I know about alzheimer's more than just the science of the matter. My family has a genetic pre-disposition to the development of the disease.gotta love naturalism.
after all when my grandpas had alzheimers(both sides ) they totally forget who they were for the most part.
so therefore those robots have more rights then them.
remember which is more efficient in science? a logical unbaised non tiring machine or you who tires and is biased and that can apply to any field
hmm sound like dune doesnt it?
As I'm sure you know it's never as simple as they are then arn't.
-Somtimes the pepole with the condition were themselves completely
-Somtimes she was my nan having a "funny turn" as she put it.
-Other times they were somone else entirely
-And eventually she was nobody at all.
as you know jason... it's not a simple transition they phase between them gradually spending more and more time in each state with moments of lucidity suddenly jerking back to themselves only to fade away again.
Eventually yeah I'd take my experience with what happened to my grandparents and I'd use it to renforce what I said... the last times I saw my nana all she did was poke a wall socket constantly for 30 minutes, not only did she not recognise who I was she didn't even know what a face or a voice was Let alone anything else around her.
She hadn't said a word in months didn't communicate anything at all anymore we wern't notified of any change before she eventually died.
No she wasn't a person. And yes a robot could easily be more of a person than she was, Without the brain to contain or define who she was she was just an empty shell who carried a superfical likeness of my nan.