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Does the political system need to fail before people wake up?


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I don't really hate or not like EVs. I don't want one and secondly if it's not time, then it shouldn't be forced. If people are not going buy them without the government telling them to then there is a problem with them.

It's like telling horse breeders that they can't breed horses for travel or farming 20 years after the model T was produced. No, despite my grandfather having ICE tractors he still used horses on the farm all the way to the 1980s.

But this generation of politicians just want to force it despite people not wanting them. Even though ICE was generally praised and eventually replaced EVs it was greatly a generational thing. My uncle runs the farm now and he bought a bunch of new equipment. My grandfather liked GM but my uncle went to Fords. My grandfather bought only what he thought was necessary which is basically barebone and kept the old 40s tractors going, didn't need to replace them despite the newer equipment had air conditioning.

Basically though, these politicians don't care whether EVs are problem free or perfectly manageable they just are planning to force the end of ICE. And realistically those problems are not going to be solved in a decade. They'll end up rushing it then end ICE, well if EVs have other undisclosed problems, well too late then. Can't go back. The next 10-15 years should be to properly test them to ensure they're not going have problems then allow people to choose to get potentially another 5-10 years and leave the people who still want ICE alone. That should be the correct way of handling it.

People shouldn't be forced to be guinea pigs to this EV experiment, which it still very much is and already people have regretted buying them.
Did you happen to see my post in THE LOUNGE about an incredible video?
Go take a look.
OK Ted.
I apologize.
It just seemed that you were addressing the technology part of all this.
The moral standards, or lack thereof, is what is really bothering me.
Don't get me started or I'll really rant!!
Like I said, I don't understand how we got here so fast.
It started about 50 years ago - I remember.
But it seems to have's going quicker and quicker.
I was reading about Kansas this morning.
50 years ago kids were upset because they didn't have a bike.
or a portable radio.
Now they're upset because a girl wants to be a boy?
something demonic is at work here.
People are moving OUT of California?
It's madness.
We're looking for solace...but where is it?
Hi wondering

I've studied the Scriptures quite a bit and here's what I know about the last days. Jesus said that we were going to come under a persecution like as has never been seen before or ever will be again. Paul writes that mankind is going to wax more and more towards these attributes:

...filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
I know those days are coming and when I see all of the prophecies that have been fulfilled, I understand what Jesus said about the last days. I can see them coming. Of course they've always 'been' coming, but we are seeing more and more of the end times prophecies coming to fruition. One of the greatest ones is the resettlement of Israel to its homeland. The Scriptures tell us that in the last days knowledge will increase. Our knowledge increases a hundredfold by the day now. No, knowledge is not wisdom. Knowledge is just the 'knowing' of stuff and today anyone anywhere can get great knowledge on any subject they like in a matter of seconds.

But it's going to get worse. It isn't yet as has never been before nor will ever be. But the way that it gets worse is that people continue to live with hate and anger and madness and seething in their hearts over other people. They have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. But it's going to get worse. As those who right now create hate and anger and fear and greed and lust continue to raise up the next generation and the next and it's going to get pretty bad. Oh, and to address your concern about how we don't know men from women, here's what Paul says:

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

That's what the Scriptures say will usher in Jesus' return and God's judgment. I honestly believe that within the next 200 years or so, this existence will be done. But I can't live my life thinking that I can change the course of God's prophetic 'history'. I'm to live my life preaching the gospel to those that are near and those who are far off.

This is all supposed to be happening. I give it 200 years for the hate and anger and lust and greed to destroy us. And by us, I'm not so self centered as to think this is only going to affect the U.S., but we may well be the leader in delivering all of the hate and anger and getting it all started. If you really want to work at slowing it down...get rid of the guns.

God bless,
Hi wondering

I've studied the Scriptures quite a bit and here's what I know about the last days. Jesus said that we were going to come under a persecution like as has never been seen before or ever will be again. Paul writes that mankind is going to wax more and more towards these attributes:

...filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
I know those days are coming and when I see all of the prophecies that have been fulfilled, I understand what Jesus said about the last days. I can see them coming. Of course they've always 'been' coming, but we are seeing more and more of the end times prophecies coming to fruition. One of the greatest ones is the resettlement of Israel to its homeland. The Scriptures tell us that in the last days knowledge will increase. Our knowledge increases a hundredfold by the day now. No, knowledge is not wisdom. Knowledge is just the 'knowing' of stuff and today anyone anywhere can get great knowledge on any subject they like in a matter of seconds.

But it's going to get worse. It isn't yet as has never been before nor will ever be. But the way that it gets worse is that people continue to live with hate and anger and madness and seething in their hearts over other people. They have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. But it's going to get worse. As those who right now create hate and anger and fear and greed and lust continue to raise up the next generation and the next and it's going to get pretty bad. Oh, and to address your concern about how we don't know men from women, here's what Paul says:

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

That's what the Scriptures say will usher in Jesus' return and God's judgment. I honestly believe that within the next 200 years or so, this existence will be done. But I can't live my life thinking that I can change the course of God's prophetic 'history'. I'm to live my life preaching the gospel to those that are near and those who are far off.

This is all supposed to be happening. I give it 200 years for the hate and anger and lust and greed to destroy us. And by us, I'm not so self centered as to think this is only going to affect the U.S., but we may well be the leader in delivering all of the hate and anger and getting it all started. If you really want to work at slowing it down...get rid of the guns.

God bless,
I agree. I don't even think we have 200 years at this rate -
Yes on the knowledge statements. Fully agree.
And yeah, every generation gets worse - how else could it be?
Parents to children and so on through the generations.
Generation Z is different from all the rest.
40% more atheist.
More indifferent about everything.
Less interest in worldly affairs.
Was it the computer/phones/less human contact?
Machines in banks, in McD's for goodness sake...
It might change a person somewhat,,,a human I should have said.
I try to get God into any discussion I can. Whatever seeds I can plant, I will,
but it's not as easy as it was 30 or 40 years ago.
At least people listened back then. They don't even seem to want to hear it.
We get the news here about the school shootings.
Italians can't understand why or how this happens.
Here guns are illegal. Only hunting rifles can be requested.
I agree. I don't even think we have 200 years at this rate -
Yes on the knowledge statements. Fully agree.
And yeah, every generation gets worse - how else could it be?
Parents to children and so on through the generations.
Generation Z is different from all the rest.
40% more atheist.
More indifferent about everything.
Less interest in worldly affairs.
Was it the computer/phones/less human contact?
Machines in banks, in McD's for goodness sake...
It might change a person somewhat,,,a human I should have said.
I try to get God into any discussion I can. Whatever seeds I can plant, I will,
but it's not as easy as it was 30 or 40 years ago.
At least people listened back then. They don't even seem to want to hear it.
We get the news here about the school shootings.
Italians can't understand why or how this happens.
Here guns are illegal. Only hunting rifles can be requested.
Hi wondering

Sorry, forgot that you're in Italy. But yea, I see the days that we are living in as very, very close to the 'end' of the 'last days'. So I fully expect to see all of this wickedness and evil and yet strive to live my life honoring God by preaching His truth. I let the Holy Spirit do all the convicting of sin. That's not my job. Paul also makes that very clear, that we are not to be about worrying about convicting the sins of those apart from the church. Out there, we preach Jesus and him crucified for our sin and the offer of God's eternal life.

So, I'm not sure what it is that you seem to think that I don't see.

God bless,
Just general hate, like this:

This is the story of a crowd of people who went out of their way to make a server uncomfortable with their hate spewing. Then attempted to bring the hammer down after he listened to all of their hate and refused to go back to the table. Personally, I think the manager should have shown them the door. But it's just hate. That's all it is. People who hate other people to the point that they actively work to make their lives difficult just because they're full of hate and anger.

I mean, they still, as adults living in America today, don't feel that other people have feelings. Believe in their hearts that it's ok to go out in public and make such an arse of themselves and pat themselves on the back about it. Not only will they do these things themselves, but they will approve of others who do the same things.

God bless,
Hi wondering

I've studied the Scriptures quite a bit and here's what I know about the last days. Jesus said that we were going to come under a persecution like as has never been seen before or ever will be again. Paul writes that mankind is going to wax more and more towards these attributes:

...filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
I know those days are coming and when I see all of the prophecies that have been fulfilled, I understand what Jesus said about the last days. I can see them coming. Of course they've always 'been' coming, but we are seeing more and more of the end times prophecies coming to fruition. One of the greatest ones is the resettlement of Israel to its homeland. The Scriptures tell us that in the last days knowledge will increase. Our knowledge increases a hundredfold by the day now. No, knowledge is not wisdom. Knowledge is just the 'knowing' of stuff and today anyone anywhere can get great knowledge on any subject they like in a matter of seconds.

But it's going to get worse. It isn't yet as has never been before nor will ever be. But the way that it gets worse is that people continue to live with hate and anger and madness and seething in their hearts over other people. They have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. But it's going to get worse. As those who right now create hate and anger and fear and greed and lust continue to raise up the next generation and the next and it's going to get pretty bad. Oh, and to address your concern about how we don't know men from women, here's what Paul says:

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

That's what the Scriptures say will usher in Jesus' return and God's judgment. I honestly believe that within the next 200 years or so, this existence will be done. But I can't live my life thinking that I can change the course of God's prophetic 'history'. I'm to live my life preaching the gospel to those that are near and those who are far off.

This is all supposed to be happening. I give it 200 years for the hate and anger and lust and greed to destroy us. And by us, I'm not so self centered as to think this is only going to affect the U.S., but we may well be the leader in delivering all of the hate and anger and getting it all started. If you really want to work at slowing it down...get rid of the guns.

God bless,

What about your selfishness of ending ICE? People depend on them everyday and won't be able to afford an EV. This is supposed to happen? Well then you would have accomplished your goal much earlier because many will be homeless because they can't pay for the switch. Why wait to ban ICE, do it all now? In fact just ban private traveling all together. Let the economy collapse because we deserve it...
Just general hate, like this:

This is the story of a crowd of people who went out of their way to make a server uncomfortable with their hate spewing. Then attempted to bring the hammer down after he listened to all of their hate and refused to go back to the table. Personally, I think the manager should have shown them the door. But it's just hate. That's all it is. People who hate other people to the point that they actively work to make their lives difficult just because they're full of hate and anger.

I mean, they still, as adults living in America today, don't feel that other people have feelings. Believe in their hearts that it's ok to go out in public and make such an arse of themselves and pat themselves on the back about it. Not only will they do these things themselves, but they will approve of others who do the same things.

God bless,

Well shouldn't this be an area of focus then? We don't prosecute these people for doing this. Just because you have the freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to be a racist. Just because you have the right to bear arms doesn't mean you have the right to shoot other people.

The problem here is there is a lack of discipline. Someone steals at a store gets away with it. People speed on the highways and get away with it. Covid should have been a wake up call but are angry and hateful to one another.

Here I'm just trying to make a living but let's disrupt that by forcing EVs. Everyone is angry at one another here and constantly doing wrong to one another.
What about your selfishness of ending ICE?
Mine?!?!?!? I don't make the laws. I just don't think this is any hill to die on and I'm perfectly satisfied with the way things are going. We still have until 2035 that we can buy whatever types of cars major manufacturers will make. We can keep our old car. I'm just ok with it. I don't feel that the government is forcing me to do something, although I suppose that they are. But the government also forces me to pay taxes, carry liability auto insurance, carry a driver's license obey the traffic laws, send my children to school, etc. etc. etc.

Further, I know that 2035 is still far enough away that if this doesn't seem to be working, we can let off on the trigger pressure if we need to. So don't get rid of your ICE, they're going to come back just like poodle skirts.
People depend on them everyday and won't be able to afford an EV.
I don't get this. You're throwing up a scare over something that isn't even a near reality yet. Yes, people depend on ICE vehicles every day and they can still get one and drive it for at least the next 12 years. Hopefully those people who couldn't give up their ICE to get EV because they can't afford it will have had some success in life in the next 12 years and can afford an EV if it ever gets to the point that they absolutely have to give up their ICE. But we are nowhere near the point yet that anyone is going to make someone give up their car because it's ICE. However, this carbon tax thing bothers me and I don't know if there might be penalties for gas guzzlers under the carbon tax laws that seem to be forthcoming.
Let the economy collapse because we deserve it...
What in the world has that got to do with it? You really want to start throwing around some wild demented story about changing over to EV is going to collapse the economy? Really? You don't think that's just a little bit of hyperbole.

God bless,
Hi MayGodHeal
Well shouldn't this be an area of focus then? We don't prosecute these people for doing this. Just because you have the freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to be a racist. Just because you have the right to bear arms doesn't mean you have the right to shoot other people.

The problem here is there is a lack of discipline. Someone steals at a store gets away with it. People speed on the highways and get away with it. Covid should have been a wake up call but are angry and hateful to one another.
Gee, I wonder if you ever considered that's why I posted the video link.
Here I'm just trying to make a living but let's disrupt that by forcing EVs. Everyone is angry at one another here and constantly doing wrong to one another.

I applaud the sincerity with which you stick to your issue.

//////And we throw up our hands and the camera pans to oblivion./////

God bless,
Mine?!?!?!? I don't make the laws. I just don't think this is any hill to die on and I'm perfectly satisfied with the way things are going. We still have until 2035 that we can buy whatever types of cars major manufacturers will make. We can keep our old car. I'm just ok with it. I don't feel that the government is forcing me to do something, although I suppose that they are. But the government also forces me to pay taxes, carry liability auto insurance, carry a driver's license obey the traffic laws, send my children to school, etc. etc. etc.

Further, I know that 2035 is still far enough away that if this doesn't seem to be working, we can let off on the trigger pressure if we need to. So don't get rid of your ICE, they're going to come back just like poodle skirts.

I don't get this. You're throwing up a scare over something that isn't even a near reality yet. Yes, people depend on ICE vehicles every day and they can still get one and drive it for at least the next 12 years. Hopefully those people who couldn't give up their ICE to get EV because they can't afford it will have had some success in life in the next 12 years and can afford an EV if it ever gets to the point that they absolutely have to give up their ICE. But we are nowhere near the point yet that anyone is going to make someone give up their car because it's ICE. However, this carbon tax thing bothers me and I don't know if there might be penalties for gas guzzlers under the carbon tax laws that seem to be forthcoming.

What in the world has that got to do with it? You really want to start throwing around some wild demented story about changing over to EV is going to collapse the economy? Really? You don't think that's just a little bit of hyperbole.

God bless,

But yet you support the 2035 ICE ban? Let's be realistic here, politicians have no idea what they're doing here. Why not be the bigger person here and allow ICE to be phased out naturally like the horse was? Why do we gotta do this the hard way?

If I'm angry over it what do you think other people doing? There was a recent article on a man setting a Tesla on fire. Why would someone do that? Maybe because they either hate Musk (which I blame the left for) or people are seeking to end ICE. Either way there's another problem there. The political leaders couldn't leave well enough alone here. You think think the world is hateful and violent, what's going to happen when the last ICE rolls off the assembly line? People will be furious. Just adding more hate and violence on the fire here.

There is absolutely no reason for ICE bans right now or in 2035. Let alone this administration's additional EPA push. If you want to end the hate and violence start with letting people buy what vehicles they think they need. The political leaders are not setting an example here by forcing more and more laws on people that doesn't make sense. Regardless of whatever benefits EVs may carry it doesn't matter. You can't have a free market system yet ban everything that you don't like.
miamited like I said you have to allow the free market to decide here. Yes it will take longer for ICE to go away. If EVs are truly the future then let it stand on its own. You can push to make ICE less polluting, but banning ICE shows you don't trust the free market system to innovative. If people are not buying EVs then there's a problem with them. Part of the free market system is you have to sell products that people want or need. Not what you think they want or need.

It calls for innovation. If people still want ICE then you gotta keep innovating cleaner ICE vehicles. You have to deal with them just like people have to deal with the animal feces on sidewalks.
Oh and one more thing, people failed to see why Trump was put into office. He repealed the penalty tax for health insurance. It was too bad he didn't give us refunds, just another way for politicans to steal money after screwing people with the insurance which I had lost then slapped with a penalty tax.

Trump also didn't push EVs. But you got the current nightmare administration trying to force the end of ICE. People haven't woken up and it could get worse if this isnt fixed. But America has a bunch of selfish people who wants government to rule everyone.
Hi MayGodHeal
Oh and one more thing, people failed to see why Trump was put into office. He repealed the penalty tax for health insurance. It was too bad he didn't give us refunds, just another way for politicans to steal money after screwing people with the insurance which I had lost then slapped with a penalty tax.
Sounds like you're a fun cheap date. He bought you for just repealing the health insurance penalty. I'd say that was a good purchase for him. He has bought your faithfulness.

However, I'm 67 years old and I have lived in the United States all of those years and under the 'kind' of health insurance that Americans have had for the last 40 years or so, what we have now seems pretty affordable for me. I pay the $160/month that SS charges for plan B coverage and I pay my co-pays and deductibles and it works pretty well, considering the 'kind' of insurance that Americans have adopted as the national insurance plan.

Now, we could go to a fully tax paid health insurance such as many other nations have, but that's never been an option here. And that's likely because it would put a lot of health insurance companies out of business. But fully tax funded health insurance has never gained much traction here in the U.S. So, considering our system, I believe we likely have a pretty good system. However, I do know that your hero had the greatest, bestest, cheapest, goodest health insurance plan that the world has ever seen...but he won't tell anyone what it is.

So, I'm glad that you're happy that he repealed the penalty. And of course, that wasn't really all him. The GOP side of the aisle has always wanted to get rid of it because they believed that would void the entire plan. Oh, but once again, they were just wrong. But hey, if you want to walk around without health insurance you're free to do that now that the dreaded penalty has been repealed. Me, I'm about to have a shoulder repair surgery this Thursday and so far, and I haven't even gotten to the surgery yet, my insurance has paid out over $10,000 in just tests and exams and xrays and MRI's. Last week I had a cardio exam that cost over $5,000. for which I paid $250. I expect my out of pocket costs to finally come out to about $2,000 to me after all the physical therapy and all is over. That's of a health bill that will likely total over $25,000 before it's all over. I'm satisfied with my 10% because I know that's the best that America will offer for a health insurance plan.

Now yes, people can always pay higher monthly premiums and get lower co-pays and deductibles, but I've always been a reasonably healthy person and so I opted for lower premiums.

BTW I'm really curious how you see that our health insurance plan is somehow putting money into politician's pockets. I'm pretty sure all of my money and the insurance payments are going to approved medical personnel and companies. I suppose that I could be wrong, but I don't really think so. So, ultimately, your complaint sounds like just a whine with cheese.

God bless,
Hi MayGodHeal
But yet you support the 2035 ICE ban? Let's be realistic here, politicians have no idea what they're doing here. Why not be the bigger person here and allow ICE to be phased out naturally like the horse was? Why do we gotta do this the hard way?
I don't necessarily support it, as in I'm making a big push for it or happy to see that it's happening, but I'm ok with it. It's just a changing technology and America has generally been a leader in that regard. Although this issue finds us lagging behind some of the European nations. That's ok and I'm not comparing us to them, but just mention that some nations are further ahead in this change.

I don't see what's hard about it. Manufacturers have 12 more years to produce ICE vehicles and until then consumers are free to drive around in pretty much whatever they like, as far as energy use.
It calls for innovation. If people still want ICE then you gotta keep innovating cleaner ICE vehicles. You have to deal with them just like people have to deal with the animal feces on sidewalks.
Yes, and trust me friend, or not, there are people working on those issues every day here in the U.S. and most other tech driven nations. I agree, the world could push for cleaner ICE vehicles, and they have been for the last 30 years. Now the world is ready to take the next step into the future of technology. But for us older folks, the nature of the world has never been to sit back and just let things ride for a while. It's what keeps a great part of our society employed. Working to make things 'better', as 'most' people see it. However, I was serious that EV will allow most people to never have to visit a 'fueling' station and so I wonder what's going to become of them. Maybe 10 EV plugs sticking out of the wall by a row of parking spaces. You get your 5 minute quick charge and move on. Or they can keep the current design but with plugs instead of pumps.

Just know that it will get worked out and the next generation, when they get old like us, they'll be complaining about why we all aren't happy staying here on earth? Why would anyone want to go to the moon? "Oh grandpa, you gotta see it. They have nearly weightless laser tag. You can jump clear across the room in one step and parkour parks are everywhere and you can jump as high as 10'." Your grandchild says breathlessly. "Come on!! Get up! Let's go."

Trust God that it's all going to be Ok and that you'll assimilate just fine until He calls you home. Then you won't have to worry about cars.

God bless,
Hi wondering

Sorry, forgot that you're in Italy. But yea, I see the days that we are living in as very, very close to the 'end' of the 'last days'. So I fully expect to see all of this wickedness and evil and yet strive to live my life honoring God by preaching His truth. I let the Holy Spirit do all the convicting of sin. That's not my job. Paul also makes that very clear, that we are not to be about worrying about convicting the sins of those apart from the church. Out there, we preach Jesus and him crucified for our sin and the offer of God's eternal life.

So, I'm not sure what it is that you seem to think that I don't see.

God bless,
I already apologized to you.
I think you "see".
I already apologized to you.
I think you "see".
Thanks. Yes, I really do. I see all of the same wickedness and evil overtaking the world. I see that as people we are becoming less and less able to actually love those who are not like us or from a different place. I see the greed of men and women making billions and billions of dollars that they couldn't ever spend in the lifetime of 5 generations of their family if they would just live like most of the rest of us with only one home that we call home and two cars, etc., I see preachers supposing to be of God telling us to mail in money to get blessings. I see teenagers getting sexually involved at 15-16 and know that they're lost and if she winds up having to get an abortion it won't matter. If she ever does find the risen Lord, he will have covered that with his blood, just as he has graciously covered my sin. I see all the hate and anger, especially here in the states revolving around our politics and people are dying over lies and cover ups. I see the children disrespecting their parents and some have even killed their parents.

I see it all coming, but I know that it has to come. So, I'm not encouraging it, but neither am I decrying it. I know that God's word is true and that we will ultimately end up going through a very, very bad period of persecution and then Jesus will return to gather those who are his. If we don't get to the days of great tribulation...then we don't ever get to Jesus coming back and drawing this all to a close. I see it. It's coming. It's starting with a wave of hate and anger and distrust and it's going to continue growing by incremental amounts until we get to the days that Jesus spoke of. The days when being alive for him will be severely persecuted. Of course, the great tribulation is not going to be just a bad time for believers. No, it will be bad for just about everyone except those in castles in high places. But don't worry, God will take care of them in the end. Everyone will receive the justice or condemnation due them in this life.

Now, if my timeline is even close, I don't expect to be here when it does all boil over, but yes, I see the heat rising, it's even warming the entire planet.

God bless,
miamited seriously, Obama changes health insurance, costing my health coverage at my old job, then slaps a penalty. I mean what you do? Other than to pay the $400 tax fee. If my job dropped it before Obama messed with healthcare I would have simply blamed the company, but no they dropped it because of Obama and then Obama slaps a penalty tax. How is not a scam. Fyi it was Target that did that, and after realizing they were a leftist company they might as well fired me but they hated me there, why? Probably because I was a good worker and took advantage of it.

Either way I'm at a better company now and the tax penalty if you didn't have health insurance was repealed thanks to Trump.

Stepping over people to get EVs is not the way. You can have them without getting rid of ICE. You want me to stop worrying, how about sympathize instead of telling people they gotta either buy an EV or take the bus.
Wouldn't be bitter if these politicians would leave everyone alone and let them enjoy what they have but instead they're pushing an agenda I don't support, which is ending ICE. Regardless how good EVs might be, my grandfather still used horses for farming to the 80s despite they had tractors.

This administration expects us to drive around in older cars or to buy an EV. And that's likely you'll be forced one way or another out of your ICE soon after 2035. We give too much power to these politicians and thats the problem here.
Hi MayGodHeal
Obama changes health insurance, costing my health coverage at my old job, then slaps a penalty.
The ACA only cost you your health coverage if it didn't meet some minimum requirements. If your company was paying for an insurance plan that didn't meet those minimum requirements, I'd be raging at my employer. I mean honestly, what kind of health insurance did you have that didn't meet the minimum requirements? Yes, the ACA applied a penalty for people who didn't have health insurance. Unfortunately, you're the reason that part of the ACA came about.

The general population didn't want to have to keep footing the bills of the uninsured. BTW, it wasn't President Obama that changed health insurance, but it was his initiative. Just as it should have been Grump's 'initiative' to fix it as he promised he would do. (Aren't you under his new bestest yet ever plan?). But seriously Trump's a braggert and boaster and a liar, so there's nothing that he won't tell you he knows everything about, which is just about as much as he will actually accomplish.

Sorry that you've been taken in by the side that teaches/practices hate and anger. I mean really, you approve of the Grump's actions immediately following the election and leading up to 1/6? I'm sorry, but I like my country better than that. I want to live in a country that is respected for its love and mercy towards know, like a godly government would.

And I'm glad to hear that God has blessed you with better employment and insurance. How long you gonna grovel in that pit down there declaring woe is me for all the evils that man has laid upon me. Why don't you try shouting out praise God He has seen my need and answered it abundantly!!

God bless,
miamited I'm the reason I got the penalty tax? Nope, that's theft. Obama stole that money from me, especially when i needed it the most. They had no right to slap a penalty tax especially when I lost it the same year they did that. Plain and simple Obama hates freedom just like Biden.

Also heres a little story on how these EV mandates won't work,



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