Just accept allegories and parables as they are.
God isn't lying if He uses allegory.
Nor is He stating things that really happened.
Allegories are not assertions of fact, so their truth value is neutral, yes?
Jesus isn't lying if He used parables.
The worLd's focus is attacking Genesis, the foundational history. The majority of man, who is fallible and fallen, will tend to discredit/disbelieve it as legit history, even if that means allegorifying it. If what God first said is just a story and not History then how do we know for sure that everything else God is saying isnt just more story that represents something else?
Muslims could insist that the quran is all allegory, too. That it is ""true"" despite the nature of allegory inherently not being what really happened in the past, but a representation to make a point.
Saying "true allegory" is like saying "dog egg".
God didn't talk about evolution
Historical science
Real time (observational/operational) science.
Again, Yec IS FROM the Bible. Why are you scared of the generations? You never answered me if you used that generation-based calculating method I gave you twice.
You admit that K2KE is, AT BEST, an
extra Biblical idea. So obviously the one from the Bible is stronger than something foreign.
You're trying to force Him to be science and technology.
Urgh, God creating is in NO WAY a science or tech matter.
applying science to God's ORIGINAL Creations is a NONSEQUITUR.
God does the impossible. Was God setting back the sundial shadow science or supernatural? Was God parting the Red Sea science or miracle? Jesus turning water to wine, science or miracle? Ax head floating, science or miracle? Virgin birth, science or miracle? Jesus' resurrection, science or miracle? God creating everything, science or miracle?
Now you see how SILLY it is to
assume that God made inferior animals that have to "get better" for their surroundings. But really they had all the stuff they needed to be the best in situations. Can't improve on perfect.
The best an animal can do in this fallen world today is simply specialize, ditch certain genes/features and focus more resources into specific areas to get optimal results for whatever. But this specialization will NEVER result in K2k evo. News alert, we are now approaching the limit horses can run. If your belief was true they should keep getting faster and faster with no end in sight.
Who is more powerful, hmmmmm? A God who puts so much info into animals, makes them all within a few REAL days, or one who has to figure out new designs from evo algos over long spans of time?
Do you really believe that creation is too big and unpredictable for God? Because that's what
your view
It's not some "yec belief", if you insist that it is then you
artificially make your belief unfalsifiable. Instead of writing it off as "yec superstition" try to argue why you think it doesn't come to that conclusion. Or better yet admit that the Yec are right on that.
Every time so far you have not addressed that God's Omniscience renders evo algos SUPERFLOUS.
The Bible is about God and man and our relationship.
Yes, and in what way does Genesis being real history contradict that? Answer: no.
Without Genesis as actual history, important things are left out and we have no sure foundation. Genesis highlights WHY we need God.
If you don't get that, you're missing His message to you.
You are missing the message that death is an enemy. If God created using death He would not call it an enemy.
The Biblical text reveals that death came through one man. If you are going to make the fall a spiritual death-only fall then why not make the tree of life involve only spiritual life? Inconsistent. How do you know the tree of life wasn't a potential second test? Mabye Adam and eve had the POTENTIAL to pass the knowledge of good & evil test, and test 2 would be the tree of Life. After all, God drove them out of the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:22
That would be as bad as taking away the figurative parts of Genesis. Why not just accept each as it is?
You are trying to merge the worLd's guesses of the past with the Word.
If you claim that Yec is "limiting God" by saying "His designs", then by your logic you are the limiter.
Also, scenario:
Bible studier: "God created instantly in a short span instead of expreimenting and cobbling over vast ages."
Random evo man: "Oh youre limiting God."
Fun fact, God did not use design PROCESSES. He already knows what He wants to do. He does it. No "process" anything.
YE creationism is more than a "folktale."
yup, its true. Trueeeeee.
But accepting Genesis for what it is, rather than forcing a literal revision of it,
Where is the so called "literal revision"? I bet i wont get an answer on this.
By that logic you are also forcing a "literal revision" on my replies to you here.
certainly is better than the modern invention of YE creationism.
You have not shown that the only time Yec was believed by anyone, was times after SDA "made" it. You already admitted that people believed Yec before SDA previously. So did you not believe your admission?
WHO "invented" it, then, if it was indeed "invented"?
Pretty sure people have believed Yec for 1000s of years and that OE and K2ke were made afterward.
Here's some facts and quotes on Augustine:
It is true that Augustine’s beliefs were different in places from those of modern creationists. Like Philo, Augustine believed for a long time that God created everything at once and that the six days of creation should be considered symbolic. His position though was based upon a Latin translation of the Apocrypha verse (Sirach 18:1) that failed to translate the Greek adequately. This reads in the Latin translation as “He that liveth for ever created all things together [or simultaneously]” (or qui vivit in aeternum creavit omnia simul),32 and this appears to have coloured his belief. However, in the earlier Greek the passage reads as panta koinee, which can be rendered as ‘all things in fellowship’, implying that God created the world as an integrated whole.33
For the early Christians it was held that 6,000 years had not passed by that time since the foundation of the world.
However, in later writing Augustine seems to have moved towards acceptance of temporal creation days, although with remaining concern that the creation account mentions the passage of morning and evening on Days 1 to 3 prior to the formation of the sun and moon on Day 4. Augustine speculated in The City of God about whether there was some material light or whether the light during those three days was that of the heavenly City of God shining upon the newly formed Earth. However, he urges us to believe it whether we understand it or not. He writes:
“But simultaneously with time the world was made, if in the world’s creation change and motion were created, as seems evident from the order of the first six or seven days. For in these days the morning and evening are counted, until, on the sixth day, all things which God then made were finished, and on the seventh the rest of God was mysteriously and sublimely signalized. What kind of days these were it is extremely difficult, or perhaps impossible for us to conceive … what kind of light that was, and by what periodic movement it made evening and morning, is beyond the reach of our senses; neither can we understand how it was, and yet must unhesitatingly believe it.”34
Augustine’s difficulty seems to be that of reconciling creation by an eternal God, who dwells outside of time, with the creation of matter in a temporal reality. But as with the origin of this world, Augustine is critical of those who propose long ages for the creation of man, believing instead that mankind was created in time in the recent past.
“As to those who are always asking why man was not created during these countless ages of the infinitely extended past, and came into being so lately that, according to Scripture, less than 6,000 years have elapsed since He began to be. … For, though Himself eternal, and without beginning, yet He caused time to have a beginning; and man, whom He had not previously made He made in time, not from a new and sudden resolution, but by His unchangeable and eternal design.”35