And does one's personal interpretation agree with what the bible says.
What I say agrees with the Bible. To assume that evolution denies God is like assuming that gravity denies God because the movement of the planets was created by God; this is the same misconception. The mistake here is to assume that the presence of a natural explanation excludes the presence of God when, in fact, a natural process is the manifestation and the expression of God.
How many times in the Bible does God manifest Himself through apparently natural events? To assume that these events, because they are natural, are not expressing God's will is clearly a mistake.
Therefore, I’m not inventing anything by saying that natural laws do not exclude the presence of God but rather manifest it. Natural laws follow the strictest causality, which aligns with everything God tells us in the Bible. The development of these laws results in the infinite variety of life forms, beauty, and complexity in our universe. It is not by chance that these laws produce all of this.
I don't need any magic to see the miracle, the presence, and the evidence of God.
No contradiction here for me.
To have a personal view on salvation that does not conform to scripture is dangerous.
This is a question that deserves to be analyzed. To understand the Bible literally—is that not a personal view?
Clearly, Jesus does not speak literally when he taught using parables; maybe there is more than just a simple, superficial reading.
Moreover, haven't you read in the Bible how all the prophets confronted the established institutions and ideas of their time? Isn't that a sign that we must use critical thinking when reading the Bible and not conform to traditional interpretations?
Not only that, but what about Luke 12:54-56? Isn't Jesus encouraging us to judge for ourselves what is right or wrong?
I think that the Bible is clearly encouraging us to judge for ourselves if what we are being told is right or wrong. We must make a personal effort to understand the real meaning of these verses. Behind each one of them, there is a great deal of wisdom that we cannot uncover at first glance, but they require years of reading and comparing them with life.
In other words, traditional interpretations are the starting point, not the final destination. We cannot read blindly, making a literal interpretation of everything without judgment; I don't think that leads to anything good.