no part of this world= different, unaccepted.

Who are, exactly?
He is Michael. God sent his best.
Interesting, I suppose you're basing this on thessalonians4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

That as Jesus comes with the voice of an archangel, he is an archangel!
But he comes with the trumpet of God, so he is also God.

Hebrews makes crystal clear Jesus is Not an angel.