- Oct 11, 2021
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- #21
Self-preservation really. The rights we extend to the environment are really rights for us all, to maintain the world in a productive state, for us, our children, and their children to enjoy. We know climate change is a reality now (5 of the last 7 years have been the hottest ever). Extreme weather events are becoming more common and more extreme with every year that passes. More and more land is being lost to agriculture, due to lack of water, and sea level rise as the polar ice caps melt. Over the next 10-15 years we can expect to see the number of climate refugees becoming more and more of a burden. And we are losing biodiversity at a worrying rate, and with each species that goes extinct, we lose the billions of years of evolutionary information encoded in its DNA.What are arguments in favor of giving the environment rights?
But there is hope. The recent international COP talks show that at last the politicians have begun to take notice. We need now to hold their feet to the fire, and prevent them getting sidetracked by vested interests.
Best wishes, 2RM.