So far, so good.
You response is exactly what I was expecting.
Cheap grace.
"Cheap" grace??!! How does putting ones full faith and reliance on Christ's sacrificial atonement as the only payment that could ever satisfy the unfathomable penalty required for even the smallest sin make His grace
There is a verse of Scripture that most people simply read right over at 90mph and never stop to consider its implications:
Mark 15:38 And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
(It's Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I'm only quoting Mark.)
That veil represented the barrier between God and man caused by sin. Only the high priest was allowed to go behind it, and then only once a year carrying the blood of the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement. Only the blood of an innocent substitute could pay the cost of even the smallest of sins, and you call this grace "cheap"? It took God 4,000 years to get to the point where he could pull down that barrier, and you call this grace "cheap"? Not only that, but you want to put it back up again in the form of religious rites and rituals which must be done to merit God's forgiveness. May God forgive you.
I don;t think you really know what grace
is! Grace is not God saying "Well, you did your best. You prayed, went to church, took the eucharist, did this, did that, etc., etc., etc. Even though you blew it sometimes, I guess I'll let you in anyway."
Grace is God reaching down to sinful man in the person of Jesus Christ and saying "You can do NOTHING to remove the penalty of sin, so I will do it all for you. All you have to do is accept the free gift of salvation I offer through faith in my atoning death on your behalf." And you call that sacrifice "cheap grace"?
You, sir, need to repent.