- Jun 5, 2003
- 33,163
- 2,495
[/QUOTE]You dodged around the question.
Nope. I just exposed your dodge. YEC is more than a belief in a young Earth. As you learned, the SDAs invented YEC in the early 20th century.
Blaming Adam for death and suffering of animals is borderline blasphemous. Sorry, the idea that man forced God to harm animals isn't realistic.
Nope. They claim Adam caused God to do that. Adam was a man; he had no power at all to make God torture and kill animals. Or do you now admit that Adam did not have the power to cause God to do all that?What a stupid strawman of the YEC position.
Comes down to evidence. We observe animals coming about naturally. Just like your body did. God uses nature to create many things, as He tells us He did in Genesis.You don't have any evidence it is God Who is directly intervening and making animals Himself, rather than nature is simply making them.
God is not obligated to poof living things into existence, even if He can. He doesn't do it, regardless of what anyone would like.No. God does not use "processes" as He can do anything instantly if He wishes.
Yep. The point is you don't approve of the way He did it.24 Then God said, “Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kind
So now you make up a silly story and want me to defend it? God is omnipotent. It's precisely why He doesn't have to "design." He uses evolution, because it is more efficient than design. Engineers just copy nature because God knew better than YECs.Please tell me how you reconcile God's Omniscience with needing to figure out things by using an evo algo.
He created nature to do what it does.
For a Christian, it is.Is that true? Is that an objective fact?
If they did that would be contrary to God's way of creating things. Even knowledgeable YECs admit that the evidence shows that simple organisms were first brought forth from the Earth.Then why do we never see cows emerging from the ground?