My personal feeling is that all men are not created equal in many ways. Some are born into riches. Some are born into misery (birth defects) etc. How could I say something like we all have an equal chance at birth, if I was born in a safe country and didn't have to worry about my next meal. Health care paid for, no worry about some African neighbor trying to recruit me at the age of 8 to kill someone. No we aren't created equal in many ways.
However, I do believe every man has an equal chance to please God. Faith does not rely on outward circumstances... Corrie Tenboom in a nazi war camp or maybe someone that has it quite well like a Billy Graham.
Ruth was a moabitess in a country of jews. She would be considered somewhat of an underling... but her name is great in history. The mother of King David's lineage.
Things can change.
There seems to be some confusion amongst posters as to Equal Human Rights & Equality from a Human perspective and a social class one is born to.
Human equality is God given... Social class is typically Politically given or assumed.
Just because we are born to a poorer class of people does not mean we have lesser opportunity than anyone else.
In an economy based around monetary or financial wealth, we have a perceived vision of the difference between classes and social categories of people...
Take money and financial wealth out of the picture and we have an unmatched system of equality. Without money or possessions all men are equal before God.
"Money", is a man made, fake environment, there is nothing natural about the concept of accumulating wealth. Its just something to make one man stand out against another.
If we could just move to a resource based economy we would eliminate crime (crime is only for the acquisition of wealth), hunger, poverty wouldn't exist... We would all live and share in a collective environment for the sake of each other not personal greed...
The closest thing to heaven would be utopia on Earth!