[_ Old Earth _] Earths Age

hello for_his_glory, dirtfarmer here

In Genesis 1:2 it is stated, " And darkness was upon the face of the deep."
In Genesis 1:3 it is stated, " And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
In Genesis 1:4 it is stated, " God divided the light from the darkness."
In Genesis 1:5 it is stated, " and God called the light Day, and the Darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the fist day".

To the Jews, the people of God, the Sabbath begins at 6pm on Friday and ends at 6pm on Saturday. This is the evening and the morning that the Jews consider a day of a 24 hour time period. Their Sabbath doesn't begin at 12:01 am (1 minute after mid-night) on Friday, but at the beginning of night 6pm on what we Gentiles call Friday.

I believe you are correct, but yet do we define God's timing to mans timing as God's ways are not our ways. There is no way to define God's timing in all He has done.
I believe you are correct, but yet do we define God's timing to mans timing as God's ways are not our ways. There is no way to define God's timing in all He has done.

hello for_his_glory, dirtfarmer here

Is not man's timing set by God? How many of us have the ability to extend the day from 24 hours to say 26 hours? God's timing consist from new moon to new moon as a month; from the end of a Sabbath to the start of the next Sabbath as a week, or from sun set to sun set as a day.

It my belief that God is not defined by time; it is man that is defined by time. The rest that God observes is not to restore him, but that he has done all that he can do except determine each man's destiny. He has set the parameters: he who believes will live paradise and he who doesn't believe will exist in the lake of fire.

When I think of the definition of "history", which is a measure of time, I think it is "His story", Gods, of man's existence. It is my belief that on the second 24 hour period, when God called the waters that were above the firmament heaven, is when he created the heavenly host( angels). I understand that there are those that believe there was pre-existing creation of the "spirit" world before the physical world was created: but I don't adhere to that teaching
Well, I stand corrected. :rolleyes
Not necessarily
We need not believe everything on the internet
But it does project a possibility
When Jesus said, "I'll make the rocks cry out,' maybe he knew it was a little bit easier than we think
After all, in Acts he did walk through walls
It seems to me that when you wake up in the morning, you thank God for a new day.
It doesn't take a lot of sense to realize that morning also means day.
Actually, in modern, western English, "morning" refers to a specific part of a day and not the entire day.

And you have successfully demonstrated the absurdity of assuming that the 3500 year old, Hebraic, near eastern, word "יוֹם" (YOWM) has the identical meaning as the western, Modern English word "Day" as well as the problem of understanding the meaning of words within their linguistic, cultural, geographical, and temporal contexts.

iakov the fool
Actually, in modern, western English, "morning" refers to a specific part of a day and not the entire day.

And you have successfully demonstrated the absurdity of assuming that the 3500 year old, Hebraic, near eastern, word "יוֹם" (YOWM) has the identical meaning as the western, Modern English word "Day" as well as the problem of understanding the meaning of words within their linguistic, cultural, geographical, and temporal contexts.

iakov the fool
You are so wrapped up in this, it's impossible for you to see the simple things in life that God gives us, like a new day
When Jesus said, "I'll make the rocks cry out,' maybe he knew it was a little bit easier than we think
Actually it was stones, not rocks:

And having responded, He said, “I say to you, if these will be silent, the stones will cry out!”
Luke 19:40 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Luke 19:40&version=DLNT

And He did, in 1981:

“Senses be praised
You're my saving grace, saving grace
Nothing will harm you
Nothing will stand in your way
Nothing, Nothing
Nothing will stop you
And nothing will stand in your way
No one will harm you
No one will stand in your way
No one will bar you
Nothing will stand in your way
There's nothing”

M Jagger
You are so wrapped up in this, it's impossible for you to see the simple things in life that God gives us, like a new day
You responded to my comment about language.
If you didn't intend to comment on that topic in your response, it would have been helpful for you to have said so. :shrug
?? Are you a Shintoist?

Rocks are inorganic.
What's a shintoist?
I saw a science program that said at the atomic level it seems there is intelligent "movement".
I've looked for this on Google and YouTube but cannot find it.
You responded to my comment about language.
If you didn't intend to comment on that topic in your response, it would have been helpful for you to have said so. :shrug
No need to be upset
I did respond to you the way I know how
It was very appropriate to me
And what's with this bikey stuff?
In chemistry, the word "organic" means chemical compounds with carbon in them.
So, rather than
"Everything that is organic is alive.", a more accurate statement would be,
"Everything that is alive is organic."
Coal and Carbon Dioxide are both organic but not alive.

Just an FYI
How do you know they are not alive?
Could God have given them life that is just different than ours?
How do you know they are not alive?
Could God have given them life that is just different than ours?
Well, there was a fellow in Los Gatos, CA who invented the "Pet Rock" so I guess if you wanted a pet lump of coal....
What's a shintoist?
Someone who practices Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan. They believe that all things have life, including rocks, water, inanimate objects.

OK, back to the original topic, I suppose there is some validity to the notion that rocks are alive, but I was speaking about carbon-14 dating, which as the name suggests, can only work on material that contains carbon, and furthermore was at one point living tissue (yes, there are some exceptions. But not rocks). So for the sake of the discussion, rocks are inorganic and cannot be carbon-dated.
hello for_his_glory, dirtfarmer here

Is not man's timing set by God? How many of us have the ability to extend the day from 24 hours to say 26 hours? God's timing consist from new moon to new moon as a month; from the end of a Sabbath to the start of the next Sabbath as a week, or from sun set to sun set as a day.

It my belief that God is not defined by time; it is man that is defined by time. The rest that God observes is not to restore him, but that he has done all that he can do except determine each man's destiny. He has set the parameters: he who believes will live paradise and he who doesn't believe will exist in the lake of fire.

When I think of the definition of "history", which is a measure of time, I think it is "His story", Gods, of man's existence. It is my belief that on the second 24 hour period, when God called the waters that were above the firmament heaven, is when he created the heavenly host( angels). I understand that there are those that believe there was pre-existing creation of the "spirit" world before the physical world was created: but I don't adhere to that teaching

All Moses wrote, as many think he is the author of Genesis, is that God rested from all His creation work on the seventh day and never called it Saturday, just the seventh day as there was no mention of evening. I believe God set the hour of a day by calling it evening and morning, but it was man that called it a 24 hour day as that is how long it takes for the earth to cycle around the sun.

No one can tell how long a span it was from God ending His creation of the heavens and earth and all that was in it to that of creating Adam. Genesis 2:4 speaks about the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created. The generations was before God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life in him making Adam a living soul. I can only speculate what the generations were since Adam had not been created yet as who can truly know what it means.

Did God call the days of the week by name, no, man named the days just as Adam named all the animals that were created before he was created. Genesis ends roughly three hundred years before Moses was born, but yet many believe Moses wrote the book of Genesis. Adam wasn't born yet before the end of God creating the heavens and the earth and all that was in it so who would have given Adam the account of how long it took God to create everything as that would have surely been handed down through the generations. No one can say how long it took God to create everything before Adam, what kind of animals God created like dinosaurs and such and even if God created other people before Adam. All is speculation as there is no definiteness.