Evolution+Deeptime question


No Denomination - Just Christian
Mar 19, 2024
QUESTION: Why do people believe in Darwin Evolution, cosmic evolution, and/or millions of years, even though it evidently contradicts Genesis and erodes Biblical trust?

Sure Creation vs Evolution is not a salvation issue, but it is the foundation of our faith. And when that foundation is compromised, more compromise will come.

QUESTION 2: Why do many Christians Not see these facts and conclusions on these?
At the end the important thing is faith. If believing bible literally works for you ... then it's fine.
The bible is loaded with biblical, historial and cultural references, I posted this many times that actually, the primary purpose of Genesis 1 was a polemic against Canaanite nature worship and, in extension, all forms of nature worship, including modern environmentalism. Nature was created for men, not men for nature.
At the end the important thing is faith. If believing bible literally works for you ... then it's fine

Faith in what? It is faith in Jesus and what he did that saves, not just having faith.
Faith in Jesus means believing the bible is true.
How else will anyone learn about Jesus?

The opening post said that the reation/evolution debate is not a salvation issue, but how one views the re.iability of the bible will effect one's faith.
Faith in what? It is faith in Jesus and what he did that saves, not just having faith.
Faith in Jesus means believing the bible is true.
How else will anyone learn about Jesus?

The opening post said that the reation/evolution debate is not a salvation issue, but how one views the re.iability of the bible will effect one's faith.
Then you have faith in your own interpretation of the bible, If this interpretation is proven wrong you will lose your faith.

Faith is not to believe, but to love. This is why Jesus spoke using parables, because is not the intellect, but the heart that must learn the lesson.
Then you have faith in your own interpretation of the bible, If this interpretation is proven wrong you will lose your faith.

Faith is not to believe, but to love. This is why Jesus spoke using parables, because is not the intellect, but the heart that must learn the lesson.

We are to believe in, to have faith in Jesus, not in our personal view of the bible.
Hebrews11 tells us what faith is.

As faith is a gift from God something he gives us how can we loose it?
We are to believe in, to have faith in Jesus, not in our personal view of the bible.
Everyone has their own personal interpretation of the Bible. A literal interpretation is also a matter of perspective. However, God does not speak solely to the intellect. This is why Jesus often spoke through parables—stories that are not literal and require discernment. There is an inevitable human factor in any reading of the Bible, and God is fully aware of this.
As faith is a gift from God something he gives us how can we loose it?
Like any gift, it is ours to accept or reject. Holding onto false ideas can lead us away from the righteous path.
Everyone has their own personal interpretation of the Bible.
And does one's personal interpretation agree with what the bible says.

There are doctrines which are essential and those which are of secondary importance.
To have a personal view on salvation that does not conform to scripture is dangerous.
And does one's personal interpretation agree with what the bible says.

What I say agrees with the Bible. To assume that evolution denies God is like assuming that gravity denies God because the movement of the planets was created by God; this is the same misconception. The mistake here is to assume that the presence of a natural explanation excludes the presence of God when, in fact, a natural process is the manifestation and the expression of God.

How many times in the Bible does God manifest Himself through apparently natural events? To assume that these events, because they are natural, are not expressing God's will is clearly a mistake.

Therefore, I’m not inventing anything by saying that natural laws do not exclude the presence of God but rather manifest it. Natural laws follow the strictest causality, which aligns with everything God tells us in the Bible. The development of these laws results in the infinite variety of life forms, beauty, and complexity in our universe. It is not by chance that these laws produce all of this.

I don't need any magic to see the miracle, the presence, and the evidence of God.

No contradiction here for me.

To have a personal view on salvation that does not conform to scripture is dangerous.

This is a question that deserves to be analyzed. To understand the Bible literally—is that not a personal view?
Clearly, Jesus does not speak literally when he taught using parables; maybe there is more than just a simple, superficial reading.

Moreover, haven't you read in the Bible how all the prophets confronted the established institutions and ideas of their time? Isn't that a sign that we must use critical thinking when reading the Bible and not conform to traditional interpretations?

Not only that, but what about Luke 12:54-56? Isn't Jesus encouraging us to judge for ourselves what is right or wrong?

I think that the Bible is clearly encouraging us to judge for ourselves if what we are being told is right or wrong. We must make a personal effort to understand the real meaning of these verses. Behind each one of them, there is a great deal of wisdom that we cannot uncover at first glance, but they require years of reading and comparing them with life.

In other words, traditional interpretations are the starting point, not the final destination. We cannot read blindly, making a literal interpretation of everything without judgment; I don't think that leads to anything good.
If this interpretation is proven wrong you will lose your faith.
OK and what if YOURS is proven wrong?
What if the allegory view gets torn into shreds? What then, of those who compromised with the world because they thought they could mingle Genesis with reverse-engineered fake theories about the past that have many holes upon a closer look?
If this interpretation is proven wrong you will lose your faith.

Well, by the world it's already been proven wrong and I can't speak for anyone else, but I haven't lost my faith. By the world the flood has already been proven wrong and the parting of the sea has already been proven wrong. That Jesus was born of a virgin has been proven wrong. Yet none of that has caused me to lose my faith. Mainly because I understand what Jesus told Thomas. "Because you have seen you believe. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." I don't depend upon the wisdom of the world to tell me what the truth of God is.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in there. As far as the world's wisdom goes the things of God are foolishness. God bless.
To assume that evolution denies God
This is very shallow thinking.
You are aware that those involved in establishing evolution had a severe bias against God and Christianity.
That atheists think that Christians who believe in evolution are not thinking logically.
other words, traditional interpretations are the starting point, not the final destination. We cannot read blindly, making a literal interpretation of everything without judgment; I don't think that leads to anything good.
Yes we are to question and test ideas, both old and new, but we are to test them against scripture.
This means being aware of the different for s of literature found in the bible and how the bible views other passages in the bible.
Example genesis 1 talks about a 6 day creation, something confirm by the language in genesis 1 but also confirm in the 10 commandment that state that just as God worked for 6 days so man should work for 6 days.

The willingness to reject long tested ideas is more likely to lead to error than accepting established views.