[_ Old Earth _] Earths Age

The question mark in post 15 was ''I didn't understand what you meant'' .. You seem to want to put words in my mouth .. The 3rd point in post 9 you quoted was a simple conclusion considering points 1 and 2 :)
Why would I be urged to think the 7th day was any more or less than the previous 6 ?

I don't know, why would you be urged to think that. I was making a remark about Moses making no mention of an end to the seventh day, but yet did with the other six.
You mad because I believe creation is approximately 6000 yrs like the Bible says ? I believe what Jesus believed, you ?

Where in scripture does it say 6000 years old? Even counting backwards in Genealogy we can all find Adam to be the beginning of all our generations linking us all together in his lineage.
  1. The word translated ‘replenish’ (KJV) simply means ‘fill’ in the Hebrew.
  2. In the English of King James’ day, ‘replenish’ also usually meant ‘fill’, not ‘refill’.
  3. The word ‘replenish’ therefore cannot be used to support ideas about a previous creation, which was destroyed. In any case, such erroneous theories, invented in response to the ‘millions of years’ idea, must hold to the unbiblical notion that there was death and suffering before Adam’s sin.
The prefix of "re" is - again, a renew, or reverse action
Years from Adam to the flood , years from the flood to Jesus, years AD since ?

and where is it written how many years there were before the flood and after the flood to the time of Jesus?
I don't know, why would you be urged to think that. I was making a remark about Moses making no mention of an end to the seventh day, but yet did with the other six.
In your post 3 I've pondered the same thing as you said ..
The question mark in post 15 was ''I didn't understand what you meant'' .. You seem to want to put words in my mouth .. The 3rd point in post 9 you quoted was a simple conclusion considering points 1 and 2 :)
The issue is that you said: "In any case, such erroneous theories, invented in response to the ‘millions of years’ idea, must hold to the unbiblical notion that there was death and suffering before Adam’s sin."

If one is to believe that there was no death and suffering before Adam's sin, then when did sharks, crocodiles, lions, maggots, etc., etc., etc., come into being? Either evolution happened and some creatures that didn't do certain things before suddenly completely changed their behaviour and their appetites, or God created further, after the seventh day, meaning that creation wasn't finished on the seventh day.
The issue is that you said: "In any case, such erroneous theories, invented in response to the ‘millions of years’ idea, must hold to the unbiblical notion that there was death and suffering before Adam’s sin."

If one is to believe that there was no death and suffering before Adam's sin, then when did sharks, crocodiles, lions, maggots, etc., etc., etc., come into being? Either evolution happened and some creatures that didn't do certain things before suddenly completely changed their behaviour and their appetites, or God created further, after the seventh day, meaning that creation wasn't finished on the seventh day.
God instructed what to eat the 6 days of creation, right ? Didn't God curse the ground when Adam sinned ..
Things changed, Genesis 3:18-19
God instructed what to eat the 6 days of creation, right ? Didn't God curse the ground when Adam sinned ..
Things changed, Genesis 3:18-19
So are you agreeing then that there was death and suffering before Adam's sin, at least in the animal kingdom?
So are you agreeing then that there was death and suffering before Adam's sin, at least in the animal kingdom?
No, You suggested God created further, which he certainly is entitled to do but I said things did change with the fall for sure ..
I believe the genealogies in Matthew and Luke are pious fictions,
You would be wrong in that belief.
However, the genealogies are not there to provide an absolutely accurate record.
The Gospels are LITERATURE. They are not HISTORY though they accurately report events in an historical context.
THe Genealogy of Matthew has a specific purpose which is made known by his (false) reporting of three sets of 14 generations. The number 14 is the number of David's name. Thus, Matthew reports that Jesus is the son of Abraham (as necessary for the messiah) and the son of David. (Also necessary)

Luke's genealogy reports that Jesus is the son of Joseph. That is not biologically true. Jesus is Joseph's son by adoption.
Then Luke traces Jesus' genealogy back to Adam whom he calls "the son of God." That is not biologically true either. But it communicates that teaching that it is God's desire that all of the descendants of Adam be adoptyed as legitimate children of God.

So, the genealogies are not "pious fictions" but the literary devices of skilled writers.

And, just for a little extra info at no extra charge, Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 is also a genealogy. It is the genealogy of the heavens and the earth. It was a common ancient near eastern literary device to introduce a story with a genealogy. In this case, the story of creation, which begins at Gen.2:4. (This is the history ["generations'] of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,)
And, as the stories of Genesis progress, you will find a form of genealogy (who, begot whom) between the end of a story and the beginning of the next story.

iakov the fool
The Hebrew word "yowm", Hebrew #3117, translated "day" in English means a day from sunrise to sunset, a space of time defined by an associated term, season, a process of time as in other times (day)
There is absolutely no direct relationship between the meaning of an ancient, near eastern, Hebrew word from 3500 years ago and the word "day" in modern, western, English.

Note that such an attempt to make the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent creates an almost immediate contradiction is scripture.
If each "yowm/day" of creation in genesis 1:1-2:3 is the equicalent of a single 24 hour period then we must believe that the entire 6 "yowm/day"s work was completed in ONE 24 hour period according to Gen. 2:4;

Gen 2:4 (NKJV) "This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day (YOWM) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,"
That verse says God did the whole thing in one day.

Or:.........--> "YOWM" could mean an unspecified period of time as in our modern phrase, "Back in the day..."

iakov the fool
There is absolutely no direct relationship between the meaning of an ancient, near eastern, Hebrew word from 3500 years ago and the word "day" in modern, western, English.

Note that such an attempt to make the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent creates an almost immediate contradiction is scripture.
If each "yowm/day" of creation in genesis 1:1-2:3 is the equicalent of a single 24 hour period then we must believe that the entire 6 "yowm/day"s work was completed in ONE 24 hour period according to Gen. 2:4;

Gen 2:4 (NKJV) "This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day (YOWM) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,"
That verse says God did the whole thing in one day.

Or:.........--> "YOWM" could mean an unspecified period of time as in our modern phrase, "Back in the day..."

iakov the fool

I was making no attempt in making the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent. According to Strong's Exhausted Concordance this is the definition of the Hebrew word yowm as our English language calls it day. Don't read anything else into that which is not there to read into. In Genesis 1 the timing goes from evening to morning. How can that be a 24 hour day. In Genesis 2 God rested on the seventh day as there is no mention of that being evening to morning or a 24 hour period so Gods numbering of days that He created the heavens and the earth are not the same as ours.
The way I understand it there was day ''light'' then dark began to end that day .. Day is however many hrs of daylight divided by 12 to get the length of each hr depending on season and dark was divided in 4 watches also depending on season with first light beginning the next day ..
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I was making no attempt in making the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent. According to Strong's Exhausted Concordance this is the definition of the Hebrew word yowm as our English language calls it day. Don't read anything else into that which is not there to read into. In Genesis 1 the timing goes from evening to morning. How can that be a 24 hour day. In Genesis 2 God rested on the seventh day as there is no mention of that being evening to morning or a 24 hour period so Gods numbering of days that He created the heavens and the earth are not the same as ours.

hello for_his_glory, dirtfarmer here

In Genesis 1:2 it is stated, " And darkness was upon the face of the deep."
In Genesis 1:3 it is stated, " And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
In Genesis 1:4 it is stated, " God divided the light from the darkness."
In Genesis 1:5 it is stated, " and God called the light Day, and the Darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the fist day".

To the Jews, the people of God, the Sabbath begins at 6pm on Friday and ends at 6pm on Saturday. This is the evening and the morning that the Jews consider a day of a 24 hour time period. Their Sabbath doesn't begin at 12:01 am (1 minute after mid-night) on Friday, but at the beginning of night 6pm on what we Gentiles call Friday.
I was making no attempt in making the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent. According to Strong's Exhausted Concordance this is the definition of the Hebrew word yowm as our English language calls it day. Don't read anything else into that which is not there to read into. In Genesis 1 the timing goes from evening to morning. How can that be a 24 hour day. In Genesis 2 God rested on the seventh day as there is no mention of that being evening to morning or a 24 hour period so Gods numbering of days that He created the heavens and the earth are not the same as ours.
There is absolutely no direct relationship between the meaning of an ancient, near eastern, Hebrew word from 3500 years ago and the word "day" in modern, western, English.

Note that such an attempt to make the word "yowm" and "day" equivalent creates an almost immediate contradiction is scripture.
If each "yowm/day" of creation in genesis 1:1-2:3 is the equicalent of a single 24 hour period then we must believe that the entire 6 "yowm/day"s work was completed in ONE 24 hour period according to Gen. 2:4;

Gen 2:4 (NKJV) "This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day (YOWM) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,"
That verse says God did the whole thing in one day.

Or:.........--> "YOWM" could mean an unspecified period of time as in our modern phrase, "Back in the day..."

iakov the fool
It seems to me that when you wake up in the morning, you thank God for a new day.
It doesn't take a lot of sense to realize that morning also means day.